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  • Mostly Cs.

  • Vocabulary

  • So you think you know about the Internet!

  • Listening.

  • Speaking

  • Group 1

  • Using the telephone Here are some tips.

  • Listening

  • Inefficient; impatient; aggressive; bored; unhelpful

  • Nancy Bonetti called. Please fax her the October sales report. Her fax number is 599-2337

  • 7нн. Методические указания и задания к занятиям семинарского типа, контрольной и самостоятельной работе по дисциплине

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    Count how many А, В, С, D answers you gave. Then read your profile.

    Mostly As. What a technophile! Do you have time for humans? You need to take a break and see some friends.

    Mostly Bs. You've got the right attitude for the business world. You know and understand technology. But... be careful – don't let it take over your life.

    Mostly Cs. Well... you can use a computer. And you haven't forgotten about your friends. But don't get left behind by new technology!

    Mostly Ds. What century are you living in? Modern technology can make your life easier and more fun! And if you want a job in business, you'd better liven up.



    1. Read the text to find out what equipment is used in an office. Make a vocabulary list.

    Office equipment

    Computers can be called PCs (Personal Computer) or laptops. You can also have a hand-held computer, sometimes called a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) or a palmtop. Use PC for home or office computers. You can carry laptops and PDAs.

    Use digital to describe equipment that stores information as numbers or electronic signals, e.g. digital camera, recording. Use the Internet to talk about the network of computers across the world that can exchange information; use the World Wide Web to talk about the information that is stored on these computers.

    The main parts of a computer are the screen (which you look at), the keyboard (for typing) and the mouse (for clicking, etc.). Other features include the CD/DVD drives which let you access information on a disk, speakers which send out sound, and a webcam that can produce images which can be seen on a website.

    A printer gives you a hard (paper) copy of a document; a scanner puts text/images into digital form. A photocopier copies documents.

    You take (not make) a photo. You make a phone call. You surf the Internet.

    You switch or turn computers, phones, cameras, etc. on and off but you turn (not switch) the volume up and down.
    2. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

    1. You can hear sound through ____________ on your computer.

    2. You type on a __________________.

    3. A small computer you use when traveling is called a ____________.

    4. You use a ____________ connected to a computer to produce images that you can see on a website.

    5. When you’re using a computer, you look at the ________________.

    6. Cameras you use with computers are ___________________.

    7. A very small computer that you can hold in your hand is sometimes called a __________________.

    8. You can get information by surfing the ____________________.

    9. You click with a _________________.

    10. A larger computer you use in the office is often called a _________.

    3. Think of an office where you would like to work and describe it (make a layout).


    1. Discuss these questions.

    1. What do you use a computer for?

    2. How has the Internet changed our lives?

    2. Read the article and answer the questions.

    1. What two types of computers does the Internet use?

    2. What type of server does your ISP operate?

    3. How does a web page arrive at your computer?

    4. What was ARPANET? What were its disadvantages?

    5. What did Tim Berners-Lee do?

    So you think you know about the Internet!

    Servers and clients

    The Internet is a worldwide network of hundreds of millions of computers linked together by telephone systems. Two basic types of computer are involved -'servers' and 'clients'. Your home, school, or office computer is a client, while the information you seek is stored on the servers.

    Getting to a web page

    Every website in the world is located on a host server. When you type in a website address your home computer is then connected to a 'gateway' server. This is operated by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).Then your request to view a page is passed on by your ISP to other servers. In seconds it is passed from server to server until it reaches the target host server. Then you can view the web page you requested.

    Early days

    The first computer network was developed by the US military during the 1950s. It was adapted by scientists in the 60s so they could share information. This new system was called ARPANET. As more and more universities and other institutions used ARPANET, it became an information community. The Internet was starting to take shape.

    Going global

    Unfortunately, ARPANET was complex and difficult to use. The Internet was revolutionized in 1991 when the World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee. Now anyone could access information with a click of the mouse! Mosaic, the world's first Web browser, was introduced in 1993. It worked for both PCs and Apple Macs. And from then on, the Internet became truly global.


    Listening.'>Listening. Before you send an email there are some simple things to remember. Listen and complete the gaps.

    Getting ready to send

    • Always complete the Subject line so the recipient knows what the______1 is about. 'Hi!' is not usually enough!

    • End your email with a signature. Include your company name, _____2 title and contact details. You can make this appear ________3 on every email.

    • Only use 'Reply to all' if all the ________4 need to Ready our email.

    • Read your message through, and check spelling, ______5, and punctuation. Typing in ______6 is considered to be like shouting.

    • Remember to attach that ________7 or picture! It's easy to forget!

    • Check with your _______8 before sending large attachments. Mailboxes can fill up quickly.

    ______________________________Check your answers with Tape script 5.


    1. Read the following e-mail. What has Katie done wrong?
    From: Katie Cavendish
    To: Dan Ross
    Can you contact Adam Krasinski in the Polish office? I want you to send him a copy of the document called 'personnel' so he knows about the recent changes to the company organization. Can you also ask him to send me his latest sales figures? I need the information by tomorrow morning! And copy me in on your email.

    2. Write the e-mail that Katie requests.



    1. Read the two short stories. Have you ever had similar experiences?
    No computer, no work

    When your computer system at work crashes, you realize how dependent you are on technology. You can't write reports, access data, send emails, or print things. But you get to know your colleagues a bit better! 
    Bugs killed my computer

    Computer viruses. They're really scary. I once opened an email attachment and my computer got a virus. I couldn't open any of my documents! My hard disk was destroyed. 
    2. Group discussion. Work in two groups.

    Group 1: think of the advantages of modern technology.

    Group 2: think of its disadvantages.

    Take it in turns to defend your position. Who is more convincing?


    Get real

    Read a user manual of any gadget you are familiar with. Explain what the gadget can do and how to use it. Don’t fail to select only relevant information! Demonstrate the gadget to the class if possible.




    What is the difference between telephoning and person to person communication? List most common problems one may have when speaking on the phone. How to cope with them?


    Reading . Read this article from an American business magazine. Can these tips help you with the problems listed above?
    Using the telephone? Here are some tips.

    When you speak on the phone…

    • Be cheerful and positive. Smile while you speak; this makes your voice softer.

    • Speak loud enough to be heard but not too loudly.

    • Let the caller hang up first. Hang up gently and securely.

    When you answer a call…

    • Answer after the first or second ring.

    • Give your name at the beginning of the conversation. This gives a friendly impression and lets the caller use your name.

    • If necessary, ask who is calling at the beginning of the call.

    When you make a call…

    • Know the name of the person you want to reach and how to pronounce it.

    • If you reach a wrong number, do not just hang up. Say, ‘I’m sorry; I must have dialed a wrong number.’

    • Avoid the hours of noon to 2:00 p.m. If you are calling overseas, check the time zone.


    Listening. Listen to five telephone conversations. Which of these adjectives best describes the person who receives the call? Why?

    Inefficient; impatient; aggressive; bored; unhelpful.

    How could you improve each call?

    ______________________________Check your answers with Tape script 6.
    Read this telephone conversation. Choose the more polite way of saying the same thing. Practice the conversation with your partner.


    I want to speak to Ann Jones.

    Hello. Could I speak to Ann Jones, please?


    I’m afraid she’s away form her desk right now.

    She isn’t here. I don’t know where she is.


    So when will she be there?

    I see. Do you know when she’ll be back?


    I don’t know.

    I’m sorry, I don’t know.


    Could I leave a message?

    I want to leave a message.


    Well, I guess that’s OK. What’s your name?

    Of course. May I have your name, please?


    Vic Kaplan. Ask her to call me today.

    Vic Kaplan. That’s K-A-P-L-A-N. Could you ask her to call me today?


    I’ll give her your message, Mr. Kaplan.

    All right.


    Thank you very much.


    Listening Bob Jansky works for Crane Supermarkets. He makes three telephone calls. What happens? Listen and match the person with the correct information.

    1. Mary O’Brien

    a) Bob will call back later.

    2. Craig Watson

    b) Bob leaves a message.

    3. Grace Chang

    c) Bob speaks to him/her.

    2. Listen again. Check () the expressions you hear.

    Dialogue 1

    Dialogue 2

    Dialogue 3

    He’s on another line.

    I’m sorry, she’s away form her desk right now.

    May I have your name, please?

    Do you know when she’ll be back?

    Would you like to hold?

    Can I take a message?

    I’ll call back later.

    One moment, please.

    Could you ask her to call me?

    ______________________________Check your answers with Tape script 7.

    Listening. 1. Read these messages for Bob Jansky. His assistant wrote them down from his answering machine. There is one mistake in each message. Listen to the original messages and correct the mistakes

    1. Nancy Bonetti called. Please fax her the October sales report. Her fax number is 599-2337.

    2. Scott Magee called. We can’t get the new printer until next week.

    3. Karen Lee called. Please call her after 4:30 p.m.

    4. George Tanabe from CTK Designs called. He’ll call back this afternoon.

    5. Suzanne called. She’ll meet you in front of the station tomorrow evening at seven.

    2. Listen again and answer the questions.

    1. Why does Nancy want Bob to fax her the report?

    2. Why can’t Scott get the new printer?

    3. What is Karen Lee doing from 4:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.?

    4. What is George Tanabe calling about?

    5. Why does Suzanne want to meet Bob?

    ______________________________Check your answers with Tape script 8.

    Vocabulary: Make a list of telephoning expressions under these headings. Discuss the language with your teacher.

    Answering the phone

    Hello, John Waite speaking.

    ABC Foods. How can I help you?

    Making contact

    Extension 596, please

    Can I speak to…?

    I’ll put you through


    Identifying yourself

    Making excuses

    The line is engaged

    It’s the wrong number.

    Stating your purpose

    I’m calling about (your invoice)…

    I’m just returning your call.


    Could you read that back to me?

    Could you speak up / more slowly?

    Could you spell that, please?

    Asking for information

    Promising action and confirming

    I’ll phone you tomorrow.

    Ending a call

    Listen to more dialogues and make detailed flow charts for them. Practice the dialogues with a partner.

    ______________________________Check your answers with Tape script 9.

    Now practice again. Work out developed dialogues. The purpose of your call is:


    – fax the data to the head office

    – call me tomorrow morning


    – the meeting starts at 2:30 p.m.

    – the delivery has not arrived

    Act out your telephone conversations. Stand back to back with your partner.
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