Практикум по английскому языку. Практикум Под редакцией И. Ю. Марковиной Москва "билингва" 2002 Марковина И. Ю., Громова Г. Е
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Упражнение 36А. Найдите в предложениях инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели. Такое обстоятельство может стоять до или после ядра предложения (иногда перед инфинитивом может использоваться выражение in order to). Примеры: Cells need oxygen to survive. The heart needs oxygen in order to function. To live and to do its work a cell needs oxygen. In order to carry on their metabolic activities all body cells need oxygen. Б . Независимо от наличия или отсутствия словосочетания in order to в английском предложении, на русский язык инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели всегда переводится словами: "для", "для того, чтобы", "чтобы". В. Переведите предложения. The muscles transform chemical energy into mechanical energy to support and move the body. From very early times surgeons have used drugs to lessen pain during operations. To perform its vital functions, blood must be kept in motion. To conserve heat the blood vessels of the skin contract, to lose heat they dilate. In order to contract, skeletal muscle must be stimulated. In order to grow, harden, and repair bones must have an adequate supply of minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus. To keep the heart beating the sino-atrial node in the right atrium sends im pulses through the two atria, causing atrial systole. In order to keep blood moving back towards the heart, veins have valves which prevent the back flow of blood and keep the blood moving in one direction. The capillaries exchange the oxygen for waste matter, such as carbon dioxide, which is taken back to the lungs to be expelled. A large volume of blood is carried by the portal vein from the stomach, intestine and spleen to the liver to be chemically processed before returning to the heart. The oxygenated blood leaves the alveolar capillaries and returns to the heart to be discharged into the systemic circuit. To be accepted by scientists, the results of any experiments designed to test the hypothesis must be repeatable and capable of being duplicated by others. 59 The end products of protein digestion, amino acids, pass into the blood, some to be used as structural proteins for the building of body tissue, others to be used as enzymes, and the rest to be carried to various parts of the body as a reserve. In order to minimize rejection and improve the chances of survival of a trans planted organ, efforts are made to match as closely as possible the blood types and tissue types of the donor and recipient. To stop food from going into the trachea and lungs, a flap of tissue called the epiglottis moves over the opening (the glottis) during swallowing. Упражнение 37А. Найдите инфинитив. Определите, в какой из двух функций он используется: как подлежащее или как обстоятельство цели. Для этого надо найти сказуемое и установить, с чем оно согласуется, то есть что является в предложении подлежащим. Пример: То producea hormone rich in iodine is the chief function of the thyroid gland. To producean effect a drug must reach its target in adequate amounts. Б . Переведите предложения. To maintain the pH within normal range there are substances present in blood that act as buffers. To maintain normal acid-base balance is the main task of the kidneys. To prevent backflow of blood, the heart is equipped with valves that permit the blood to flow in only one direction. To develop a vaccine against any parasite is a long-term effort that can take 20 to 30 years. To suture the wound properly is essential for healing the wound. To stay alive all the cells in the body need continuing supplies of oxygen, energy and nutrient. To make a diagnosis one must know the symptoms of the disease. To determine the proportions of various chemical elements present in the hu man body is comparatively simple. The Scanner examines the body in slices, 13 mm thick. To take a picture of a complete slice takes only 20 seconds. 10. To prevent infection Lister ['hsta] (1827 — 1912) invented methods of using anticeptics during surgical operations. 7.5 Инфинитив-определение |