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  • 7нн. Методические указания и задания к занятиям семинарского типа, контрольной и самостоятельной работе по дисциплине

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    НазваниеМетодические указания и задания к занятиям семинарского типа, контрольной и самостоятельной работе по дисциплине
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    Вариант 10

    1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.

    4 Ways To Provide Customer Service

    That Outshines Your Competitors

    So how can you provide customer Service that shines? Follow this plan to ensure customer service that will dazzle customers and competitors alike:

    1) Determine what makes what you offer special.

    Study the competition. Think about their customer service and the customer service you provide. What can you offer your customers that is “better” than the competition? There are sure to be aspects of your customer Service that you can promote as “Special”. Make a list of all these ideas for providing customer service. If you sell a product, and your competitor doesn’t offer it already, perhaps you can offer free local delivery.

    2) Study the customer service ideas on your list and examine their feasibility.

    Can you really guarantee that you will always stick to your written estimate or provide a faster turnaround time than your competitors? If you aren’t sure, or can’t do it, cross it off your customer service ideas list. So only choose what you can definitely do one hundred percent of the time.

    3) Choose one or two of your shiny customer service ideas and implement them.

    When I say implement your customer service ideas, I don’t just mean do it; you also need to let people know that you’re doing it. Feature this aspect of your customer service in whatever ads you run, including your yellow pages listing. Put it on your business cards and in your email signature. Make it part of your greeting spiel when you answer the phone. While one of the big payoffs of your shiny customer service will be the great word-of-mouth advertising it generates, this takes time, and you need to help it along by getting the word out. Don’t be shy! Solicit customer service testimonials from satisfied customers that you can use in print ads, such as in newspapers, magazines, and on your website, if you have one, or can at least use as references for new potential customers.

    4) Stay proactive and keep gathering customer service ideas.

    Listen to your customers and find out what kind of special customer service they want. You can do this formally, by creating a customer satisfaction feedback form that you enclose with every sale or post on your website, or informally, by asking them for their customer service ideas when they're in your store or office. Shiny customer service is service that’s responsive to customers' needs.

    Customers are tired of dealing with retailers that ignore customer service or only pretend to have it, and as always, they’re voting with their dollars. Shiny customer Service will draw customers to your product or service, rather than a competitors', and bring them back in droves.

    2. Прочитайте текст еще раз. Перепишите утверждения, данные ниже, и укажите, являются ли они верными или неверными (True or False). Подтвердите свое мнение цитатами из текста.

    1. An entrepreneur shouldn’t study the competition.

    2. An entrepreneur should choose many shiny customer service ideas.

    3. An entrepreneur should stay proactive.

    4. Shiny customer service is responsive to consumers’ needs.

    5. Customers don’t want to deal with retailers that ignore customer service.

    3. Заполните пропуски в предложениях одним из слов, предложенных ниже. Перепишите полные предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

    Guarantee, ensure, satisfied, feasibility, competition, dealing, retailer, consumers, implemented, proactive

    1. The new telephone rates will affect all … including businesses.

    2. The airline is taking steps to …safety on its aircraft.

    3. The two companies are in …with each other.

    4. We're looking at the …of building a shopping centre there.

    5. The system costs £99.95 including postage, packing and a 12-month….

    6. The changes to the national health system will be… next year.

    7. This company is a big electronics ….

    8. Some people are never …!

    9. Companies are going to have to be more …about environmental management.

    10. She's used to … with difficult customers.

    4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.

    1. This is the document to be translated in two weeks.

    2. Sorry not to have noticed you.

    3. The children were delighted to have been brought to the circus.

    4. Here is the matter to be solved as soon as possible.

    5. The only way of getting the best of an argument is to avoid it.

    5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции герундия.

    1. It's obvious he's only interested in making money.

    2. Bob sent a report to the Chairman instead of attending the meeting.

    3. She doesn't mind working the night shift.

    4. Please, forgive me for interrupting you. It was so rude.

    5. Let me begin by telling you something about our company's history.

    6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции причастия.

    1. Having answered all the questions he began drinking coffee.

    2. We are interested in goods produced by this factory.

    3. Do you like the magazine being discussed?

    4. Having finished the discussion we went for a walk.

    5. Being ill she couldn’t go to work.

    7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на типы условных предложений.

    1. I'd have bought the bigger model if I'd been able to afford it.

    2. I'll tell you all about it if you have the time.

    3. You can't be good at sports if you smoke a lot.

    4. I would have gone to the cocktail party if I hadn't had too much work on.

    5. If I see you standing around the coffee machine talking again, you'll be in big trouble.

    Вариант 11

    1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.

    Tourism Business as the World’s Largest Industry and Employer

    Tourism may be defined as the science, art and business of attracting and transporting people, accommodating them, and catering to their needs and wants. Wealthy people have always traveled to distant parts of the world, to see great buildings, works of art, learn new languages, experience new cultures and to taste different cuisines.

    As an industry, tourism is a dynamic, evolving, consumer-driven force. It is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four hours and not more than one year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited". Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity.

    Tourism is the world’s largest industry, with approximately USD 3.5 trillion in gross output. It is the employer of 183 million people. This represents 10.2 per cent of the global workforce. By employing one out of every ten workers, travel and tourism is the world’s largest employer. As an industry, tourism is expected to grow much faster than other sectors, about twice as fast as world GNP, especially international travel. Growing so rapidly, tourism presents both tremendous opportunities and challenges. Although a mature industry, tourism is a young profession. The good news is the variety of exciting career prospects for today’s hospitality and tourism graduates.

    In addition to their original expenditures, tourists produce secondary impacts on local economy. When a tourist spends money to travel, to stay in a hotel, or to eat in a restaurant, that money is recycled by these businesses to purchase more goods, thereby generating further use of the money. In addition, employees of businesses who serve tourists spend a higher proportion of their money locally on various goods and services. This chain reaction continues until there is a leakage, meaning that money is used to purchase something from outside the area. This phenomenon is called the multiplier effect.

    Tourism brings new revenue to the area; it also creates and maintains higher rate of employment than if there were no tourism. It may act as a catalyst for the development of the community because this revenue helps to provide schools, hospitals, and so on.

    2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.

    1. What is tourism?

    2. In what way does The World Tourism Organization define tourists?

    3. What is the multiplier effect?

    4. Why tourism is the world’s largest industry?

    5. What kind of effect on local economy is produced by tourists?

    3. Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык, используя лексику текста из задания 1.

    1. Туризм сегодня – это мощная мировая индустрия, крупный бизнес, большие деньги и серьезная политика глобального уровня.

    2. Значительные изменения в мировой экономике произошли с развитием массового туризма.

    3. В мировой торговле оборот от международного туризма находится на третьем месте после экспорта нефти и автомобилей.

    4. В наши дни туристический рынок стал ареной жестокой конкурентной борьбы.

    5. За последние годы туристическая индустрия пополнилась сотнями новых фирм, и в дополнение к этому претерпевает процесс глобализации.

    6. В крупных туристических центрах каждые десять туристов обеспечивают работой двух работников.

    7. С развитием общества все большее количество населения вовлекается в сферу туризма.

    8. Уже сегодня каждый девятый человек на планете трудится в сфере туризма, который обеспечивает создание большого количества рабочих мест.

    9. Туризм оказывает влияние на каждый континент, страну и город.

    10. Ожидается, что туризм станет самой крупной мировой индустрией следующего столетия.

    4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.

    1. The first step to be taken is to start negotiations.

    2. The inflation rate was not high enough to start paying compensations to workers.

    3. To go on like this was dangerous.

    4. There is nothing to fear of.

    5. I would rather not speak upon the subject.

    5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции герундия.

    1. She stopped coming to see us, and I wondered what had happened to her.

    2. She denied having been at home that evening.

    3. He did not approve of her drinking so much coffee.

    4. The problem is not worth discussing.

    5. I insist on your going there now.

    6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции причастия.

    1. You must have much practice when you are learning to speak a foreign language.

    2. A fish taken out of the water cannot live.

    3. The man standing at the door of the train carriage and saying goodbye to his friends is a well-known musician.

    4. He stood watching the people who were coming down the street shouting and waving their hands.

    5. This material being a dielectric, no current can flow through it.

    7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на типы условных предложений.

    1. If I had had money last year, I would have bought a car.

    2. If I miss the 8 o'clock bus, I am late for work.

    3. If the weather is fine, we will go for a walk.

    4. If he had known that, he would have decided differently.

    5. She would pass her exam next month if she worked harder.

    Вариант 12

    1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.

    Vital Roles of Government in Tourism

    The roles of government are vital to tourism. First, govern­ments generally set the policy of their country, state, or locality toward tourism. They also regulate the different components of the industry on the day-to-day basis. Second, they perform re­search and analysis that result in statistics on the tourism industry. Third, they are often involved in the development of tourism in their areas. This is especially true in the developing countries, but it occurs in industrialized areas as well. Fourth, governments are actively engaged in promoting a flow of tourists to their regions with advertising or public relations techniques.

    In many countries, tourism is so important that its interests are represented at the ministerial level of government. Even in countries where the tourist industry has less economic importance, there is usually a tourist bureau with official or semi-official status.

    One of the ways in which countries or regions can promote tourism is by relaxing the kind of regulation that usually comes under the heading of 'red tape'. Travel is made easier when there are no visa requirements and when the entry formalities are simple. Even where government investment is not direct, there must be an indirect investment in the form of building or improving the infrastructure. The infrastructure consists of those things that are necessary before development can take place — roads, sewers, electricity, telephone service, airports, and water supply. Another way in which government encourages tourism is through training programs for service personnel. Many governments institute such programs in order to have people available to fill the jobs generated by tourism.

    Before a government undertakes tourist development, it usually attempts to determine the market potential — the number or percentage of travelers it can hope to attract. This is followed by studies of the social impact and very often of the environmental impact — what tourism will do to the natural surroundings. The research is followed by the actual planning and development that include improvement of the infrastructure, financial arrange­ments, and construction of the superstructure.

    2. Прочитайте текст еще раз. Перепишите утверждения, данные ниже, и укажите, являются ли они верными или неверными (True or False). Подтвердите свое мнение цитатами из текста.

    1. Government plays only a minor role in tourism.

    2. Governments don’t promote tourism; they only perform re­search and analysis that result in statistics on the tourist industry.

    3. Governments never attempt any kind of day-to-day regulation to any part of the tourism industry.

    4. Many governments have made direct financial investments in the development of tourist facilities.

    5. Hotels, golf courses, swimming pools, restaurants, and parking lots are all part of the infrastructure.

    6. Tourism interests are represented at the ministerial level of government in all countries.

    7. Red tape such as visas and complicated entry formalities make it easy to travel from one country to another.

    8. No research is ever done concerning the reasons why people travel or their reactions to their vacations.

    9. The infrastructure can be quickly developed without any plan­ning or assistance from government.

    10. Governments never participate in programs to train personnel for tourist-connected jobs.

    Задание 3. Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык, используя лексику текста из задания 1.

    1. Развитие туризма играет важную роль в решении социальных проблем.

    2. Туризм оказывает влияние на сохранение и развитие культурного потенциала, ведет к гармонизации отношений между различными странами и народами, заставляет правительства, общественные организации и коммерческие структуры активно участвовать в деле сохранения и оздоровления окружающей среды.

    3. Регулирование деятельности в туризме в большинстве зарубежных стран происходит при участии государственного и частного секторов.

    4. Воздействие со стороны государственных органов различных уровней является определяющим в становлении организационно - экономического механизма управления отечественной сферой туризма.

    5. Интенсивное развитие международных туристских связей повлекло за собой создание многочисленных международных организаций.

    4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.

    1. He saw his teacher coming.

    2. I haven’t heard anyone call me.

    3. I rely on you to come in time.

    4. He asked for the papers to be brought.

    5. The tendency to increase the amount of benefits paid to the population is becoming more obvious.

    5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции герундия.

    1. Running long distances requires much training.

    2. After working at some plant you will know your specialty better.

    3. The baby likes being spoken to.

    4. He entered the room without noticing her.

    5. These bags require drying.

    6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции причастия.

    1. The constraint caused by the old man's presence having worn off a little, the conversation became livelier.

    2. All the necessary preparations having been made with utmost secrecy, the army launched an attack.

    3. The treaty having been signed, trade was at once resumed.

    4. Being very busy he could not answer my question.

    5. I remember well his words told at the meeting.

    7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на типы условных предложений.

    1. If she knew his phone number, she would call him next week.

    2. If J. London had not learned life from his own experience, he could not have written his great works.

    3. Had the science of radio not been developed so rapidly, we should not have got such remarkable changes in the technique today.

    4. Had he been a young man, he would have taken part in the expedition.

    5. If we paid more attention to grammar, we should know the language better.

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