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  • C. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases

  • Translate the noun chains you found into Russian. Make use of both variants of translating nouns used as attributes

  • Also, mind that attributes may sometimes be connected by “and”

  • E. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information in the text on the subject.

  • Say which paragraphs contain information on

  • Look through paragraphs 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, write out 6 phrasal verbs and give their Russian equivalents. Define the type each of the phrasal verbs belongs to

  • Find in the text 9 noun chains. Find in paragraphs 1, 3, 7, 8 words and word combinations with the meaning «чтобы», «чтобы не», «так, чтобы / таким образом, чтобы».

  • E. Say which paragraphs contain the information on

  • Say which of the following sentences presents most accurately the main idea of the text.

  • TEXT 3 TAXES Read and translate the text. 1

  • B. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases

  • D. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information in the text on the subject.

  • E. Say which paragraph contains the information on

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    B. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

    the bank credit rate, certain interest, cost of your purchases, to pay your expenses, a bill, an account, average family, turnover, payment by installments, credit card bearing your name, convenience, to purchase on credit, to spend, to expend, to exceed the bank rate, to exhaust credit, to be indicated, to be recorded in application form, to put on the account, to carry cash, to use up credit, to penetrate into (to find its way into), to admire, as soon as, in advance, depending on your solvency, under capitalism, within a month, no longer, due to, there is hardly, which is a clever thing to do, such system will not last a day.
    C. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

    предоставлять кому-либо кредит, попросить кредит, покупать в кредит, кредитная ставка, оговоренный процент (т.е. о размере которого заранее договорились), заявление о предоставлении кредита, выдавать кому-либо кредитные карты, принимать кредитные карты (в качестве оплаты услуг), оказанные услуги, владельцы кредитных карт, оплачивать расходы, отчёт о расходах, номер счёта, открывать счёт, выплачивать всю сумму сразу, обучение в колледже, потребительские товары, заводские и офисные здания, как и всё в этой стране, больше не купит, это просто средство, вряд ли существует такая сфера, благодаря такой системе.
    D. Find in the text 14 noun chains, that is combinations of 2, 3 or more nouns not connected by prepositions. Mind that the end of a noun chain is indicated by a determiner of another part of speech, for example:

    The gas pipe system has several control points.

    The gas pipe system in the second zone functions in a proper way.

    Translate the noun chains you found into Russian. Make use of both variants of translating nouns used as attributes:

    a) by an adjective (without changing the word order in the chain)

    e.g. factory equipment – заводское оборудование

    b) by a noun in possessive case but beginning the translation of the chain with the last noun in it

    e.g. growth rates – темпы роста

    high-quality steel production – производство стали высокого качества

    Also, mind that attributes may sometimes be connected by “and”

    e.g. labour and material resourses – трудовые и материальные ресурсы

    light and food industry products – продукция лёгкой и пищевой промышленности
    E. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information in the text on the subject.

    1. A credit company allows you credit, its limit depending on the information you give them.

    2. The cost of your purchases and of services rendered is indicated in the report on your expenses that you receive at the end of each month.

    3. When a credit company allows you credit it informs you on the rate of interest you will have to pay for this.

    4. You can pay for your purchases with your credit card only within a month of making them.

    1. Say which paragraphs contain information on:

      1. Different ways of paying your expenses.

      2. The importance of the credit card system to the economy of the country.

      3. Advantages of paying with credit cards.


    1. Read and translate the text.

    1 The idea of money as a universal equivalent is familiar to us since childhood. Capitalism has learnt to use money in such a way that it would answer its purpose. Money is looked upon as a hireling of sorts12 which has to work for its master non-stop. Therefore no one salts money away at home in America. Americans keep their money in the bank so that it should breed more money: as interest, at least, although this is not the most fortunate way to make a profit.

    2 Money is one of the Federal government's sources of profit: it prints money and lends it out. This is done by the Federal Reserve Bank. All the leading banks borrow money from the Bank at the so-called prime rate13. The latter is a vital component of the American finance system. It is not only a means of replenishing the state treasury, but also a regulator of America's financial well-being.

    3 The regulation mechanism is simple enough. Supposing the prime rate is five percent. Having borrowed money from the Federal Reserve Bank at a five-percent interest rate, a local bank puts it into circulation (lends it out to its clients) at a seven-percent interest rate in order to make a profit. If the prime rate is ten percent, the bank lends out the money at a twelve-percent rate. This means that when the prime rate is small, you can borrow money from the bank on the easiest terms. In other words, money costs less in this case, and can be safely invested in long-term operations - involving real estate, for example. When the prime rate is high, however, money should be invested chiefly in quick-paying businesses such as stores selling goods in high demand.

    4 By announcing another change in the prime rate level, the Federal Reserve Bank stimulates businessmen to reassess the profitability of certain deals and thus, in the final analysis, influences the level of business activity in various spheres of the economy. It would have been impossible to pursue such a policy without a ramified network of local banks.

    5 No population centre in America, even the smallest one, is conceivable without a bank building. A small town may have several banks, and in a city there are tens of them. Like any business, a bank is after14 a profit, above all. Money is the commodity it sells. To put it simply, a bank seeks "to buy" money cheaply (not necessarily from the Federal Reserve Bank), at an annual six percent interest, for example, and to sell it dearly (as credit to a building company) at an annual interest rate of eleven percent. This is what the banks are busy doing. There are many variations with this pattern15, of course.

    6 Naturally, the banks put their money where it brings them the highest profit. This is why they always keep up to date16 with the market situation. By shifting money of various "costs" from sphere to sphere, from one geographical region to another, the banks actively stimulate progress in industry, construction and agriculture. Besides this, the banks promote the growth - or cause the demise17 - of individual population centres or even whole regions.

    7 Banks are interested in keeping most of their money in circulation so that it should bring them profit. They seek to reduce lending rates in order to attract buyers. The cuts in interest rates are more than made up for by an increase in the amount of money in circulation.

    8 In their pursuit of high profit, the banks sometimes get involved in risky operations fraught with bankruptcy. Therefore, the Federal government takes measures to minimize the danger of banks going broke18. Every bank is obliged to take out insurance against robbery or bankruptcy lest the clients should lose their money in any case.

    9 The banks cater to big and small companies and individuals.
    B. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

    familiar to us, source of profit, a means of replenishing, state treasury, well-being, annual interest, prime rate, cuts in lending rate, goods in high demand, ramified network, real estate, not the most fortunate way of… , the latter, chiefly, cheaply, dearly, danger, to promote growth, to cause a demise, to influence, to reassess profitability, to keep money in the bank, to keep money in circulation, to attract buyers, to lose money, to make up for losses, to cater to individuals, individual population centers, to pursue such a policy, in their pursuit of high profit, to shift money of different costs.
    C. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

    получать прибыль, ссужать деньгами, ссудный процент, брать деньги в банке под 12% годовых, пускать деньги в оборот (обращение), на самых выгодных условиях, быстро приносящее доход дело /предприятие, очень важная часть чего-либо, сокращение, увеличение количества денег в обращении, обязан принять меры, деньги рассматриваются как…, это значит, что…, другими словами, довольно просто, проще говоря, предположим, поэтому, вот чем занимаются банки, вот почему они стремятся сократить процентную ставку, в конечном счёте, в любом случае, так называемый ссудный процент, не обязательно, естественно, прежде всего, по крайней мере.

    1. Look through paragraphs 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, write out 6 phrasal verbs and give their Russian equivalents. Define the type each of the phrasal verbs belongs to:

    I – do not require object after them

    II – the particle is used after the verb only

    III – the particle may be used either after the verb or after the object

    IV – the particle is followed by a certain preposition

    1. Find in the text 9 noun chains.

    2. Find in paragraphs 1, 3, 7, 8 words and word combinations with the meaning «чтобы», «чтобы не», «так, чтобы / таким образом, чтобы».

    D. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information in the text on the subject.

    1. The “cost” of money depends on the prime rate.

    2. When money is “cheap” it can be safely invested in real estate operations.

    3. By increasing the prime rate level the Federal Reserve Bank stimulates investments in construction.

    4. The Federal government insures every bank against robbery or bankruptcy.

    E. Say which paragraphs contain the information on:

    1. A means of making profit for:

      1. the Federal government

      2. a bank

      3. individuals

    2. How money is looked upon by the banks.

    3. How banks influence different spheres of economy.

    4. How the Federal government promotes the development of different branches of economy.

    1. Say which of the following sentences presents most accurately the main idea of the text.

    1. Lending money out – that’s what all banks (including the Federal Reserve Bank) are busy doing.

    2. Banks’ activity is very important both to the population and economy.

    3. Different ways in which banks make their main profit.


    1. Read and translate the text.

    1 There are three levels of government in the United States: federal, state and city, therefore there are three types of taxes: federal, state and local taxes. There are several kinds of taxes. The main ones are income taxes. People must pay a certain percentage of their salaries to the federal government. Companies pay company/ corporation income tax on their profits.

    2 The income tax in America is progressive: the more you earn, the more you pay. All taxpayers benefit from a system of tax allowances under which part of their income is tax-free. Privileges lowering the amount of tax are: moving expenses, having a big family, medical costs, the number of dependents, the expense of caring for small children, other such expenditures.

    3 All citizens have to fill out a tax form once a year and send it to the Internal Revenue Service Bureau. Every employer is obliged to regularly take some money for taxes out of a worker’s paycheck. If at the end of the year the sum taken out is more than that arrived at on the tax form, the government returns the difference to the worker. However, if the sum is less than on the tax form, the worker must pay the difference.

    4 There is also state tax added on to the price of the majority of purchases made in this state, including food (sales tax).

    5 Then there is the social security tax and a tax on property and realty, which are paid for the city. Besides all these, there are even other small local requisitions: licenses for cars, licenses for businesses, the inheritance tax, and excise duties on such items as petrol, tobacco, and alcoholic drinks. The cities use this money for education, police, fire departments, public works (street repairs, water, and sanitation) and municipal buildings.

    6 The main expenditure tax is the VAT (value added tax). Businesses pay it on most goods and services they buy.

    7 The collection of income taxes is constantly adjusted in order to stimulate investments in those areas of the economy where it is needed at the moment most of all. So if things are going bad in housing construction, certain tax deductions are introduced for persons (establishments) building their own houses. If little money is invested in production capacities, some law is introduced stimulating it. In addition, the federal government has other ways of using the income tax laws as a means to regulate the state of the economy.
    B. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

    income tax, social security tax, value added tax (VAT), majority of purchases, property, realty, revenue, expenses, expenditures, medical costs, excise duties, tax allowances, tax deductions, to be tax free, to lower the amount of tax, to charge VAT on such items as …, to constantly adjust, inheritance, dependents.
    C. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

    налогоплательщики, расходы на переезд, уход за ребёнком, заполнять налоговую ведомость /декларацию, обязан раз в году, возвращать разницу, из его зарплаты, сбор налогов, средство регулирования, состояние экономики, вводить закон о налогах, строительство жилых домов, если дела идут плохо.
    D. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information in the text on the subject.

    1. Sales tax is paid for the Federal government.

    2. Companies pay VAT on most goods and services they sell.

    3. Social security tax is one of the local taxes.

    4. Expenses on moving to another town in connection with the change of a job give a person the right for tax allowances.

    E. Say which paragraph contains the information on:

    1. The system of income tax collection.

    2. Taxes as a means of regulating investments.

    3. Income tax deductions.


    1. Read and translate the text.

    1 Entrepreneur is a man who is ready to risk his material well-being for the sake of some promising business. Such a person does not wait until he is fired, but begins his own business as soon as he feels he is ready. It goes without saying19 that the earlier a person gets into business, the more time he has to correct the inevitable mistakes.

    2 Not all entrepreneurs want to set up big companies. Most dream of their own small, but solid business. Therefore besides large and small companies in America there are also mini-firms – one-person firms. It is not difficult to set up such a firm and it is not hard to survive for a while20. Some of such businesses will remain that way. Some of them will quickly fail. But many, having made it through the first crucial two or three years, will begin to flourish and some even to grow.

    3 Entrepreneurship is a motto in America, the spirit of entrepreneurship is the morality of American society, and entrepreneurs are the main moving force of the American economy.

    4 Many future entrepreneurs deliberately start a career working for somebody else. By learning the ins and outs21 of another man’s business and noting his pluses and minuses, they accumulate know-how, put aside enough money and establish business connections. After that they are ready to start their own businesses.

    5 A car mechanic, while working for his boss, began to earn additionally in his free time in the evenings. Eventually he had his own clientele. He saved up some money, borrowed the rest and built a small three-car repair shop. Now he works for himself and has turned into an entrepreneur.

    6 Another man, a competent engineer, set up a small factory producing electricity measuring devices some 40-45 years ago. There were times when he could have expanded production (and correspondingly increased profits), but he never wanted to. He earned enough as it was22. He is proud of the fact that aircraft plants buy his devices and NASA uses them on its shuttle spaceships and satellites. He began his business by himself in his garage. Now 49 people work at his factory. The atmosphere is almost like one big family. He is already 75, but he actively runs the business nevertheless, always introducing new technologies. He regularly gives to charity organizations. He is a typical American businessman and entrepreneur.

    7 Even people with intellectual professions are not afraid to try other things and get into business. A professional doing some business is a normal phenomenon in America. It is respected and encouraged by society. And for anyone who has some trade – housepainter, electrician, a joiner – it is even easier to start his own business.

    8 Of course, to work for someone else is less trouble: someone creates a job for you, gets orders, collects money from the clients and takes on the responsibility for making both ends meet23. At night, he figures if he has enough money to write out your paycheck, pay the rent for the building, buy equipment and supplies and on and on. And you calmly put in your hours from 9 to 5, and rest on weekends and holidays (something the owner can’t always permit himself). On the other hand, entrepreneurship gives an incomparable sense of personal freedom. Anyone who has experienced it would not be likely to turn down an opportunity to become an entrepreneur.

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