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Present Simple


V1, V-s/-es (for 3d person Singular)

He reads newspapers every day.

They always walk a dog in the morning.

Question form


Does he read newspapers every day?

Do they walk a dog in the morning?

Negative form

do + not (don’t)/does + not (doesn’t)

He doesn’t read newspapers every day.

They don’t walk a dog in the morning.


routine, habits, universal truth, facts

Signal words

always, often, rarely, never, usually, every day, sometimes

Present Progressive


be (am, are, is) + Ving

My nephew is sleeping now.

Twin-brothers are playing football in the yard.

Question form

be (am, are, is) + subject +Ving

Is my nephew sleeping now?

Are twin-brothers playing football in the yard?

Negative form

be (am, are, is) + not + Ving

My nephew isn’t sleeping now.

Twin-brothers aren’t playing football in the yard


action going on at the moment of speaking, temporary event or situation, future arrangements describing a state which is changing

Signal words

now, at the moment, currently, at this period, Look! Listen!

Present Perfect


have/has + V3

I have just called my sister-in-law.

She has dyed her hair red.

Question form

have/has + subject+V3

Have I just called my sister-in-law?

Has she dyed her hair red?

Negative form

have/has + not + V3

I haven’t just called my sister-in-law.

She hasn’t dyed her hair red.


action started in the past and continues into the present, recent events with visible result, past events without specific time

Signal words

just, yet, still, already, never, ever, so far, up to now, recently, since, for

  1. Find the examples of Present tenses in the text “Modern families”.

B. Open the brackets paying attention to the usage of Present Simple (negative/question/affirmative forms).

  1. My niece never (to eat) snacks.

  2. They (to be) ex-spouses.

  3. His uncle always (to invite) us to drink tea in his garden.

  4. My aunt (to have) two children but I (to be) an only child in the family (not to have) anyone to play with.

  5. My colleagues (to enjoy) playing tricks on me.

  6. Her ex-husband (to have) another family?

  7. He (not to play) with us, he (to prefer) dealing with his flowers.

  8. Secretaries of Indigo, plc always (to call) the partners of the company at 10 a.m.?

  9. It is said that widows always (to wear) black clothes.

  10. Belgian chocolates (to taste) marvelous?

C. Choose the best alternative between Present simple and Present Perfect.

    1. Marcel and André are/have been friends of mine for more than 10 years.

    2. They are about to divorce I never understand/have never understood why they don't take measures.

    3. As I have mentioned/mention before, we can't go on like this.

    4. My granny keeps saying to my little brother that the sun has risen/rises in the east.

    5. My parents are/have been there five times.

    6. Research shows/has shown that most internet surfers are women.

    7. Do you visit/have you visited your stepmother often?

    8. Have you heard/do you hear they want to divorce and start a new life separately?

    9. His middle name has sounded/sounds funny.

    10. Their cousins own restaurant business but they have had/have some losses recently.

D. Decide whether the verbs in these sentences are right or wrong, mind the usage of Present Progressive and Present Simple tenses.

  1. Look your cousin is climbing up the tree over there.

  2. Can you here those people? What do they talk about?

  3. Are you believing that your best friend spreads gossips about you?

  4. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car.

  5. My brother attends a kindergarten.

  6. I’m thinking it would be a good idea to visit grandfather in June.

  7. The government is worried because the number of single-parent families is increasing.

  8. I’m usually going to my girlfriend by car.

  9. Mothers are always caring about their children. No matter that they are 25 or 40 years old.

  10. I know my step father’s telephone number, so, I can easily phone him but I don’t want to.

E. Supply the suitable form of present tenses.

  1. Hurry! The bus (to come). We can’t be late, granny (to phone) already.

  2. Grandfather usually (to grow) vegetables in his garden but this year he (not to grow) anything because of his disease.

  3. A: Can you drive? B: No, but I (to learn). My father-in-law (to teach) me.

  4. George (my cousin) says his girlfriend is 26 years old but I (not to believe) him. She actually (to look) younger.

  5. My parents (to live) in London. They (never to live) anywhere else. Where your parents (to live)?

  6. My close friend is a teacher. He (to work) in different places, but he (not to work) at the moment.

  7. She (to stay) with her sister at the moment until she finds somewhere to live.

  8. I think I (to learn) all fairy tales my granny (to read) to me.

  9. Daddy, (ever to snow) in India?

  10. Why you (to want) to punish me? I (not to break) that china vase.


(Across Cultures, 1c, Track 2)

A. Listen to James describing his family situation and answer the questions.

  1. Who are: Rachel? Louise? Richard?

  2. What is James's opinion of Richard?

  3. Who is the oldest child in the house?

  4. Why doesn't James like Louise's behaviour?

  5. What does their mum say when James and Rachel complain about Louise?

  6. What happens when they have an argument with Louise?

  1. Look at the verbs expressing attitude. Describe relationship between James, Louise and Richard.

core verb



to like

to love

to dislike

to respect

to fancy

can’t stand

to attract

to look up to

to look down on

to be attracted to

to turn smb on

to hate

to turn off

C. Describe the relationship between you and your parents, within your group, with your neighbour(s).

D. Discuss what you think James should do about his family situation (use new expressions).

      1. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable words using the information from the sites:



Diana, the Princess of Wales, was a(n) …, …. woman. She had … skin and …, … eyes. Her hair was neatly cut and … in length.

Princess Diana was always … and liked … clothes which were usually made by famous designers. However, when she was on holiday with her children she enjoyed wearing … clothes.

During her appearances with Princes Charles she was very … and didn’t speak much. Later on, however, she became more …. Unlike most members of the Royal Family, she was involved with ordinary people. She was a very … person who supported various charities.

B.Imagine, that your cousin/uncle/aunt/mother etc. must go to London on a business trip. Describe his/her appearance to the person who has to meet him/her.


  1. Study the typical questions for Application Form.



First name


Initials JS



Sex: female male (please tick)

Marital status

single married divorced widow/widower (please tick)

Date of birth

7 May 1992

Country of Birth

United Kingdom

Place of Birth: Bristol

Next of Kin

Susan Smith


23 Southfield Road, Purbey, Westshire


PU23 4HJ


0560 152439

E-male address


  1. You are going to visit your grandmother living abroad. You will need to fill in the application form similar to the one above. Write your answers.


Unit 1 Module 1






manual jobs










university lecturer

broker (stock market)

civil servant



police officer





father/mother/ brother/sister-in-law

nephew(s)/ niece(s)



only child

a first/family/middle/full name


single-parent family

an old/close/best friend


ex wife/husband /girlfriend

second wife/husband

stepmother/-father/ -sister/-brother




common name
to grow up

to bring up

to tell smb off

to take after smb

to look after smb or smth

to get on with smb

to look up to smb

to carry on (doing smth)

to get divorced

to turn smb on/off
to inherit

to get married

to share

to call

divorce (n, v)

to be smb’s junior/ senior/I'm senior to her

to fancy

to like/dislike

to hate

to adore

to idolize

can't stand

to respect

to look up to

to admire

to look down on

to despise

to attract/ to be attracted to

to increase


because of

to come from

(three) times a year

to live next door

in the same street

(15) miles away

to move

every other weekend

to go to see

suburbs (in the suburbs)


Module 2 Daily Routine

  1. Discuss.

  1. Do you work or study long hours/at weekends/ at nights?

  2. What is your favorite time of the day/week? Why?

  3. What is your least favorite time of the day/week? Why?

  4. What is a typical day like for you?

  5. What do you do in your free time?

  1. Here are some verb phrases connected with daily routine.

chat on the phone go to the cinema get up early go to bed late

stay in bed late have breakfast/lunch/dinner watch TV drive a car

check your e-mails do sport go for a walk go clubbing play bowling

do nothing catch a bus/train/taxi study hard eat out stay in

C. Look at the verb phrases in the box above. In your copybooks:

  1. write the things you do every day

  2. write the things you only do at weekends

  3. write the things you sometimes do

  4. write the things you never do

D. Write more verb phrases of things you do

  • every day

  • only at weekends

E. Compare your list from D with a partner. Do you do the same things?





in + year/month/season

in 1988

in September

in winter

in the 21st century

on + day/date
on Wednesday

on 15 April

on that day

at + clock time/meal time

at three o’clock

at lunch (time)

at that time

at the same time

at the moment

in + a week or more

in the Easter holiday

in the autumn term

on + a single day

on Easter Monday

on Christmas day

at + two or three days

at Easter/Christmas

at the weekend

in + a part of the day

in the morning

in the evening

on+ a day + a part of the day

on Friday morning

at night

NB We do not use in, on, at before every, last, next, this, tomorrow, yesterday.

We go to Greece every summer.

I will see you next Friday.

The party is tomorrow evening.

in time = early enough

We will have to hurry if we want to be in time for the show.

We got to the airport in time to have a coffee before checking in.

on time = at the right time, on schedule

The plane took off on time.
Rachel is never on time. She is always late.

in is used for a future time measured from the present

The photos will be ready in an hour.

in is used for the time it takes to complete something

I did the crossword in five minutes.

A. Insert at, on or in where necessary.

1) … 6 June

6) … September

11)... ten minutes

2) … 8 o’clock

7) … Saturday night

12) ... night

3) … Saturday

8) … the weekend

13)… breakfast time

4) … this evening

9) … the morning

14) … every weekend

  1. … 2009

10)... last night

15) … next week
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