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  • Put the verb into the most suitable form with future meaning, Present progressive or Present simple.

  • Put the words into the correct order paying attention to the usage of tenses denoting future actions.

  • Open the brackets paying attention to the usage of tenses denoting future actions (negative/question/affirmative forms).



  • C. Write a CV to attract employers and make them want to employ you as an Economist of Sales Department to a Coca-Cola company. Remember that the perfect CV should be

  • UNIT 2 NATIVE LAND Module 1 Russia PREVIEW

  • What do you know about Russia Match the above pictures 1-6 with descriptions a) – f). What information can you give about the pictures


  • Dates

  • There are many national holidays in Russia. Match the dates with the holidays. HISTORY OF RUSSIA

  • Can you say what these dates mean in the history of Russia Use the dates to complete the sentences below.


  • Really It’s news to me.


  • Bigger numbers

  • УЧЕБНИК 1 КУРСА. Learningenglis ru learningenglis ru

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    1. Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using either to be going to or will form of the future tense.

    1. Sally: There is no paper left!

    Betty: Oh, I (to get) some from the shop.

    1. The population of Valencia (to reach) 2 million by the year 2010, the report says.

    2. Boss: I told you to type this document today.

    Employee:  Sorry, Mr. Smith, I forgot. I (do) it after lunch.

    1. Sally: Why don't we meet for coffee on Friday morning?

    Willy:  Sorry. I can't. I (to have) a job interview then.

    1. "Tomorrow (to be) a bright and sunny day everywhere in Spain, except in Madrid," said the weatherwoman.

    2. Look at that big black cloud. I think it (to rain).

    3. Sally: What are your plans for the week-end?

    Betty: Brad Snow, my employer phoned. I (to get ready) for our annual meeting.

    1. Betty: Have you booked the flights yet?

    Sally: Don't worry. It's all organized. I (to go) to the travel agent's tomorrow morning. You (to go) certainly to your business trip.

    1. In the future people (to work) less.

    2. If we miss the bus, we (to take) a taxi.

    1. Put the verb into the most suitable form with future meaning, Present progressive or Present simple.

    1. We (to have) a corporate party next Saturday. Would you like to come?

    2. I (not to go) away for my holidays next month because I haven’t got enough money. They haven’t paid me holiday pay yet. (You/to go) away?

    3. Our first job interview this afternoon (to start) exactly at 3:30.

    4. George, is it true that you (to work) overtime next week?

    5. My seasonal work (to start) May, 25 and (to end) October, 25.

    6. What time the (next shift/to end)?

    7. Ann, we (to go) to town. (You/to come) with us?

    8. Don’t make any plans I (to surf) the Net tonight.

    9. Our after-hours activities usually (to start) after 8 p.m.

    10. I (to look for) a position of a banker.

    1. Put the words into the correct order paying attention to the usage of tenses denoting future actions.

    1. Doing/I/ course paper/am/ with/ in the evening/ my father.

    2. Company /in our /seasonal overtime/ /starts/ May, 1.

    3. Going/a new /vacancy/I am/to find/ my sister-in law/for.

    4. You/to place/where/going/your/are/new/ job advertisement?

    5. Arrive/your employer/does/when?

    6. Colleagues/ for Madrid/are/my/in the next few days/leaving.

    7. Become/next year/will/I/a good specialist.

    8. With/Playing/our partners/volleyball match/are/tonight/we.

    9. Is/to do/ironing/nobody/the/going.

    10. Having/friends/we/for dinner/are /tonight.

    1. Open the brackets paying attention to the usage of tenses denoting future actions (negative/question/affirmative forms).

    1. The meeting (to start) at 10 o’clock.

    2. We (to discuss) our project on Monday.

    3. The employer (to plan) a series of interview with the applicants.

    4. What you (to do)? I (to surf) the net.

    5. We (to supply) you with all necessary equipment tomorrow.

    6. The train (not to arrive) at 6 p.m. It goes behind the schedule.

    7. Your working hours (start) at 8 a.m. and (to end) at 5 p.m. Please, be punctual, tomorrow (to be) your fist time at work.

    8. (to go) anywhere this week? No, fortunately I haven’t got any business trips.

    9. You (not to sell) your car, right? It is new!

    10. He (to join) us later, don’t worry.


    1. Role-play the following situation.

    Student A: Interview candidate

    You have applied for a holiday job as a waiter at a local fast food restaurant. You are well qualified for the job and have some experience of this kind of work. Soon after the interview has begun, you change your mind about the job. You decide you are no longer interested. Do and say whatever is necessary to make sure you do NOT get the job.

    Student B: Interviewer

    You are interviewing applicants for a job in your fast food restaurant. You have interviewed several people already, but found no one suitable. Soon after the beginning of the interview with A, you decide he/she is the right person for the job. Do everything possible to make the interview a success.

    1. Read Adam Hall’s Curriculum Vitae (CV).

    Date of birth:




    25 February 1990

    25 Victoria Road, Birmingham B19 2ZK

    01218953 9914



    A highly-motivated, well-travelled, and creative graduate with practical work experience in both sales and TEFL4 teaching. A 4-month postgraduate residency at the Biosphere 2 Center, Arizona, has given me wide-ranging knowledge of, and insight into, environmental problems and ways of presenting them to the public.



    July, 2004

    King Edward's School, Birmingham

    0 Levels5: Art, Biology, Chemistry, English, French, Geography,

    History, Maths, Spanish

    A levels:6

    Art A

    Environmental Studies A

    Chemistry B

    Spanish B

    Leeds Metropolitan University

    BA7 Environmental Studies: 2:1

    Academy School of English, Leeds Cert CELTA

    Work experience

    April 1999 – July 1999
    January 2002 - May 2002

    Weekend sales assistant, Kings Norton Garden

    Centre, Birmingham

    TEFL tutor, JA School of English, Katowice, Poland

    Other information

    September 2003

    December 2003

    May 15-16,2004

    June 20-24, 2004

    4-month residency at the Biosphere 2 Cent

    Arizona, USA

    Co-presented 'No smoke' at the Bretton Hall Sculpture Park, University of Leeds. An installation which explored the environmental implications of major forest fires, both natural and man-made.

    Co-presented 'Time microscope' at the Covent Garden Flower Festival. An installation which explored different ways of presenting information about the natural world


    My main interest outside work, although related to it, is travel. In 19— I took part in a school expedition to the High Atlas mountains in Morocco, and produced a video of the trip. In my gap year I travelled extensively in South America, again documenting the trip by means of sketchbooks and video. I also enjoy World Music, particularly that from countries I have visited, and play the guitar


    Prof. T.N- Fagin

    Department of Environmental Studies

    Leeds Metropolitan University


    Dr Elizabeth Gordon


    JA School of English

    Ulica Czysta 14



    B. Answer the questions.

    1. Where did Adam study environmental problems?

    2. What did he do while he was in Poland?

    3. Who is Dr Elizabeth Gordon?

    4. What do you think Adam's main interest is?

    5. Where did Adam graduate from?

    6. What commercial experience has he had?

    C. Write a CV to attract employers and make them want to employ you as an Economist of Sales Department to a Coca-Cola company. Remember that the perfect CV should be:

    • Well-structured

    • Short, simple and clear

    • Easy to read and professional looking

    • Suitable to the job and the employer

    • Focused on the results not simply competency

    • Free of unnecessary details

    • Without spelling and punctuation errors

    • Grammatically perfect

    • Not your hobbies and interests unless they

    • demonstrate relevant job qualities

    • One or two pages maximum


    Unit 1 Module 3


    after-hours activities

    attitude to smth

    available (jobs)

    colleague = co-worker


    employment agency

    in advance

    majority of


    smart (clothes)

    to criticize

    to get involved in (office gossip)

    to keep doing smth

    to look approachable

    to make a good/strong impression on smb

    to make eye contact

    to make personal calls

    to match smth e.g. qualifications

    to take advantage of

    to trust

    to watch the things you say

    to work out




























    UNIT 2


    Module 1 Russia

    1 2 3 4

    5 6

    1. What do you know about Russia? Match the above pictures 1-6 with descriptions a) – f). What information can you give about the pictures?

    a) The Cathedral of the Redeemer d) Peter the Great

    b) The Red Square e) Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation

    c) The flag of Russia f) First Russian cosmonaut



    Ordinal numbers

    1984 nineteen eighty four

    2010 two thousand and ten

    1st first 2nd second 3rd third

    4th fourth 5th fifth


    3rd April 1998 (BrE) the third of April, nineteen ninety eight

    3 April 1998 (BrE) April the third, nineteen ninety eight

    April 3, 1998 (AmE) April third, nineteen ninety eight

    1. New year is

      Victory day is

      Women’s day is

      Independence day is

      Christmas is

      Day of Knowledge is

      Day of the defender of Motherland is

      on 9th May

      on 1st September

      on 7th January

      on 23rd February

      on 31st December

      on 12th June

      on 8th March
      There are many national holidays in Russia. Match the dates with the holidays.


    1. Use the dictionary to find the meaning of the following words:

    to found/to establish, to destroy, to rule, efforts, to invade, to divide into.

    1. Can you say what these dates mean in the history of Russia? Use the dates to complete the sentences below.






    1762 to 1796

    30 December 1922 27 May, 1703

    on 22 June 1941

    on 7th November, 1917

    in December 1991

    1. Tradition says in … the Viking Rurik came to Russia and founded the first Russian dynasty in Novgorod.

    2. Vladimir “the Saint” became Christian in...

    3. In …, Kiev was destroyed by the Mongols.

    4. After the final battle of Russo-Kazan Wars in ... Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) transformed Russia and Tatar khanates into a multiconfessional state.

    5. Tsar Peter I of Russia founded Saint Petersburg on …as the capital of the Russian Empire.

    6. Catherine II (Catherine the Great), who ruled from …, continued the efforts to establish Russia as one of the Great Powers of Europe.

    7. Napoleon’s efforts to invade Russia failed in ….

    8. On 7th November …Vladimir Lenin headed the Bolshevik Revolution.

    9. After victory in the Civil War, the Russian SFSR together with three other Soviet republics formed the Soviet Union on ….

    10. On …, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union that was the beginning of the Second World War.

    11. The USSR was divided into fifteen independent republics….


    D. Make up short dialogues expressing lack of certainty and surprise. Use prompts given below.

    e.g.If I remember rightly, Vladimir Lenin studied in Kazan.

    Really? It’s news to me. When was it?

    1) There are more than 200 holidays in Russia and only 7 are state ones!

    2) In 1240 Kiev was destroyed by the Mongols.

    3) The first animal in space was a Russian dog, Laika.

    4) Viking Rurik founded the first Russian dynasty in Novgorod.

    5) 13 cities in Russia have population over 1 m.

    6) The USSR was divided into fifteen independent republics.

    7) The Russian Federation is home to as many as 160 different ethnic groups.



    100 a/one hundred

    1000 a/one thousand

    1 000 000 (1m ) a/one million

    3 000 000 000 (3bn) three billion

    Bigger numbers

    3 560 three thousand five hundred and sixty (BrE)

    sixty (AmE)

    598, 374 five hundred and ninety-eight thousand, three hundred and forty-


    ninety-eight thousand, three hundred forty-seven(AmE)


    Vulgar fractions

    16.5 sixteen point five

    17.38 % seventeen point three eight percent

    0.185 (nought) point one eight five

    1/8 a/one eighth

    3/8 three eighths

    1/2 a/one half

    3/4 three quarters

    20/83 twenty over eighty three
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   ...   31

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