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One of the main problems is the risk of discrepancies that arise between the actual well data and the lateral wellbore design, including the physical condition of the casing string, the presence of ring equipment, or discrepancies in relation to the trajectory. It is very important to carry out detailed preparatory work before drilling the side shafts – to build a modified barrel profile using a gyroscopic inclinometer and to ensure quality control of the technical condition of the production column.
After that, there are serious dangers during the drilling of the trunk. They can occur due to low downhole pressure and even technical problems in the form of drilling within a limited diameter. These problems limit the use of most technical devices to ensure safety during drilling.

For successful and safe drilling of the side shaft it is important to take into account safety measures. The technical condition of the well must be assessed; the drilling programme must be approved.
Another serious problem arises in the form of pulsation of low and normal pressures. These pulsations lead to loss of circulation, and in some cases – to manifestations of reservoir fluids in the well during its drilling.
These complications can be minimized by selecting the right drilling fluids to isolate hazardous areas and by adjusting the drilling fluid density.
It is difficult to trust the reliability of old equipment in old wells in the process of drilling side shafts. There are many risks associated with the condition of the columns, especially in the intermediate columns, through which the side barrel
Windows will be cut. A detailed pre-design of the barrel is required to minimize the risks.
The complex design of the profiles of the side barrels is a serious problem.
Perhaps not all oil companies have the necessary technology and experience. In some cases, drillers require corrective measures to address problems arising from the first drilling attempt. This affects the cost and viability of the well.
The momentum of lateral shafts in the modern oil and gas industry is felt everywhere. Despite the high cost of drilling a side hole, its numerous risks, it is very economical compared to drilling a completely new well. With lateral wellbore technology there is life for almost all wells that have been stopped due to wellbore blocking equipment, drowning or complications. Potential oil and gas reservoirs that were not originally opened can be opened by drilling side shafts. [3]
Speaking about the advantages of cutting side barrels with a horizontal end
(ZBGS), we can highlight the following fundamental points:
1) there is No need for land alienation;
2) there are significant economies of materials and tools;
3) there Is a possibility of use of mobile drilling rigs of smaller loading capacity;

72 4) the Cost of construction of BGS reaches only 50-70 % of the cost of a new well;
5) increasing production rates by increasing the length of a trunk of up to 50-
100 m.
When making a decision to cut BGS from a specific vertical well, the following criteria should be followed:
1) reservoir Capacity should be at least 3 m for BGS input;
2) the azimuth of drilling BGS is directed towards the occurrence of the maximum recoverable reserves;
3) the Values of the current pressure should provide an effective process of displacement of oil, otherwise it is necessary to maintain reservoir pressure by flooding;
4) the Ability to transfer the wellbore under the injection of the displacing agent;
5) in Order to recoup the costs of construction under the ZBGS, the residual reserves should be comparable to those recovered.
All other things being equal, preference is given to those wells that have already crossed unprocessed reserves. [3].
Okonchanii sidetracking and their commissioning is necessary to monitor the work of these BS. In the initial period of operation (within six months), it is necessary to conduct monthly hydrodynamic studies of wells at the steady-state and non- stationary modes of fluid flow in order to determine the hydrodynamic parameters of the reservoir (productivity, hydroconductivity) and assess the state of the bottom-hole formation zone (skin effect, op parameter – ratio of productivity). According to the results of these studies, the influence of technological parameters of the ZBS on the production capabilities of the operational facility is determined and the correction of the applied technology of opening the productive layers by cutting the BS and BGS is carried out. [4]

73 1.2 Features of construction of a permanent geological model
Currently, most modeling methods are usually based on formal statistical or morphological approaches, which is unacceptable for complex multi-layer deposits of the Central part of the West Siberian plate.
To build a detailed and permanent geological model of a complex reservoir, it is necessary to choose an algorithm for planning and designing geological exploration, calculation of reserves, interpretation of materials of seismic and geophysical studies of wells (GIS), based on the data base of geological-field and geophysical studies.
In the process of the work done, the current state of the field development was assessed, the technological parameters of the well operation in the production mode were predicted, the applicability of the ZBS method for low-permeable reservoirs with hard-to-reach hydrocarbon reserves, the production of which by other methods is impossible, was assessed.
Analyzing the obtained technological and economic results of the work done, we conclude that both variants of the ZBS operation at wells No. 55 and No. 1324 are profitable. Preference is given to the cutting of the lateral wellbore at the well No. 55 of the Luginetskoe oil and gas condensate field, as the most effective among the above options.
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