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Англ_яз_Murphy_Евсеева_А_Ю. Учебнопрактическое пособие Грамматика английского языка

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Exercise 1. Read what these people say and write sentences with Не/She /They said (that)....

  1. I've lost my watch. He said he had lost his watch.

  2. I'm very busy. ……

  3. I have to go out. ……

  4. I can't go to the party ……

  5. I'm learning Russian. ……

  6. I don't feel very well. ……

  7. We'll be home late. ……

  8. I've just come back from holiday. ……

  9. I'm going to buy a computer. ……

  10. We haven't got a key. ……

Exercise 2. Put in say/said or tell/told.

  1. He said he was tired.

  2. What did she tell you?

  3. Ann she didn't like Peter.

  4. Jack me that you were ill.

  5. Please don't …Jim what happened.

  6. Did Lucy……she would be late?

  7. The woman……she was a reporter.

  8. The woman……us she was a reporter.

  9. They asked me a lot of questions but I didn't …… them anything.

  10. They asked me a lot of questions but I didn't ……anything.

Exercise 3. Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Charlie. Here are some of the things Charlie said to you:

  1. I'm living in London now.

  2. My father isn't very well.

  3. Sharon and Paul are getting married next month.

  4. Margaret has had a baby.

  5. I don't know what Fred is doing.

  6. I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine.

  7. I haven't seen Diane recently.

  8. I'm not enjoying my job very much.

  9. You can come and stay at my flat if you are ever in London.

  10. My car was stolen a few weeks ago.

  11. I want to go on holiday but I can't afford it.

  12. I'll tell Ann I saw you.

Later that day you tell another friend what Charlie said. Use reported speech.

  1. Charlie said that he was living in London now.

  2. He said that……

  3. He……

  4. ……

  5. ……

  6. ……

  7. ……

  8. ……

  9. ……

  10. ……

  11. ……

  12. ……

Exercise 4. Somebody says something to you which is the opposite of what they said before. Write a suitable answer beginning I thought you said... .

  1. A: That restaurant is expensive.

B: Is it? I thought you said it was cheap.

  1. A: Ann is coming to the party tonight.

B: Is she? I thought you said she ……

  1. A: Ann likes Paul.

B: Does she? I thought……

  1. A: I know lots of people.

B: Do you? I thought you said you,…..

  1. A: I'll be here next week.

B: Will you? ……

  1. A: I'm going out this evening.

В: Are you?......

  1. A: I can speak a little French.

B: Can you?......

  1. A: I haven't been to the cinema for ages.

B: Haven't you? ……
Exercise 5. Here are some things that Ann said to you:

  1. I've never been to the United States.

  2. I can't drive.

  3. Jane is a friend of mine.

  4. I’m working tomorrow evening.

  5. Jane has a very well-paid job.

  6. I don't have any brothers or sisters.

  7. Dave is lazy.

  8. I don’t like fish.

But later Ann says something different to you. What do you say?

Dave works very hard.

Let's have fish for dinner.

I'm going to buy a car.

Jane is always short of money.

My sister lives in London.

I think New York is a fantastic place.

Let's go out tomorrow evening.

I've never spoken to Jane.

But you said he was lazy.







Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with say or tell (in the correct form). Use only one word each time.

  1. Ann said goodbye to me and left.

  2. …… us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time?

  3. Don't just stand there!......something!

  4. I wonder where Sue is. She……she would be here at 8 o'clock.

  5. Jack……me that he was fed up with his job.

  6. The doctor……that I should rest for at least a week.

  7. Don't……anybody what I……It's a secret just between us.

  8. 'Did she……you what happened?' 'No, she didn't……anything to me.'

  9. George couldn't help me. He…...me to ask Kate.

  10. George couldn't help me. He……to ask Kate.

Exercise 7. The following sentences are direct speech:

  1. Don't wait for me if I'm late.

  2. Please slow down.

  3. Hurry up!

  4. Can you open your bag, please?

  5. Don’t worry, Sue.

  6. Will you marry me?

  7. Mind your own business.

  8. Could you repeat what you said, please?

  9. Do you think you could give me a hand, Tom?

Now choose one of these to complete each sentence below. Use reported speech.

  1. Bill was taking a long time to get ready, so I told him to hurry up.

  2. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked……

  3. Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I told......

  4. I couldn't move the piano alone, so I……

  5. The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and……

  6. I had difficulty understanding him, so I……

  7. I didn't want to delay Ann, so I……

  8. John was very much in love with Mary, so he……

  9. He started asking me personal questions, so……

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