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  • 7нн. Методические указания и задания к занятиям семинарского типа, контрольной и самостоятельной работе по дисциплине

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    Вариант 13

    1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.

    Tourism in Russia

    Russia has tremendous potential for both developing interior tourism and inviting foreign tourists. There is everything that provides such opportunities: vast territory, rich history and cultural legacy and in some regions - virginal nature. Russia stretches for 10 thousand kilometers from west to east and 3 thousand kilometers from arctic latitudes to sub-tropical regions in the south. The variety of landscapes provides the development of different types of tourism: sport and extreme tourism, mountain skiing tours, sea and river cruising, health recreation tours, children’s and youth tourism, ecological and business tourism. There are resorts at the Black sea in the south and at the Baltic Sea in the north, which make Russia a good place to enjoy beach recreation and health recreation at the seas. Mineral water springs of mountain resorts are very popular with many tourists. One can take ethnic tours to the areas populated by northern peoples or take part in tundra deer safari.

    Any kind of mountain tourism (mountain climbing and hiking, rafting in “turbulent” mountain rivers, mountain skiing and biking) is possible to do in Russia. The full-flowing, wide and long rivers such as the Volga, Yenisei and Lena seem to have been created for cruising, fishing, rafting riding catamarans and boating. Seas located in the northwest of the country offer cruises for tourists. Numerous lakes are picturesque and pure. Water in these lakes is not merely seemingly pure: you can drink it from lakes of Karelia or from Lake Baikal.

    Forests of Central Russia and the Caucasus, taiga of Siberia and the Far East are full of birds and animals. The fact attracts many hunting tourists. There are many areas of the untouched and virginal nature. That is the ecological tours are the best. As opposed to many European countries, when traveling across Russia one can see no people at all for a long time. An experienced hunter will point out flamingos, pelicans and other rare birds as you enjoy transfer to the fishing resort situated in Astrakhan region in the delta of the Volga river. None of those who are fond of nature will be indifferent to the horse riding in the fabulous region of Altai.

    2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.

    1. What types of tourism are developed in Russia? Why?

    2. Where is cruising, fishing and rafting possible in Russia?

    3. What attracts tourists in the forests of Central Russia?

    4. Where can experienced hunters admire virginal nature?

    5. What makes Russia interesting for foreigners and could stimulate domestic tourism?

    3. Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык, используя лексику текста из Задания 1.

    1. Туризм в России в настоящее время переживает свой подъём.

    2. Большинство туристических центров России сосредоточено в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве, так как в этих городах расположены самые известные достопримечательности страны.

    3. Туристов привлекает богатое культурное наследие и прошлое России.

    4. Также в России развиты круизы по крупным рекам — Волге, Лене и Енисею, а также путешествия по Транссибирской магистрали (железной дороге, тянущейся от Москвы до Владивостока на берегу Тихого океана).

    5. Одним из главных туристических объектов, притягивающих международных туристов, является уникальное озеро Байкал.

    6. Несмотря на то, что Россия считается одной из стран с самым холодным климатом, в её территорию входят области с умеренным климатом, а города побережья Чёрного и Каспийского морей предлагают летние курорты Черноморского побережья Кавказа.

    7. Несмотря на множество достопримечательностей и быстрое развитие туризма Россия остаётся достаточно сложной страной для посещений, особенно для туристов из Западных стран.

    8. Основной проблемой может стать языковой барьер.

    9. Российская кухня очень богата и многообразна, что объясняется многонациональностью России.

    10. Наиболее известными блюдами, ассоциирующимися с Россией, являются блины, щи, пирожки, пельмени, красная и чёрная икра.

    4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.

    1. The crops harvested were so big as to be able to store them and even export part of it.

    2. The secretary was happy to have been invited to the party.

    3. The director didn’t like to be interrupted.

    4. It takes character and self - control to understand and forgive.

    5. He seems to have been reading since morning.

    5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции герундия.

    1. I was quite disappointed at not finding him there.

    2. We intend shipping the goods in May.

    3. Loading heavy weights requires great skill.

    4. Не mentioned having read it in the paper.

    5. Не apologized for leaving the door open.

    6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции причастия.

    1. The fifth of June arriving, they departed.

    2. The concert being over, the lottery came next.

    3. The weather being very warm, the closet window was left open.

    4. This being understood, the conference was over.

    5. Having been collected all the materials were sent to the laboratory.

    7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на типы условных предложений.

    1. If you had applied this method, you would have got better results.

    2. If they had called at the office yesterday, they would have found me there.

    3. If I had seen him yesterday, I should have told him about it.

    4. If he were here I should speak to him.

    5. If he should come, tell him to wait.

    Вариант 14

    1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.

    Types of tourism

    The United Nations classified three forms of tourism in 1994, in its "Recommendations on Tourism Statistics”: Domestic tourism, which involves residents of the given country traveling only within this country; Inbound tourism, involving non-residents traveling in the given country; and Outbound tourism, involving residents traveling in another country.

    Medical tourism is a term initially coined by travel agencies and the mass media to describe the rapidly-growing practice of traveling across international borders to obtain health care. Such services typically include elective procedures as well as complex specialized surgeries such as joint replacement (knee/hip), cardiac surgery, dental surgery, and cosmetic surgeries. Factors that have led to the increasing popularity of medical travel include the high cost of health care, long wait times for certain procedures, the ease and affordability of international travel, and improvements in both technology and standards of care in many countries.

    Cultural tourism is the subset of tourism concerned with a country or region's culture, especially its arts. Cultural tourism includes tourism in urban areas, particularly historic or large cities and their cultural facilities such as museums and theatres. It can also include tourism in rural areas showcasing the traditions of indigenous cultural communities (i.e. festivals, rituals), and their values and lifestyle. Culture has always been a major object of travel. Heritage, culture and the arts have long contributed to appeal of tourist destination. It is generally agreed that cultural tourists spend more than standard tourists do.

    Culinary tourism is valued by tourism industry professionals as one of the most popular niches in the world's tourism industry. Culinary tourism is defined as the pursuit of unique and memorable eating and drinking experiences, according to the International Culinary Tourism Association.

    Religious tourism, also commonly referred to as faith tourism, is a form of tourism whereby people of faith travel individually or in groups for pilgrimage, missionary, or leisure (fellowship) purposes.

    Another type of tourism is a business trip or official trip, which is a travel or journey caused by business necessities.

    Задание 2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.

    1. What types of tourism do you know? Give as many examples as you can.

    2. What types of tourism are traditional ones?

    3. What types of tourism are brand new?

    4. What are more popular/less popular? Why?

    5. What factors make medical travel so popular around the world?

    3. Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык, используя лексику текста из задания 1.

    1. Туризм стал явлением, которое вошло в наши дни в повседневную жизнь сотен миллионов людей.

    2. В настоящее время в России начинает возрождаться паломничество верующих в святые места.

    3. Туризм – это очень современный вид деятельности, популярность которого возрастает с каждым днём.

    4. Это целая отрасль, индустрия, объединяющая ряд различных организаций и предприятий, занимающихся организацией отдыха туристов и предоставляющих потребителям разнообразные услуги.

    5. Туризм развивает личность, расширяет познавательные горизонты, предоставляет множество видов развлечений и отдыха.

    6. На сегодняшний день виды туризма очень разнообразны и интересны.

    7. Этнический туризм — одно из направлений туризма. Его целью является ознакомление с фольклором, бытом, культурой и языками местных народов.

    8. Социальный туризм — туризм, полностью или частично осуществляемый за счёт бюджетных средств, средств государственных внебюджетных фондов, а также средств работодателей.

    9. Экскурсионный туризм – одно из перспективных направлений, развивающихся наиболее быстро.

    10. Западные компании давно освоили такой вид проведения мероприятий как бизнес – туризм. Выездные конференции, семинары, тренинги – прекрасная возможность совместить приятное с полезным.

    4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.

    1. To know all is to forgive all.

    2. You are always the first to arrive.

    3. The book to be read can be bought in any shop.

    4. Some people find it difficult to speak in public.

    5. Nature has many secrets to be discovered yet.

    5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции герундия.

    1. Would you mind opening the window?

    2. I couldn’t help laughing.

    3. Did you find any difficulty in solving this problem?

    4. Не felt satisfaction in helping them.

    5. You can’t learn English well without practicing every day.

    Задание 6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции причастия.

    1. Having been written the letters were posted to customers.

    2. He being no more heard of, it was natural to forget everything.

    3. And the wind having dropped, they set out to walk.

    4. Having been shown the wrong direction, the travelers soon lost their way.

    5. A teacher seeing a mistake in a student's dictation always corrects it.

    7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на типы условных предложений.

    1. If he were in town, he would help us.

    2. If I were you, I should go there immediately.

    3. If I were in his place, I should refuse.

    4. If there were more time, I could finish my article.

    5. If they were happy, they wouldn't quarrel every evening.

    Вариант 15

    1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.

    Ecological Tourism

    Ecotourism (also known as ecological tourism) is travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that strives to be low impact and (often) small scale. It helps educate the traveler, provides funds for conservation, directly benefits the economic development and political empowerment of local communities, and fosters respect for different cultures and for human rights. Ecotourism appeals to ecologically and socially conscious individuals. Generally speaking, it focuses on volunteering, personal growth and learning new ways to live on the planet. It typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions.

    Ecotourism is a conceptual experience, enriching those who delve into researching and understanding the environment around them. It gives us insight into our impacts as human beings and also a greater appreciation of our own natural habitats.

    Responsible ecotourism includes programs that minimize the negative aspects of conventional tourism on the environment and enhance the cultural integrity of local people. Therefore, in addition to evaluating environmental and cultural factors, an integral part of ecotourism is the promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation and creation of economic opportunities for the local communities.

    Ecotourism is a form of tourism that involves traveling to tranquil and unpolluted natural areas. According to the definition and principles of ecotourism established by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) in 1990, ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.

    There are seven characteristics of ecotourism: it

    • involves travel to natural destinations;

    • minimizes impact;

    • builds environmental awareness;

    • provides direct financial benefits for conservation;

    • provides financial benefits and empowerment for local people;

    • respects local culture;

    • supports human rights and demographic movements.

    2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.

    1. What is ecotourism?

    2. What are the basic principles of ecotourism?

    3. What measures may minimize the negative aspects of conventional tourism on the environment?

    4. What is natural resource management?

    5. The global ecology movement has been stimulated by a widespread acknowledgement of an ecological crisis of our planet. Why?

    3. Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык, используя лексику текста из задания 1.

    1. Экологический туризм - особый сектор туристической отрасли, который подразумевает стремление в первую очередь к общению с природой, познанию ее объектов и явлений, активному отдыху на природе.

    2. Появление экотуризма и его развитие объясняется стремлением свести к минимуму изменения окружающей среды.

    3. Познавая природу, туристы проникаются необходимостью бережного к ней отношения.

    4. Экотуристы стремятся в места с нетронутой природой, но таковых на нашей планете остается все меньше.

    5. Объектами экотуризма могут быть как природные, так и культурные достопримечательности, где традиционная культура составляет единое целое с окружающей средой.

    6. При условии грамотного развития экологический туризм может сыграть свою роль в разрешении современного социально-экологического кризиса.

    7. Возрастающий спрос в этом секторе туризма приводит к созданию новых особо охраняемых природных территорий, в первую очередь национальных и природных парков.

    8. На многих территориях экологический туризм может стать отраслью специализации, представляя конкурентоспособную альтернативу разрушающей природу хозяйственной деятельности.

    9. Наша страна обладает обширными территориями с нетронутой природой.

    10. Развитие экологического туризма поможет сохранить природную красоту уникальных территорий Сибири.

    4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.

    1. I don’t remember when he was not the last to come.

    2. You expect me to criticize the article, but I wouldn’t.

    3. Don’t expect her to praise your work.

    4. Here is the matter to be solved as soon as possible.

    5. The only way of getting the best of an argument is to avoid it.

    5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции герундия.

    1. There is no harm in doing that.

    2. I have not yet received an explanation for their postponing the meeting.

    3. Norman was not aware of your applying for the position.

    4. We have no intention of restricting your right to join any trade union.

    5. We avoided asking her questions.

    Задание 6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции причастия.

    1. The house surrounded by tall trees is very beautiful.

    2. Be careful when crossing a street.

    3. There are many students in our group taking part in all kinds of extra-curricular activities.

    4. A letter sent from St. Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow.

    5. The treaty having been signed, trade was at once resumed.

    Задание 7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на типы условных предложений.

    1. Were we on holidays now, we would go to the countryside.

    2. If I knew the subject well, I wouldn't worry about the exam.

    3. If you were luckier, you might get this position.

    4. If I didn't know you, I would not trust you.

    5. I should not have been late yesterday, if my watch had been right.

    Вариант 16

    1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.

    Macaroni Products

    Italy is generally considered as the original home of macaroni products. Certainly it is the country in which macaroni products have been and are still most popular, but their manufacture and use seem to have started in China or Japan.

    Macaroni products are produced from the semolina or hard wheat flour. So they are valuable, cheap and tasty food. They are acceptable and quickly digested. One pound of dried macaroni provides approximately 1,600 calories.

    Italy is a country in which macaroni products are most popular. No Italian would doubt the importance of macaroni products.

    The main macaroni products are: vermicelli, spaghetti, noodles, specialties and others.

    Vermicelli is the macaroni product with the smallest diameter ranging from 1/50 in. to 1/20 in. Italians call the vermicelli “Capelli d’angeli” (Angel’s Hair). Vermicelli is easy to manufacture and dry. Vermicelli is generally cut into length of about 10 in. and then twisted into curls. It is rarely sold straight length.

    Spaghetti is the most popular macaroni product with a diameter of about 1/15 in. and a length of 10, 20 or30 in. Most spaghetti is straight. It is sometimes short cut to about 1 or 2 in. long.

    Noodles are solid ribbons with a thickness of about 1/20 in. and of different widths. Narrow noodles are of 1/20 in. Broad noodles may have width up to ½ in. and even 1 in. Noodles may be straight scattered or twisted like vermicelli. The length of straight noodles is 10, 20 or 30 in. Twisted noodles are usually about 10 in. Scattered noodles are shorter having length from 4 to 8 in.

    Specialties are small solid macaroni products made for soup. They usually have shapes of letters, numbers, stars, melon seeds and others.

    2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.

    1. What raw materials are usually used for production of macaroni?

    2. In what country are macaroni products most popular?

    3. What kind of macaroni products called spaghetti?

    4. What kind of macaroni products is called noodles?

    5. What kind of macaroni products do we call specialties?

    6. What macaroni products are produced in Russia?

    3. Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык, используя лексику текста из Задания 1.

    1. Мы любим макаронные изделия и употребляем их очень часто.

    2. Макароны – это ценный, дешевый и вкусный продукт.

    3. Макаронные изделия производятся из крупчатой муки или из муки твердой пшеницы.

    4. Макароны особенно популярны в Италии.

    5. Италия считается родиной макаронной промышленности.

    6. Именно в Италии макаронное производство развилось рано.

    7. Затем оно проникло в другие страны Европы.

    8. Основные макаронные изделия следующие: вермишель, спагетти, лапша и специальные суповые засыпки.

    9. В России высоко развито макаронное производство.

    10. Ежегодно мы производим тысячи тонн различных макаронных изделий.

    4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.

    1. He agreed to buy a new car.

    2. The question is easy to answer.

    3. The man asked me how to get to the airport.

    4. Excuse me, may I ask you a question?

    5. Why did you pretend to eat my hamburger?

    5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции герундия.

    1. I can't imagine Peter going by bike.

    2. I look forward to seeing you at the weekend.

    3. Excuse me being late.

    4. He could not help telling the results of the negotiations.

    5. It is worth while having all the data together before discussing them.

    6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции причастия.

    1. I heard my mother talking on the phone.

    2. My uncle always has his car washed.

    3. We stood waiting for the taxi.

    4. Looking down from the tower we saw many people walking in the streets.

    5. For the moment the shop was empty, the mechanic having disappeared into a room at the back.

    7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на типы условных предложений.

    1. If you dive into this river, you will hurt yourself.

    2. If the sun shines, the children will play outside.

    3. If you helped your grandma, I would do the shopping.

    4. Andrew would water the flowers if he stayed at home.

    5. If he had come earlier, he would have met Tina.

    Вариант 17

    1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.

    Milk and Dairy Products

    For centuries milk has been recognized as an indispensable food for mankind. Milk contains all the food constituents required in the human diet and in essentially the proper proportions. First of all, milk supplies proteins of exceedingly high quality. Milk also supplies amounts of calcium, which is often deficient in the human diet. Besides, milk is an excellent source of the vitamins necessary to health. Milk is used for producing many dairy products, such as cream, butter, cheese, ice-cream, condensed milk, skim milk and fermented milk.

    Butter is a highly concentrated fat food and contains very little amount of other milk constituents. Butter contains between 81-84 percent of butterfat, a small amount of salt and less than one percent of proteins. Butter is chiefly a source of energy, supplying 3,410 calories per pound. In addition, butter is an excellent source of vitamin A.

    Cheese consists of a concentration of the milk solids chiefly casein and butter fat. It the cheapest source of animal protein which is used for human food. Besides, cheese is an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals.

    Ice-cream is produced of milk and cream. All the constituents of milk are present in ice-cream in concentrated form. Ice-cream contains 60-69 per cent of water. It contains sugar. It may be added to such materials as eggs, gelatin, fruits, nuts, chocolate and others which add to it food value. Thus, ice-cream contains a rich supply of the food nutrients.

    Condensed milk and dry milk contain all the food constituents of milk in a highly concentrated form.

    Skim milk contains all the solids of milk excepting the butter fat. Skim milk is an excellent source of animal protein of high quality and the minerals-calcium and phosphorus. It contains some proportion of lactose. Skim milk is an excellent food for man and for young growing animals.

    Fermented milks are produced from the whole milk by using special microorganisms. The principal product formed in the fermentation is lactic acid. Most of the fermented milks are considered to be especially healthful. Some of them contribute desirable types of bacteria which compete with undesirable bacteria which are in intestinal tract and which produce toxic products.

    2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.

    1. What is milk?

    2. What dairy products are produced of milk?

    3. What does butter contain?

    4. What is cheese?

    5. What varieties of milk are produced in Russian plants?

    3. Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык, используя лексику текста из Задания 1.

    1. Молочные продукты богаты жирами, белком и минеральными солями.

    2. Мы знаем, что пастеризация молока применяется для разрушения всех микроорганизмов, находящихся в нем.

    3. Молоко улучшает качество хлеба.

    4. Молоко легко обезжиривается, если пропустить его через сепаратор.

    5. Сыр производится из молока.

    6. Известно, что масло производят из сливок.

    7. Соль добавляют в масло, чтобы продлить сохранность качества и придать приятный аромат.

    8. Соль, используемая в масле, должна быть чистой и мелкой.

    9. Я считаю, что это молоко слишком кислое для кипячения.

    10. Это масло слишком прогорклое, чтобы использовать его в тесте.

    4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.

    1. We decided to run through the forest.

    2. The teacher expected Sarah to study hard.

    3. I learned to ride the bike at the age of 5.

    4. Don't worry. I'll remember to call you tonight.

    5. They invited me to come.

    5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции герундия.

    1. She doesn't mind working the night shift.

    2. Are you thinking of visiting London?

    3. Do you think it's worth buying it?

    4. There is high probability of their being invited to the congress as special guests.

    5. We’ll probably think of trying another approach in this matter.

    6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции причастия.

    1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl.

    2. The little plump woman standing at the window is my grandmother.

    3. The man playing the piano is Kate's uncle.

    4. A fish taken out of the water cannot live.

    5. The sun having set an hour before, it was getting darker.

    6. Taking a dictionary, he began to translate the text.

    7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на типы условных предложений.

    1. Richard will walk to school if he misses the bus.

    2. Emily will buy the cola if you pack the picnic basket.

    3. If she had 5 pounds more, she would buy herself this T-shirt.

    4. If they offered me the job, I would take it.

    5. If I had seen you, I would have talked to you.

    Вариант 18

    1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.


    Tea is the most popular beverage of the peoples of China, Japan, Russia and Great Britain. It is made from the dried leaves of the cultivated tea-plant.

    The tea-plant is an evergreen shrub which, when wild, may grow to the height of thirty feet. But when under cultivation it is so trained and pruned, that it is generally not more than four or five feet high.

    The plant is not raised from slips, but from the seed. The leaves are good for plucking when the tea-plant is three years old, and it yields the largest quantity of leaves when it has reached the age of eight years.

    There are many names for different kinds of tea: but there is only one kind of tea-plant. The difference in the quality and character of the leaves arise from the different soils the plant may be grown in, the different climates that play upon it, the different times at which the leaves are picked and the different ways in which the leaves are “cured” or dressed.

    The tea-plant grows in a most soil-commonly stony or at the foot of mountains and rocks, which face the South.

    The first picking takes place in the month of April. It consists of very young leaves and of buds just beginning to burst into leaves. These very young leaves give a tea of the finest quality. The little shrubs quickly put out leaves again; and the second picking takes place in May. This is the crop, which combines the best quality with the largest quantity of leaves and is, therefore the most important crop of the year.

    The third crop is picked about in the middle of June, but the leaves from this crop are much coarser and of inferior quality. The fourth crop is gathered in August or September; and these leaves are large and coarse, have a bitter and woody flavour.

    There are two basic kinds of tea: Black and Green. They could be produced from the same bush, for it is the method used to treat leaves after picking that makes the tea different.

    Tea should be kept tightly covered and should not be exposed to quick changes of temperature. It absorbs odour readily.

    Black – A fermented tea, in which the leaves are withered immediately after picking. Then the leaves are rolled so as to liberate the juices and start fermentation. The leaves are rolled again and are “fired” or dried to drive out all moisture and stop the fermentation. In this process the leaves, which were green when picked and copper-coloured after fermenting, turn back. Black tea is the most popular type.

    Green – An unfermented tea, sterilized in live steam or hot pans to destroy the oxidizing agents in the leaf. Then it is rolled and “fired”. The liquor from these leaves is light amber green, with delicate flavour.

    2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.

    1. What is tea?

    2. What raw material is used for making tea?

    3. Is tea cultivated in Russia?

    4. In what part of Russia is tea grown?

    5. How many crops do tea shrubs yield a year?

    6. Which crop of tea-leaves yield the best quality tea?

    3. Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык, используя лексику текста из Задания 1.

    1. Чай – это безалкогольный напиток (soft drink).

    2. Чай изготавливается из сухих листьев чайного куста.

    3. Родиной чая считают Китай.

    4. Чай выращивается в Грузии.

    5. Чайные кусты дают наибольшее количество листьев, когда им 8 лет.

    6. Чайный лист собирают 4 раза в год – в апреле, мае, июне и августе.

    7. Из листьев первого урожая изготовляется чай высшего сорта.

    8. Наибольшее распространение имеют чёрные, а за ними зелёные чаи.

    9. Россия также импортирует чай из других стран – Англии, Индии, Китая, Цейлона и др.

    10. Из заграничных чёрных чаев широко известны китайские, цейлонские и индийские.

    4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.

    1. We decided to buy a new car.

    2. They've got some work to do.

    3. He'd like to fly an aeroplane.

    4. The plan of our work will be discussed at the meeting to be held on May 25.

    5. To walk in the garden was a pleasure.

    6. Jane remembered to have been told a lot about Mr. Smith.

    5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции герундия.

    1. Peter gave up smoking.

    2. I enjoy writing picture postcards.

    3. They objected to the talks being held without all the parties represented.

    4. Do you think it’s worth while beginning this project without waiting for the confirmation to arrive?

    5. Such result may be accounted for by their having started the experiment in the middle of the year.

    6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции причастия.

    1. Being busy, he postponed his trip.

    2. Having been shown the wrong direction, the travellers soon lost their way.

    3. The room facing the garden is much more comfortable than this one.

    4. Having descended the mountain they heard a man calling for help.

    5. The weather being cold, he put on his overcoat.

    7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на типы условных предложений.

    1. If the weather is fine, we shall play outside.

    2. If you ring me up, I shall tell you something.

    3. You would have summer holidays from June till August if you lived in the USA.

    4. We would sell the bike for 20 Euros if Ron repaired it.

    5. If it had been warmer, we would have gone swimming.

    Вариант 19

    1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.


    The white or Irish potato is one of the most important food plants of the world. It was brought to Europe from America. The potato was introduced into Europe soon after 1580 by the Spaniards and by the end of the seventeenth century it had spread all over Europe and the British Isles.

    The potato is an erect, branching, more or less spreading annual from 2 or 3 ft. in height. The flowers are white, yellow or purple, while the fruit is a small brownish green or purple inedible berry.

    Potatoes are adapted to many soils and many climates. In fact they are grown the world over, except in low tropical regions. Cool moist climate, with a mean annual temperature of 29°C and a rich light soil are favourable for potato growing.

    Uniform moisture during the time of tuberization plays an important role in determining the number of tubers formed. Uniform moisture after tuber formation is an important factor in determining the development of tubers, especially their size, smoothness and shape.

    Potato crops are classified according to time of harvest as early, intermediate and late.

    The late or main crop comprises about 80 per cent of the total production. Approximately two-thirds of the quantity is stored in autumn for the use during winter and spring. The late potato is therefore of much greater economic importance than the early and intermediate crops. The late crop is grown chiefly in the northern regions of Russia because of favourable climatic and soil conditions. The late crop potato is raised for consumption and for seed stock.

    Potato is used as food not only for people but as fodder for animals too. Besides, potato is an industrial crop and is used as a raw material for production of starch and alcohol.

    Harvesting. The date of digging potatoes should be influenced largely by the condition of the crop. The tops should be dead and the tubers should be thoroughly hardened so that the skin will not peel easily. Potatoes should be picked up within a few minutes after digging and placed in the shade when they are dug during hot weather. Potatoes exposed to bright sunshine will rot quickly in storage.

    More attention needs to be given to the prevention of mechanical injuries at the time of harvest. Skinned bruised or cut tubers will shrink more rapidly than sound ones. Also, disease – producing organisms may enter injured potatoes and cause decay. Allowing potatoes to mature before digging will help to prevent mechanical injury.

    Notes: low tropical regions - самые тропические районы (широты) с


    барометрическим давлением

    uniform moisture - равномерное количество влаги

    adequate moisture - достаточное количество влаги

    the set - структура, плотность, форма

    prevention of mechanical injuries - предохранение от механических повреждений

    2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.

    1. What is potato?

    2. Where was potato originally cultivated?

    3. Who brought potato to Europe?

    4. What conditions are favourable for potato growing?

    5. How are potato crops classified?

    6. What is produced of potato?

    3. Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык, используя лексику текста из задания 1.

    1. Картофель – это продовольственная культура.

    2. Картофель в России выращивается в большом количестве.

    3. Картофель используется как продукт питания не только для людей, но и как корм для скота.

    4. Картофель является также технической культурой.

    5. Он используется для производства крахмала и спирта.

    6. Картофель классифицируется в зависимости от времени уборки его: ранний сорт, средний сорт и поздний сорт.

    7. Поздний сорт составляет примерно 80% общей продукции.

    8. Лучше всего картофель следует убирать, когда ботва уже сухая.

    9. Картофель, предназначенный для хранения, должен быть здоровым.

    4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.

    1. He proved to be one of the cleverest students at our Institute.

    2. He knew himself to be strong enough to take part in the expedition.

    3. To see is to believe.

    4. He is sure to enjoy himself at the disco.

    5. To tell you the truth, this company has a very stable position in the market.

    5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции герундия.

    1. He talked without stopping.

    2. Some people can walk all day without feeling tired.

    3. Living in little stuffy rooms means breathing poisonous air.

    4. Iron is found by digging in the earth.

    5. There are two ways of getting sugar: one from beet and the other from sugar-cane.

    6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и функции причастия.

    1. He saw his friend going out with Sue.

    2. The bus crashed into the blue car driving down the hill.

    3. Peter hurt his leg doing karate.

    4. The umbrella found at the bus stop belongs to John Smith.

    5. And the wind having dropped, they set out to walk.

    7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на типы условных предложений.

    1. Fred will answer the phone if his wife has a bath.

    2. If Claire wears this dress at the party, our guests will not stay any longer.

    3. If the steak was not so hot, we would eat it.

    4. What would you do if it rained?

    5. If he had not failed his driving test, his parents would have lent him their car.

    Вариант 20

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