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Упр. 228. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.

1. What you (to learn) for today? — I (to be) sorry, I (not to prepare) my lesson. I (to be) ill yesterday and (not to know) what to do. I (to prepare) my lesson tomorrow. — If you (not to prepare) your lesson tomorrow, you (to get) a bad mark. 2. What you (to do) at five o'clock yesterday? 3. Mike always (to do) his homework in the evening, but today he (to begin) doing it as soon as he comes from school, because his father (to promise) to take him to the theatre. 4. When Mary (to come) home, her brother (to read) the book which she (to bring) him two days before. 5. Autumn (to come). It (to be) November now. It (to get) colder, the days (to get) shorter. It often (to rain). Soon it (to be) very cold. 6. When I (to do) my homework yesterday, I quickly (to run) to the yard, because my friends (to wait) for me there. 7. We (to have) a good time last summer.

Упр. 229. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.

It was eight o'clock in the morning and time for me to go to work. I (to look) out of the window. It (to rain) hard. "You (to get) wet through if you (to go) out now," said my mother. "No, I ... ," I answered, "I (to take) an umbrella." We (to have) five umbrellas in the house, but when I (to want) to take one, I (to find) that there (to be) not one that I could use: they all (to be) torn or broken. So I (to take) them all and (to carry) them to the umbrella-maker, saying that I would call for the umbrellas on my way home in the evening. When I (to go) to have lunch in the afternoon, it still (to rain) very hard. I (to go) to the nearest cafe, and (to sit) down at a table. A few minutes later a young woman (to come) in and (to sit) down at the same table with me. When I (to finish) my lunch and (to be) ready to leave, I absent-mindedly (to take) her umbrella and (to start) for the exit. She (to stop) me saying that I (to take) her umbrella. I (to return) the umbrella with many apologies. In the evening I (to go) to the umbrella-maker, (to take) my five umbrellas and (to get) on the tram to go home. It so happened that the woman I (to meet) at the cafe (to ride) in the same tram. When she (to see) me with my five umbrellas, she (to say): "You (to have) a successful day today, (to have not) you?"

[Спряжение глагола to write (писать)

в Future Continuous Tense

(Future Progressive Tense)

(действие в процессе, будет совершаться

в определенный момент в будущем)

1 shall be writing

I shall not be writing

Не will be writing

He will not be writing

She will be writing

She will not be writing

It will be writing

It will not be writing

We shall be writing

We shall not be writing

You will be writing

You will not be writing

They will be writing

They will not be writing

Shall I


[ shall

No, I shan't

be writing?

Will he

Yes, he will

No, he won't

be writing?

Will she

Yes, she will

No, she won't

be writing?

Will it

Yes, it will

No, it won't

be writing?

Shall we

Yes, we shall

No, we shan't

be writing?


Will you

Yes, you will

No, you won't

be writing?

Will they

Yes, they will

No, they won't

be writing?

Спряжение глагола to write (писать)

в Future Perfect Tense

(действие уже совершится

к определенному моменту в будущем)

I shall have

I shall not have



Не will have

He will not have



She will have

She will not have



It will have

It will not have



We shall have

We shall not have



You will have

You will not have



They will have

They will not have



Shall I

Yes, I shall

No, I shan't

have written?

Will he

Yes, he will

No, he won't

have written?

Will she

Yes, she will

No, she won't

have written?

Will it

Yes, it will

No, it won't

have written?

Shall we

Yes, we shall

No, we shan't

have written?

Will you

Yes, you will

No, you won't

have written?

Will they

Yes, they will

No, they won't

have written?

Сравните употребление трех будущих времен:

(Future Simple, Future Continuous,

Future Perfect)

Упр.230. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из будущих времен: Future Simple, Future Continuous или Future Perfect.

1. I (to do) my homework tomorrow. 2. I (to do) my homework at six o'clock tomorrow. 3. I (to do) my homework by six o'clock tomorrow. 4. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to have) supper. 5. When you come to my place tomorrow, I (to read) your book. I (to do) my homework by the time you come. 6. Don't come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) a composition the whole evening. 7.1 (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I (to watch) TV the whole evening. 8. What you (to do) tomorrow? 9. What you (to do) at eight o'clock tomorrow? 10. You (to play) volley-ball tomorrow? 11. You (to do) this work by next Sunday? 12. When you (to go) to see your friend next time? 13. How many pages you (to read) by five o'clock tomorrow? 14. Tomorrow I (to begin) doing my homework as soon as I come from school. I (to do) my homework from three till six. My father (to come) home at seven o'clock tomorrow. I (to do) all my homework by the time he comes, and we (to go) for a walk together.

Спряжение глагола to write (писать) в Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Present Perfect Progressive Tense)

(действие началось в прошлом, длилось вплоть : до настоящего и продолжается в настоящем)
I have been I have not been writing


He has been He has not been writing


She has been She has not been writing writing

It has been It has not been writing writing

We have been We have not been writing writing

You have been You have not been writing writing

They have been They have not been writing writing

Have I been Yes, I have No, I haven't


Has he been Yes, he has No, he hasn't


Has she been Yes, she has No, she hasn't


Has it been Yes, it has No, it hasn't


Have we been Yes, we have No, we haven't


Have you been Yes, you have No, you haven't


Have they been Yes, they have No, they haven't


Сравните следующие предложения:

Я живу в Санкт-Петербурге. I live in St. Petersburg.

Я живу в Санкт-Петербурге с детства. I have been living in St. Petersburg since childhood.

Она делает уроки. She is doing her homework.

Она делает уроки с утра. She has been doing her homework since morning.

Упр. 231. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Present Continuous или Present Perfect Continuous.

1. а) Она читает.

b) Она читает с утра.

2. а) Они играют в волейбол.

Ь) Они играют в волейбол с трех часов.

3. а) Мы изучаем английский язык.

Ь) Мы изучаем английский язык с 1998 года.

4. а) Мой папа работает в институте.

Ь) Мой папа работает в институте с 1995 года.

5. а) Моя бабушка готовит обед.

Ь) Моя бабушка готовит обед с двух часов.

6. а) Моя сестра спит.

Ь) Моя сестра спит с пяти часов.

7. а) Мама убирает квартиру.

Ь) Мама убирает квартиру с утра.

8. а) Дедушка смотрит телевизор.

Ь) Дедушка смотрит телевизор с шести часов.

9. а) Мой дядя пишет стихи.

Ь) Мой дядя пишет стихи с детства.

Сравните следующие предложения:

1 am still working

at my report.

Все еще работаю.

Present Continuous

1 have already been working at

my report for three hours.

Уже 3 часа работаю.

Present Perfect Continuous

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