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Unit twelve



Two weeks before the group is to leave Moscow for London Pete telephones David. His secretary answers the call.

Secretary: International Management here, can I help you?

Pete: Good afternoon. My name is Smirnov from Economtraining, Moscow, Russia. Could I speak to Mr. Hill, please?

Secretary: Hold on, please. I'll just see if Mr. Hill is available ... I'm putting you through.

Pete: Thank you

David: Speaking

Pete: David, good afternoon. I am sorry to disturb you but we have a problem I am afraid

David: What kind of problem is it?

Pete: Well, you see, one of the participants has fallen ill and he won't be able to join the group.

David: I'm certainly sorry to hear that. First I 'll have to make another reservation for a single room since the number of participants isn't even now. Besides it will cause changes in the Programme Fee.

Pete: Can you reduce the fee by one thousand pounds auto­matically?

David: I'm afraid it can't be done. Some of the expenses are not directly connected with the number of participants. For example hiring coaches for excursions, for airporthotel transfers and so on. I'll make calculations and send you the appropriate Amendment to the Contract.

Pete: Good. If I find the amended fee quite reasonable I shall immediately instruct the bank to make the transfer.

David: The reduction will be about nine hundred pounds and I hope you will pay for the Programme next week, as the Contract says.

Pete: When you make calculations please remember it's a force majuere case. Neither we nor you are responsible. We should split the expenses involved.

David: I agree with you and I'll take that into account. In an hour or so I'll send you the amendment.

David keeps his promise and sends the amendment in thirty min­utes. Pete finds the amended Programme Fee quite acceptable, signs the Amendment and sends it by fax to David

Words and expressions


двенадцать (числ.)



to telephone

звонить по телефону


звонок по телефону




telephone conversation

разговор по телефону

The group is to leave Moscow ...

Группа должна вылететь из Москвы

to answer






to answer the call

отвечать на звонок, сни­мать трубку

Can I help you?

Чем могу быть полезен9 Слушаю вас

Hold on, please.

Не вешайте трубку



доступный, наличный

I'll see if he is available.

Я посмотрю сейчас, на месте ли он

I'm putting you through.

Соединяю вас



to be sorry

быть огорченным

to disturb



I'm sorry to disturb you.

Простите, что беспокою вас


вид, сорт,тип

What kind of problem is it?

Какая проблема? (Какого рода проблема9)

to fall ill


He has fallen ill.

Он заболел.

to be able

быть в состоянии

to join

присоединить (ся)

to join the group

присоединиться к группе

He won't be able to join the group

Он не сможет приехать вместе с группой.

to hear



I'm sorry to hear that

Очень печально это слы­


to make another reserva­tion

сделать другой заказ (гостиницы)

I'll have to make another

Придется перезаказать





единственный, один

single room

номер на одного


так как, поскольку




ровный, четный

even number

четное количество


кроме того

to cause


причинять, вызывать

to reduce


уменьшать (ся)

to reduce the fee by ...

уменьшить стоимость на ..




I'm afraid it can't be done.

Боюсь, что этого нельзя








to be connected with...

быть связанным с ..

for example


to hire


снимать, арендовать, брать

в лизинг



автобус (большой, для ме­ждународных перевозок)




and so on

и так далее

to amend

дополнять, изменять

amendment to the Con­tract

дополнение, изменение к контракту

to find




разумный, приемлемый



сразу, немедленно

to instruct


давать указание

to make a transfer

сделать перевод









сто (числ.)

force mareure

[,fs m']

форс-мажор, непреодо­лимая сила, ни от кого не зависимые отрицатель­ные обстоятельства, ос­ложнения



a force majeure case

в случае форс-мажора

neither ... nor ...

['na ... 'n]

ни .. ни ...



несущий ответственность

to agree



to agree with somebody

соглашаться с кем-либо

to take into account

syn. to take into conside­ration

принимать во внимание




to keep one's promise

сдерживать обещание



тридцать (числ.)





1. Underline the sentences true to the text:

• Pete telephones David.

David telephones Pete.

David's secretary telephones Pete.

• He makes this call two days before the group is to leave Moscow.

He makes the call one week before the Russian businessmen are to leave Moscow.

He makes the call two weeks before the businessmen are to leave

• One of the participants has fallen ill.

Mr Lvov, Group Leader, has fallen ill .

Two participants have fallen ill.

• David will have to change the hotel reservation.

Pete says he has changed the hotel reservation.

Pete says he will have to change the hotel reservation.

• This change causes the change of the fee.

This change does not cause the change of the fee.

The businessmen do not speak about the change of the fee.

• David promises to telephone to settle the problem.

David promises to send a fax message to settle the problem .

David settles the problem dining the telephone talk.

2. Read the following:

• go

• colleague


















• planning

• meeting

• skiing



checking in



checking out




• answers the call

The secretary answers the call. the programme

the fee

It will cause changes in the Programme.

Can you reduce the fee?

• the number

It is not directly connected with the number of partici­pants. thirty

David sends the amendment in thirty minutes.


I am putting you through.

Настоящее продолженное время (Present Continuous)

Present Continuous глаголов образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующей форме (am/is/are) и ing = формы глагола:

I am speaking English.

Не / She is speaking English.

We are speaking English.

They are speaking English.
Вопросительная форма образуется путем изменения порядка слов:

Are you speaking Greek?

Yes, I am.

No, I am not.

Is she speaking Greek?

Yes, she is.

No, she isn't.

Are they speaking Greek?

Yes, they are.

No, they aren't.

Отрицательная форма образуется добавлением части­цы not:

I am not speaking Spanish.

She isn't speaking Spanish.

We aren't speaking Spanish.

They aren't speaking Spanish.

Настоящее продолженное время выражает действие, происходящее в данный момент, в данный период или в ближайшем будущем. Например:

We are having a lesson now.

3. Underline the verbs and translate the sentences into Russian:

I am putting you through.

Now they are entering the office.

They are leaving Moscow next week.

We are planning to send a group in November.

We sometimes send groups to England.

I'm making a note of that.

I often make notes at business talks.

David is staying at the Russia hotel.

He often stays there.

They are working at a very important project now and cannot leave for the mountains.

She likes her work, they usually work at a few interesting projects at a time.

4. Make short dialogues:

• Example

— Is she busy now?

— Oh, yes, she is sending a fax message.

Pete / to speak with David

Nick / to prepare for a talk

your boss / to have a business talk

the secretary / to speak over the telephone

5. Translate into English:

Петр звонит Дэвиду.

Сейчас Дэвид отправляет Петру факс.

Петр занят. Он читает факс.

Что делает сейчас Дэвид?

6. Translate into Russian:

David is answering Pete's call.

Two weeks before the group is to leave Moscow Pete telephones David.

The group is leaving for London in November.

The secretary answers Pete's call.

Can I help you?

Could I speak to Mr. Hill, please?

Hold on, please.

I'll see if he is available.

I'm putting you through.

Thank you.

7. Match English and Russian equivalents:


У нас возникло некоторое осложнение.

I'm sorry to disturb you.

Какое осложнение?

We have a problem, I'm afraid.


What kind of problem is it?

Извините за беспокойство.

One of the participants has fallen ill.

Он не сможет поехать с группой.

He won't be able to join the group.

Очень печально (слышать это).

I'm sorry to hear that.

Во-первых, придется переза­казать номер.

First I'll have to make an­other reservation.

Я имею в виду номер на од­ного человека.

I mean reservation for a single room.

The number of participants isn't even now.

Количество участников сей­час нечетное.

Один из участников заболел.

8. Insert prepositions:

Besides it will cause changes . . the Programme fee.

Can you reduce the fee ... 1000 pounds automatically?

Some .. the expenses are not directly connected ... the number of participants.

The number . . participants isn't even now.

.. example, hiring coaches ... excursions, ... airport — hotel transfers and so on.

I'll make calculations and send you the appiopriate amendment ... the Contract.

9. Insert articles:

If I find ... amended fee quite reasonable I shall immediately instruct ... bank to make ... transfer.

.. reduction will be about 900 pounds and I hope you will pay for programme next week, as ... Contract says.

When you make calculations please remember it's ... force majeure case. We should split ... expenses.

In ... hour or so I'll send you ... amendment.

10. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

• — International ... here. Can I , . you?

— Good afternoon. My ... Russia. Could I speak ...?

— Hold ... I'll just see ... available. I'm ... through.

— Thank ...

• — Speaking.

— David, good afternoon. I'm sorry ... problem, I'm afraid.

— What kind ...?

— Well, you see, one ... ill and he won't be able ...

— I'm certainly ... First I'll have to make ... since the number ...

• — Besides it will cause ... fee.

— Can you reduce ...?

— I'm afraid, it can't be done. Some of the expenses ... con­nected .. participants. For example, hiring coaches ... transfers and so on. I'll make calculations and ... appropriate ...

• — If I find the amended fee quite ... I shall immediately ... bank transfer

— The reduction will be about ... and I hope you will pay ... as the Contract says.

— When you make calculation ... force majeure ... Neither we nor you are responsible. We should ...

— I agree with ... and I'll take ... In an hoor or so I'll ...

11. Sum up each dialogue. The following words may be of help:

First Mr ... speaks to ...

First the businessmen speak about ...

Mr. . mentions ...

They discuss ..

They agree
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