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2 Collection of problems in preparation for the international research


    1. Instructions for the implementation of tasks

The priorities of evaluation of functional literacy PISA project students are three areas - reading competence, mathematical and scientific literacy. In the PISA study evaluated the ability of students, such as thinking, reasoning, problem solving and posing, modeling, the use of different methods of presentation of the results. Thus, training participants of the international competency exam determined by three educational and informative activities - playing, application and reasoning.

Each group of tasks PISA examines the personal, social or global context and expects different levels of diagnostic sciences and mathematical literacy of students.

When performing tasks as a guideline the following instrutsiey.

  1. Read the case studies and extract key information.

  2. Pay attention to the drawings, diagrams, graphs and tables to the tasks of facilitating the understanding of the physical process

  3. Think about what suggestions to simplify facilitate solution of the problem. For example, when calculating the dynamics of power in them is usually considered permanent.

  4. Try to make a schematic drawing or a picture, it is always easier reasoning. Remember that good charting - half the success in solving the problem.

  5. In most cases, it is advisable to solve the problem in a general way, all values denoting the corresponding letters and making with them the necessary calculations.

  6. After receiving the decision in general, try to verify its reasonableness, by analyzing dimensions and comparing it with the already solved a similar problem.

In the international PISA study all questions and learning activities for scientific literacy are divided into three general groups: "How do you know?" - This is the job to use methods of cognition. "Try to explain" - the task to explain phenomena and facts. "Draw conclusions" - the task to identify the skills to draw conclusions from the data.

Consider the performance of tasks for scientific literacy. Task 1. It has long been observed that the peeled apples, potatoes, mushrooms and some other fruits and vegetables to darken the air.


Answer. The composition of fruits, vegetables and fungi include various organic substances cyclic structure, which in the presence of biological catalysts, enzymes are oxidized in air to form a colored compound in dark colors.


Answer. Oxidation processes are slowed down in the presence of organic acids, such as citric acid. Therefore, to keep fresh cut apple, you need to cut moisten with lemon juice or citric acid. The peeled potatoes, you can add finely chopped onions.

Task 2. In Kazakhstan, there are areas suitable for the development of alternative energy industries? What are these areas and give possible justification.

Question 1. What applies to alternative energy industry?Question2:What are these areas?

Question3.Why is it important to develop these industries?

Question4:What are the requirements for service to the development and maintenance of these industries?

Answer. Wind power, energy use the earth's interior, the use of solar energy; Kazakhstan is the center, east, south, west, wind energy, south, center and west are preferred for solar energy; they prevent contamination of land, air basin, water, waste-free, they are convenient to operate, require less labor force at a higher quality requirements, special education, in the field of ecology knowledge, general knowledge; allow the use of inexhaustible types of natural resources, which is rich in Kazakhstan due to its geographical location and the size of the territory.

Task 3. Consider the picture of artist V. Vasnetsov "Magic Carpet" (Figure 1) and approximately determine the direction in which the light is directed fabulous flying machine.

  1. To the north.

  2. In the north - east.

  3. In the south - east.

  4. South.

Figure 1

Answer. Around the north-east. Identify it helps moon. Pay attention to the aging "Moon on the left side of the picture. This can be seen with just the morning hours just before sunrise. Now she is about to the east, at the right hand of the hero (the picture shows the summer and the summer moon in this phase goes back a bit to the north east point). Consequently, a magic carpet flying in the north-east.

In international studies PISA mathematics tasks are distributed over six levels:

  1. job, where all relevant information is given, and the question is clearly worded. Students can identify information and to carry out conventional methods, according to certain situations;

  2. tasks for which students can apply basic algorithms, formulas, methods and techniques;

  3. tasks that require sequential execution;

  4. jobs that are specific models for specific situations;

  5. tasks for which you need to define, compare, evaluate, create a specific strategy to address the problems;

  6. specify that address previously existing situation; develop new methods.

In the quest for mathematical literacy are considered assignments to one story, but the student is offered a few questions of different levels of complexity, from simple to calculate, to the questions of the 5th and 6th levels of difficulty, under which it is necessary to use the knowledge of several branches of mathematics, or subjects of natural science cycle and requires creativity and logical reasoning. When the international studies PISA tasks are considered and structured questions, i.e. questions the content is selected in such a way that in the course of their consistent implementation next question has to do with the answers to the previous questions, as well as important is the ability of students to analyze the information provided in the form of tables, charts, graphs.


Task 4. Capacity.

The container has a parallelepiped shape. It is necessary to fill exactly half the water volume of the tank, with no other vessels and making measurements.

Question1.Show in the picture and explain.

Solution: 1. If one end of the vessel to lift so that the water surface coincides with the diagonal section of the box, then just be half the capacity (Figure 2.).

Question 2. Find the volume of the water if the container 4 m, width 0.5 m greater than the height, and the height is 37.5% of the length.

Answer:6 m3.

Methodical maintenance of process of gradual development of reader literacy is associated with the formation of the necessary skills in the reader's functional aspect, as well as creative abilities to perceive and learn about the world and man. Reader literacy involves the ability to extract text from interesting and useful information, understand and interpret the text, evaluate and form a judgment about the text, use the experience of books read in a variety of situations. The strategic objective of the formation of reader's literacy is to create support systems and the development of children's and youth reading in the educational space of the school. Given the special role of the book in the development of the human personality, teachers efforts should be aimed at laying the foundations of reading activity in the school age, adolescents give guidance for its revitalization and improvement.

Considertheperformanceoftasksforthedevelopmentofreader literacy.

Text. Announcement of the blood donation Donation saves lives.

There is a substance capable of completely replacing human blood, so blood donation plays a significant role in saving people.

In France, blood transfusions annually reduces suffering of 500 thousand patients.

Sterile disposable instruments (syringe, tube and container) used for blood sampling. Donating blood, you will be subjected to the slightest risk.

This is the most known form of grants and only takes 45 minutes to an hour. Donors take 450 ml of blood, and a few drops of tests and examinations.

Men can donate blood five times a year, a woman - 3 times. Donors may be people aged 18 to 65 years.

Mandatory break before each subsequent blood donation is 8 weeks.

Question. Eighteen-year girl, twice surrendered the blood over the last 12 months and wishes to donate blood again. Based on the announcement of donating blood, under what conditions it will allow to donate blood again?

Answer.She can donate blood if passed 8 weeks after the last blood donation.
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