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Антропоцентрическая парадигма современного гуманитарного знания. Антропоцентрическая парадигма современного гуманитарного знания.. Д. И. Иванов, Д. Л. Лакербай антропоцентрическая парадигма современного гуманитарного знания метадисциплинарный дом теорий рассматривается оригинальная конфигурация метадисциплинарного

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НазваниеД. И. Иванов, Д. Л. Лакербай антропоцентрическая парадигма современного гуманитарного знания метадисциплинарный дом теорий рассматривается оригинальная конфигурация метадисциплинарного
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Keywords: research strategies, synthetic language personality, cognitive-pragmatic program, cognitive-pragmatic sets, subject-language space.
This article considers the original configuration of “metadisciplinary” knowledge that appeared based on original authors’ theories. The focus is on their individual prospects as well as on the “integral” potential due to the rootedness in the basic principles of modern liberal arts: anthropology, cognition, discursiveness. By the example of authors’ theories, the flexibility and variability of the “synthetic” methodology are demonstrated.
The variant of metadisciplinarity proposed in the article proceeds from the cross- borderness within the metadisciplinary object – language in its global cultural dimension.
Two research strategies as the components of this variant (the “house of theories”) are described here.
The cognitive-pragmatic strategy A includes two original concepts and develops in the following coordinates: anthropocentric paradigm (AP) – synthetic text (ST) – synthetic language personality (SLP) – cognitive-pragmatic program (CPP). The basic concept is the
SLP theory originated as a methodological support for the study of the synthetic text of the
Russian rock culture, but it turned out to be much broader than the original object of analysis and applicable to the analysis of synthetic texts of all types, as well as in cases of non- standard discourse. The logically necessary basis for further research is the theory of cognitive-pragmatic programs that allows carrying out systemic structural, cognitive, conceptual and semantic analysis of linguistic and communicative consciousness, to deeply reveal the processes of cognitive interaction between the subject-source and the subject- interpreter.
The meaning of the style strategy B is the literary projection of all new knowledge about the linguistic cognitive subject. The strategy combines this structural-component knowledge with the hermeneutics of the “organic” style tradition. The idea of language is common for both strategies, while the style appears as a unique realization by the creative subject-source of its CPP in a special subject-linguistic space, the space of co-creation of a language and a person. The place of the habitual “image of the author” is taken by the resultant linguistic
(stylistic) subject – the language personality through the eyes of a literary critic.
The “crossroads” of strategies A and B is a discursive theory of interpretation. The presence in the SLP theory of an associative-interpretational level means that the synthetic

Д.И. Иванов, Д.Л. Лакербай
text really lives in contact with its audience, that the subject-source of the synthetic text within its CPP seeks to set the type of interpretation somehow, but the subject-interpreter turns this process into a probabilistic one. Interpretation here through the SLP CPP is embedded in the structure of the text, which is extended beyond the verbal limits. If the interpreter-researcher has an aversion or misunderstanding of the CPP implemented in the text, then, perhaps, this is a “program error” of interpretation, a discursive substitution, one of the reasons for which may be the hidden synthetic text.
Thus, the anthropocentric paradigm, the cognitive-discursive approach and the “poetics of the subject” unite innovative concepts of the synthetic language personality, cognitive- pragmatic programs, individual style as a product of a joint “transcendence” of a language and a person, as well as a cognitive-discursive theory of interpretation.
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