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Англ_яз_Murphy_Евсеева_А_Ю. Учебнопрактическое пособие Грамматика английского языка

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ТипУчебно-практическое пособие
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Exercise 1. Write these verbs+ -s or-es.

  1. (read) she reads

  2. (think) he ……

  3. (fly) it …….

  4. (dance) he ……

  5. (have) she ……

  6. (finish) it ……

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences. Use these verbs:
boil close cost like cost like meet teach wash open speak

  1. Margaret speaks four languages.

  2. In Britain the banks usually……at 9.30 in the morning.

  3. The City Museum……at 5 o'clock in the evening.

  4. Tina is a teacher. She……mathematics to young children.

  5. My job is very interesting. I……a lot of people.

  6. Peter……his hair twice a week.

  7. Food is expensive. It……a lot of money.

  8. Shoes are expensive. They……a lot of money.

  9. Water……at 100 degrees Celsius.

  10. Julia and I are good friends. I ……her and she …… me.

Exercise 3. Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.).

  1. (always / early / Sue / arrive) Sue always arrives early.

  2. (basketball / I / play / often)

  3. ( work / Margaret / hard / usually)

  4. ( Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear)

  5. (dinner / we / have / always / at 7.30)

  6. (television / Tim / watch / never)

  7. (like/ chocolate / children / usually)

  8. (Julia/ parties / enjoy / always)

Exercise 4. Write sentences about yourself. Use always/ never/ often/ sometimes/ usually.

  1. (watch television) I never watch television. / I usually watch television in the evening. (etc.)

  2. (read in bed)

  3. (get up before 7 o'clock)

  4. (go to work/ school by bus)

  5. (drink coffee)

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using one of the following:
cause(s) close(s) drink(s) live(s) open(s) sреак(s) take(s) place

  1. Ann speaks German very well.

  2. I never……coffee.

  3. The swimming pool……at 9 o'clock and……at 18.30 every day.

  4. Bad driving……many accidents.

  5. My parents……in a very small flat.

  6. The Olympic Games…… every four years.

Exercise 6. Complete using one of the following:
I apologize I insist I promise I recommend I suggest

  1. It's a nice day. I suggest we go out for a walk.

  2. I won't tell anybody what you said……

  3. (in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal……

  4. ……for what I said about you. It wasn't true and I shouldn't have said it.

  5. The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good……it.

Exercise 7. Put the verb into the correct form.

  1. My working day begins (to begin) at seven o’clock.

  2. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises.

  3. It (to take) me fifteen minutes.

  4. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast.

  5. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o’clock.

  6. He (to take) a bus to his office.

  7. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o’clock.

  8. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room.

  9. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

  10. My sister (to get) up at eight o’clock.

  11. She (to be) a schoolgirl.

  12. She (to go) to school in the afternoon.

  13. Jane (to be) fond of sports.

  14. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.

  15. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.

  16. After breakfast she (to go) to school.

  17. It (to take) her two hours to do her homework.

  18. She (to speak) French well.


Exercise 1. Write the negative.

  1. I play the piano very well.

  2. Jane plays the piano very well.

  3. They know my phone number.

  4. We work very hard.

  5. He has a bath every day.

  6. You do the same thing every day.

Exercise 2. Write about yourself. Use: I never... or I often ... or I don't... very often.

  1. (watch TV) I don't watch TV very often. (OR I never ... OR I often ...)

  2. (to the theatre)

  3. (ride a bicycle)

  4. (eat in restaurants)

  5. (travel by train)

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don't/doesn't + one of these verbs:
cost go know read see use wear

  1. I buy a newspaper every day but sometimes I don't read it.

  2. Paul has a car but he……it very often.

  3. They like films but they …… cinema very often.

  4. Amanda is married but she…...a ring.

  5. I ……much about politics. I'm not interested in it.

  6. It's not an expensive hotel. It……much to stay there.

  7. Brian lives near us but we……him very often.

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

  1. Мой брат не любит читать газеты.

  2. Я не трачу свои карманные деньги на мороженое.

  3. Моя сестра не ходит в магазин каждый день.

  4. Он не моет руки перед едой.

  5. Они не приходят вовремя на занятия.

  6. Они не любят путешествовать вместе.

  7. Мой отец не помогает мне делать уроки.

  8. Моя мама не любит мыть посуду.

  9. Мой двоюродный брат не хочет поступать в институт.

  10. Он не играет ни на каком музыкальном инструменте.


Exercise 1. Write questions with Do ...? and Does ...?

  1. I like chocolate. And you?

  2. I play tennis. And you?

  3. Tom plays tennis. And Ann?

  4. You live near here. And your friends?

  5. You speak English. And your brother?

  6. I do exercises every morning. And you?

  7. Sue often goes away. And Paul?

  8. I want to be famous. And you?

  9. You work hard. And Linda?

Exercise 2. Write questions. Use the words in brackets (...) + do/does. Put the words in the right order.

  1. (where / live / your parents?)

  2. (you / early / always / get up?)

  3. (how often / TV / you / watch?)

  4. (you / want / what / for dinner?)

  5. (like / you / football?)

  6. (your brother / like / football?)

  7. (what / you / do / in the evenings?)

  8. (your sister / work / where?)

  9. (to the cinema / often / you / go?)

  10. (what / mean / this word?)

  11. (often / snow / it / here?)

  12. (go / usually / to bed / what time / you?)

  13. (how much / to phone New York / it / cost?)

  14. (you / for breakfast / have / usually / what?)

Exercise 3. Complete the questions. Use these verbs:
enjoy do go do like start teach work

  1. What do you do? I work in a bookshop.

  2. ……it? It's OK.

  3. What time …… in the morning? At 9 o'clock.

  4. …… on Saturdays? Sometimes.

  5. How …… to work? Usually by bus.

  6. And your husband. What ……? He's a teacher.

  7. What …… ? Science.

  8. ……his job? Yes, he loves it

Exercise 4. Ask Liz questions about herself and her family.

  1. You know that Liz plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her. How often do you play tennis?

  2. Perhaps Liz's sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Liz.……your sister……

  3. You know that Liz reads a newspaper every day. You want to know which one. Ask her. ……

  4. You know that Liz's brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask Liz. ……

  5. You know that Liz goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her. …….

  6. You don't know where Liz's mother lives. Ask Liz. ……

Exercise 5. Put the verb into the correct form.

  1. Jane doesn't drink (not/drink) tea very often.

  2. What time……(the banks / close) in Britain?

  3. 'Where……(Martin/come) from?' 'He's Scottish.'

  4. 'What……(you/do)?' 'I'm an electrical engineer.'

  5. It……(take) me an hour to get to work. How long ……(it/take) you?

  6. I……(play) the piano but I……(not/play) very well.

  7. I don't understand this sentence. What……(this word/mean)?


Exercise 1. Write short answers about yourself (Yes, he does. / No, I don't, etc.).

  1. Do you watch TV a lot? No, I don't. OR Yes, I do.

  2. Do you live in a big city?

  3. Do you often ride a bicycle?

  4. Does it rain a lot where you live?

  5. Do you play the piano?

  6. Do you speak Spanish?

  7. Do you read a lot?

  8. Do you often travel abroad?

  9. Do you like your neighbors?

  10. Do you always watch TV in the evening?

Exercise 2. Write short answers (Yes, he does. / No, I don't, etc.).

  1. Does she have breakfast at half past seven?

  2. Do they often go out for a pizza after swimming?

  3. Does he call his family in Finland from time to time?

  4. Do they go home for lunch?

  5. Does he take her to school every day?

  6. Do they rest after school?

  7. Does she take medicine every morning?

  8. Do they work in the center of New York?

  9. Does she go to school on Saturdays?

  10. Do they go to discos very often?

Exercise 3. Write short answers (Yes, he does. / No, I don't, etc.).

  1. Does his working day begin at seven o’clock?

  2. Does your aunt sometimes invite friends to her house?

  3. Do Nick and Mike help their father very often?

  4. Does your sister play the violin every day?

  5. Does your cousin sleep in the daytime?

  6. Does her uncle work at an office?

  7. Does their nephew from Canada speak three languages?

  8. Do your parents keep to any special diet?

  9. Do your friends usually prepare their homework at the university?

  10. Does her father never take risks?


Exercise 1. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.

  1. I don't like my job. It's very boring. (like)

  2. Margaret … four languages — English, French, German and Spanish. (speak)

  3. 'Where's Martin?' 'I'm sorry. I ……. ' (know)

  4. Sue is a very quiet person. She … very much. (talk)

  5. Jim …… a lot of tea. He prefers coffee. (drink)

  6. It's not true! I ……. it! (believe)

  7. That's a very beautiful picture. I……it very much. (like)

  8. Mark is a vegetarian. He…………… meat. (eat)

Exercise 2. Use one of the following verbs to complete these sentences. Sometimes you need the negative:
believe eat flow go grow make rise tell translate

  1. The earth goes round the sun.

  2. Rice doesn't grow in Britain.

  3. The sun……in the east.

  4. Bees……honey.

  5. Vegetarians…… meat.

  6. An atheist …… in God.

  7. An interpreter……from one language into another.

  8. A liar is someone who…… the truth.

  9. The River Amazon……into the Atlantic Ocean.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

  1. Ты носишь очки? (ОБЫЧНО)

  2. Наша бабушка любит спать на диване.

  3. Моя сестра всегда одевается перед зеркалом.

  4. Он читает все время и не любит смотреть телевизор.

  5. Когда у них каникулы? – В январе.

  6. Твоя сестра говорит по-французски? – Нет. Она говорит по-немецки, а ее муж говорит по-шведски.

  7. Когда встает твой брат? – Он встает без двадцати восемь. – А твоя сестра тоже встает без двадцати восемь? – Нет. Мой брат ходит в школу, а моя сестра не ходит в школу. Она ходит в детский сад, поэтому встает в девять часов.

  8. Этот мальчик всегда мешает в классе.

  9. Где живет твой племянник? – Он живет в Москве.

  10. Мой племянник все время играет в футбол и любит смотреть мультипликационные фильмы.

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