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Курсовая. 1. Find the following words in the chapter and explain their meaning Consternation ужас

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Название1. Find the following words in the chapter and explain their meaning Consternation ужас
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1. Find the following words in the chapter and explain their meaning

Consternation – ужас

This word was used in a situation when Julia found out that, to her consternation, no one on the train knew about her, and she was afraid of the possibility of being left without sleeper

Compartment – купе

This word was used in a situation when the Spaniard said that he would try to find a sleeper place for Julia. Later he came back and said he had found a compartment for her

to brandish – размахивать

This word was used in a situation when a Spaniard came to Julia to pick up his toothbrush. He went to the bathroom and came out a moment later, brandishing a toothbrush

to revolt – испытывать отвращение

this word was used in a situation when a Spaniard kissed Julia. There was a stale smell from his beard and Julia wasn’t sure if it revolted or thrilled her

to incur – навлекать

this word was used in a situation when Julia thought about the dangers she had incurred when she stayed with the Spaniard. Julia thought he might kill her or steal her pearl necklace.

to pester – докучать

This word was used in a situation when a Spaniard asked where Julia was going to stay. Julia thought that the Spaniard might be blackmailing or pestering her

Inconceivable – немыслимо/непостижимо

this word was used in a situation when Julia was thinking about the Spaniard. she thought that if he really had strong feelings for her, the it was inconceivable that he should let her alone

to mitigate – смягчить

this word was used in a situation where it was said that all Julia's indignation was mitigated as time passed, and she often thought about her adventure and even found it funny

amiably – дружелюбно/любезно

this word was used in a situation when Tom called Julia with a request to meet after the performance, but Julia refused him. Then Tom asked if he could visit her, and Julia thought it would be a great opportunity to amiably tell him that everything that had happened between them before would not happen again

seclusion – уединение

This word was used in a situation where it was said that Julia loved the three hours she stayed in her dressing room when the other members of the troupe were gone, only Evie and the doorkeeper remained, and Julia enjoyed her seclusion

to insinuate – намекнуть

this word was used in a situation when Tom came to Julia, and she thought that she would insinuate to him that she was old enough for him and old enough to be his mother

to pawn – отдавать в залог/закладывать

this word was used in a situation when Julia and Tom were in a restaurant, Julia noticed that there was no watch on Tom's hand and she asked if he had pawned it

2. Fill in the gaps with the words from exercise 1. Translate the sentences intо Russian:

1. He pawned his antique watch in order to pay off his gambling debt. (Он заложил свои старинные часы для того, чтобы расплатиться с игорными долгами. )

  1. She'd been pestered by reporters for days. (Её уже несколько дней донимали журналисты.)

3. I enjoyed the seclusion of the island. (Я наслаждался уединением этого острова.)

4. Are you insinuating that the money was stolen? (Ты намекаешь на то, что деньги были украдены?)

5. Emergency funds are being provided to help mitigate the effects of the disaster. (Для смягчения последствий стихийного бедствия выделяются чрезвычайные средства)

6. They were chatting quite amiably on the phone last night so I assumed everything was okay. (Прошлой ночью они довольно дружелюбно болтали по телефону, так что я предположил, что все в порядке.)

7. She wondered what she'd done to incur his displeasure this time. (Она поинтересовалась, что же она на этот раз сделала, чтобы вызвать его недовольство. )

8. I know I have to get up every morning, but my mind revolts against the thought. (Я знаю, что должен вставать утром каждый день, но моя душа восстаёт против этого.)

9. Much to her parents' consternation, she had decided to not go to college. (К большому ужасу своих родителей, она решила не поступать в колледж. )

10. The demonstrators brandish banners and shouted slogans. (Демонстранты размахивают транспарантами и выкрикивают лозунги.)

11. The first-class compartment is situated at the front of the train. (Купе первого класса расположено в передней части поезда.)

12. It is inconceivable that a man in such a powerful position could act so unwisely. (Трудно себе представить, что человек на столь ответственном посту мог бы вести себя так неразумно.)

3. Find the Russian equivalents to the following expressions and word combinations and use them in the situations of your own:

to cease to attract - разонравиться, перестатьпривлекать (Julia was lying down on the bad and thought about dancing with Louis XV or Ludwig of Bavaria or Alfred de Musset. Also Julia had been acting for a long time without a rest and she badly needed one. The play she was in was ceasing to attract and they were about to start rehearsing a new one when Michael got the chance of letting the theatre to a French company for six weeks)

in for a penny, in for a pound - назвался груздём-полезай в кузов; взялся за гуж, не говори, что не дюж; сказал п, говори пошли пить пиво (но это читать не надо) (Julia decided to get away. Dolly had rented a house at Cannes for the season and Julia could stay with her.When Julia came to the station she found that the trains south were so crowded that she had not been able to get a sleeper, but at a travel agency they had said that it would be quite all right but everything was the other way around. She didn’t want to sleep in carriage and Julia sat in the dinner and the man was near her. After a while the man spoke to her and Julia knew that he was the Spaniard. He gave her his sleeper and when Julia already went to bed, the Spaniard came to take his toothbrush and when he took he asked Julia to drink a glass of champagne, she let him and Julia was silent for a fraction of a second. It was his champagne and his compartment. Oh, well, in for a penny, in for a pound)

to be a heavy breather - ужасносопетьвосне (The Spaniard poured himself out a glass of champagne, lit a cigarette and sat down on the edge of Julia’s bed. She moved a little to give him more room. He accepted the situation as perfectly natural and said that she couldn’t sleep in that carriage, because there was a man who was a heavy breather)

to look one’s worst - ужасновыглядеть (When the Spaniard said that Julia was very attractive woman she thought that she did not look her worst)

to go hot and cold - бросатьтовжар, товхолод (When the Spaniard went out from the sleeper Julia thought that he might have murdered her or stolen her pearl necklace. She went hot and cold all over as she pictured to herself the danger she had incurred)

sense of decency - чувствопристойности, порядочности (Dolly met Julia from the train. Next day Dolly had arranged that they should go out to luncheon and they were to meet their hosts at one of the bars on the Croisette to have cocktails. It was a beautiful day, clear, warm and sunny. When they got out of the car Dolly stopped to give the chauffeur instructions about fetching them and Julia waited for her. Suddenly Julia noticed the Spaniard from the train. He walked with a women and a little girl. And then Julia thought that it was really disgraceful that a man with a charming wife and such a sweet little girl should be willing to pick up a woman in the train. They must have some sense of decency)

to ran away with reveries - придатьсямечтаниям (к продолжению того, что мужики долбоёбы в предыдущем высказывании: But as time passed Julia's indignation was mitigated, and she had often thought of the adventure since with a good deal of pleasure. After all it had been fun. Sometimes she allowed her reveries to run away with her and she went over in her fancy the incidents of that singular night. He had been a most agreeable lover)

to go weak at one’s knees - подкашиваютсяколени (For years Julia looked out for men with beards, (ну все ж поняли почему, потому что её испанец в поезде выебал, там правда так прям не указано было, но это неважно) and she had a feeling that if one of them made proposals to her she simply wouldn't be able to resist him. But few men wore beards any more, luckily for her because the sight made her go a little weak at the knees, and none of those that did ever made any advance to her)

to take a friendly interest in smth - проявитьдружескийинтересвчём-то(Julia had a call from her secret admirer and she invited him to tea. At half-past five Evie brought her in a card. "Mr. Thomas Fennell" was written. And Julia said to Evie send him in and bring some tea. She had decided how she was going to treat him. She would be amiable, but distant. She would take a friendly interest in his work and ask him about his examination. Then she would talk to him about Roger)

to be a figment of one’s fancy - бытьплодомчьей-тофантазии(К продолжению предыдущей: Roger was seventeen now and in a year would be going to Cambridge. She would insinuate the fact that she was old enough to be his mother. She would act as if there had never been anything between them and he would go away, never to see her again except across the footlights, half convinced that the whole thing had been a figment of his fancy)

to give smth a spice - придатьчему-тоособуюпикантность (It gave Julia a nasty turn to be with Tom in such situation. (ДА ОНА БЫЛА В АХУЕ, ЧТО ОН ЕЁ ТРАХНУЛ, ВОТ ЭТО ОНА МИЛФА) Of course it was madness to do that sort of thing in the dressing-room. Why, there wasn't even a key in the lock. Evie kept it. All the same the risk had given it a spice)

a man of the world - светскийчеловек (Julia and Tom met in the restaurant. She had never seen him in evening clothes before. He shone like a new pin. Though he was of no more than average height his slimness made him look tall. She was a trifle touched to see that for all his airs of the man of the world he was shy with the head waiter when it came to ordering supper)

to be a matter of no interest to smb - не представляло никакого интереса (In the restaurant Julia greeted some people and Tom asked

"Wasn't that Lord and Lady Dennorant?"

"Yes. I've known George since he was at Eton." He followed them with his eyes.

"She was Lady Cecily Laweston, wasn't she?"

"I've forgotten. Was she?" It seemed a matter of no interest to her. A few minutes later another couple passed them. Я просто вставила диалог, чтоб легче описать суть разговора было)

in the flesh - видетьвоплоти(When they saw a Lady Lepard Julia asked Tom who was she and he answered that they had a big party at their place in Cheshire a few weeks ago and the Prince of Wales was there. It was in the Bystander. And after that Julia understood how he got all his information. He read about grand people in the papers and now and then, at a restaurant or a theatre, saw them in the flesh)

4. Find in the text and translate the following expressions and wordcombinations. Use them in the situations of your own.

Выпалить/сказать, не обдумав; - to blurt out

(Julia spoke with fellow passenger in the train for 4 hours and suddenly blurted out that he reminded her Titian's portrait of Francis I in the Louvre.)

пустяковый подарок - trifling present

(Julia protest to accept the compartment of the stranger, but not too much. She didn't know how to thank him. He would not even let her pay for the sleeper. He begged her, almost with tears in his eyes, to let him have the great privilege of making her that trifling present.)

на долю секунды; - for a fraction of a second

(When the gentleman asked Julia to have a glass of champagne, she was silent for a fraction of a second. It was his champagne and his compartment. So she didn’t mind it)

в самом худшем случае; - if the worst comes to the worst

( The gentlemen informed Julia that there was a man in the carriage who's a heavy breather. Julia was sorry for him. But he said that If the worst came to the worst he would curl up in the corridor outside Julia’s door.)

этот номер не пройдёт; - nothing doing

(The gentlemen informed Julia that there was a man in the carriage who's a heavy breather. Julia began to think the gentlemen made all a put-up job to sleep in her compartment, but she thought to herself that nothing doing)

забавное совпадение; - an odd coincidence

(It was an odd coincidence that she didn't know the name either of the young man who had that afternoon behaved in so unexpected a manner, or the gentlemen from the train with whom she spent the night too).

свободная минута; - a moment to spare

(Julia promise to have a meeting with the young man when she would have a moment to spare)

удачно подобранные слова; - well-chosen words

(Julia was going to explain Tom with a few well-chosen words that it was quite unreasonable to have relations and that he must oblige her by erasing the episode from his memory.)

вычеркнуть из памяти; - to erase from one’s memory

(Julia was going to explain Tom with a few well-chosen words that it was quite unreasonable to have relations and that he must oblige her by erasing the episode from his memory.)

комок в горле. - a lump into throat (Julia knew that he had pawned his watch in order to take her out to supper. A lump came into her throat. She could have taken him in her arms then and there and kissed his blue eyes. She adored him.)

6. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Когда пьеса, в которой Джулия играла главную роль, перестала привлекать внимание публики, Майкл сдал помещение театра в аренду, а Джулия отправилась в Канны отдохнуть.

When the play in which Julia played the main role ceased to attract the attention, Michael let the theatre, and Julia went to Cannes to relax.

2.“Ничего не выйдет!” – подумала Джулия, когда поняла, что все было подстроено специально.

Nothing doing!” - Julia said to herself when she realized that everything had been a put-up job.

  1. При мысли о том, что Майкл может узнать о ее случайном приключении в поезде, Джулию бросало то в жар, то в холод.

At the thought that Michael might find out about her accidental adventure on the train, Julia went to hot and cold.

  1. Иногда Джулия позволяла себе предаваться мечтам и вспоминать о мужчине, с которым она встретилась в поезде.

Sometimes Julia allowed her reveries to run away with her and think about the man she met on the train.

  1. В то утро она твердо намеревалась сказать Тому, что у их отношений не будет продолжения.

That morning, she was determined to tell Tom that their relationship was to have no sequel.

6. “Несколько удачно подобранных слов – и он сразу поймет, что этот эпизод нужно просто вычеркнуть из памяти”, – подумала Джулия, однако, при виде его, его глаз и улыбки ее решимость моментально улетучилась.

A few well-chosen words - and he will immediately understand that this episode just needs to be erased from memory,” Julia thought, however, at the sight of him, his eyes and smile, her determination instantly vanished.

7. Джулия договорилась о свидании с Томом и весь вечер чувствовала себя как девушка, идущая на свой первый бал.

Julia arranged a date with Tom and felt like a girl as a girl going to her first ball.

8. В тот вечер Том старался казаться светским человеком, но все время робел – то перед официантом, то перед Джулией, то перед ее знакомыми.

That evening, Tom tried to seem like a man of the world, but all the time he was shy - first in front of the waiter, then in front of Julia, then in front of her acquaintances.

9. Все эти титулованные люди вокруг не интересовали Джулию, она была поглощена собой и своим успехом.

All these titled people around was not a matter of interest to Julia, she was absorbed in herself and her success.

10. Когда пришло время платить по счету, Джулия поняла, что молодой человек отнес в заклад свои часы, чтобы пригласить ее на ужин.

When it came time to pay the bill, Julia realized that the young man had pawned his watch to invite her to dinner.

7. Answer the following questions:

1. What episode did Julia recollect?

Julia remembered an episode that happened to her 8 years ago. It was when Michael rented the theater premises to a French troupe, so Julia had the opportunity to relax. Dolly helped Julia and rented her a house in Cannes for the whole season, but the trains were so crowded that she couldn't get a compartment in the sleeper, so she ended up at the train station in Paris while waiting for her seat.

2. What was the Spaniard’s appearance?

He had a beard, a black curly beard and a black curly moustache, but the beard grew rather oddly on his face; there were two bare patches under the corners of his mouth. It gave him a curious look. With his black hair, drooping eyelids and rather long nose, he reminded her of someone she had seen. Notwithstanding the ageing beard he was quite a young man; he could not have been more than thirty. He was not very well dressed, but then foreigners often weren't, his clothes might have cost a lot even if they were badly cut, and his tie, though rather loud.

3. What was Julia’s favourite time of a day?

(не нашла в тексте)

4. What was Julia’s plan to deal with the young man? What happened actually?

She would pretend she was tired and tell Dolly that she preferred to stay quietly at the villa. But there were a lot of people on the platform, so she lost the Spaniard in the crowd of people. However, the next day they were invited to lunch where she met a Spanish acquaintance. He was not alone, but with a woman and a child, and it seemed that he was as little eager to see her as she was to see him.

5. What was the matter of interest to Tom at the restaurant?

Tom wanted to take her out to dinner somewhere so they could dance. But Tom chose a restaurant that was too expensive to impress Julia. He pawned the watch to invite her to dinner.

Ch. 12 – 13

  1. Translate and explain the meaning of the following word combinations:

  1. sigh with satisfaction – вдохнуть удовлетворённо

(When Julia after a long day got to bed and took a happy look at her luxurious room, she sighed with satisfaction.)

  1. put out the light – погасить свет

(When Julia after a long day got to bed and looked at her luxurious room, she put out the light but she didn’t feel sleepy)

  1. to her consternation – к её крайнему смятению

(Michael got the chance of letting the theatre to a French company for six weeks. Julia had an opportunity to get away. At a travel agency, they had said that there would be one sleeping place for her at the station. To her consternation nothing seemed to be known about her,
and the chef de train told her that every sleeper was engaged.)

  1. turn up – прибыть

(The chef of the train station told her that every sleeper is engaged. The only chance was that someone should not turn up at the last moment, but Julia didn’t like this idea)

  1. do sth with a perturbed mind – делать что-то будучи весьма взволнованным

(Julia didn’t want to sit up all night in the corner of a first-class carriage in the train, and she went to have a dinner with a perturbed mind)

  1. put sb off  sth – несколько обескуражить чем-то

(Julia had a conversation with a man that had a seat with her at the dining. At some moment, this man offered her a cigarette. His cigarette-case was silver, that put her off a little, but when he closed it she saw that in the corner was a small crown in gold)

  1. have a great admiration for – очень восхищаться кем-то

(A man told Julia that he knew who she is and that he has a great admiration for her, because he saw her act)

  1. be terribly sweet of sb – это ужасно мило с чьей-то стороны

(A man gave up for Julia his own compartment and it was terribly sweet of him, Julia didn’t know haw to thank him)

  1. catch sight of – перехватить взгляд

(After a short conversation a man leaved Julia but then returned because he forgot his tooth-brush. When he took it The Spaniard seemed to catch sight of the bottle.)

  1. take off one’s make-up – снять макияж

(When Julia went to bed she even didn’t take off her make-up)

  1. snap out the light – щёлкнул выключатель и свет потух

(A man kissed Julia at her arm and then they snapped out the light)

  1. chink of light – полоска света

(A man did not leave Julia till a chink of light through the drawn blind warned them that day had broken)

  1. look a perfect wreckВыглядеть форменной развалиной

(Julia felt terribly bed and was worrying that she will look a perfect wreck)

  1. claim acquaintance with her – претендовать на знакомство с ней

(Julia was afraid that a man would claim acquaintance with her when they arrive to Cannes)

  1. catch a glimpse of sb – углядеть кого-то

(Julia didn’t want to meet this man in the morning But there was a crowd of passengers at Cannes, and Julia got out of the station and into Dolly's car without catching a glimpse of him)

  1. no sign of recognition – кинуть безразличный взгляд

(When Julia arrived, at the next day she and Dolly had go out to luncheon. When they got out of the car Julia noticed the Spaniard walking
towards her but luckily there was no sign of recognition)

  1. in a flashв мгновение ока

(In a flash Julia understood that a man was just as little anxious to see her as she was to see him)

  1. young feller-me-lad – малыш

(Tomas asked Julia to Come to tea after the matinee. Julia just thought that young feller-me-lad won't catch her a second time like that.)

  1. saunter through one’s mind (about reveries) – неторопливо проходить в уме (мысли)

(This phrase is about Julia’s thoughts at her dressing-room while Julia had a rest. She reflected on the part she was playing and the favourite parts she had played in the past and She thought of her son, Roger.)

2.Be ready to discuss the following:

1. Why did Julia find herself in Paris, where was he going? (Ch. 12, the beginning)

Julia was going to Cannes, but it was just before Easter when she started off, and the trains south were so crowded that she had not been able to get a sleeper, but at a travel agency they had said that it would be quite all right and there would be one waiting for her at the station in Paris.

2. Describe the Spaniard. (his appearance, how he looked at Julia, how he was dressed, his cigarette – case and Julia’s reaction to it).

He had a beard, a black curly beard and a black curly moustache, but the beard grew rather oddly on his face; there were two bare patches under the corners of his mouth. It gave him a curious look. With his black hair, drooping eyelids and rather long nose, he reminded her of someone she had seen. Notwithstanding the ageing beard he was quite a young man; he could not have been more than thirty. He was not very well dressed, but then foreigners often weren't, his clothes might have cost a lot even if they were badly cut, and his tie, though rather loud. His cigarette-case was silver, that put her off a little, but when he closed it she saw that in the corner was a small crown in gold. It was rather chic, having a silver cigarette case with a gold crown on it. Julia noticed the engraving on the cigarette case and Julia decided that he was some kind of aristocrat, so she decided to behave very politely and gracious with him. The stranger recognized Julia because he had been to her play in London.

3. What was Julia afraid of and why did she think she had taken a risk having “this odd little adventure’ with the Spaniard?

Julia was afraid that he could kill her or steal from her, he was traveling in the same direction with her, she did not know how to introduce him to Dolly, she was also afraid that he would blackmail her, fall in love with her so much that he would pursue her and arrange public scenes.

4. Give the synonyms to the expression: “That’s very nice of you” (3 of them in ch.12).

1. It was terribly sweet of him.

2. It was wonderfully polite of him

3. That's very kind of you.

5. Do you agree with the phrase “It was always best to tell as much of the truth as you could”?

I think that the truth is not always the best option, because sometimes it happens that a person is simply not ready to accept the truth, or he perceives everything too painfully. As for me, there are situations when it is better to lie, but to cause less pain to a person, but you must be prepared for the responsibility that you hide the truth from a person.

6. When did Julia feel a relief concerning the “adventure” with the Spaniard?

When, during lunch, she saw a Spaniard with a Woman and a girl, she thought that it was his wife and child, the Spaniard himself was as little eager to see her as she was to see him. It was a relief to her, because he wouldn't want to come to her and demand the continuation of the affair.

7. How did Julia feel before going to the restaurant with Tom?

She had been as excited all the evening as a girl going to her first ball. She could not help thinking how absurd she was. But when she had taken off her theatrical make-up and made up again for supper she could not satisfy herself. She put blue on her eyelids and took it off again, she rouged her cheeks, rubbed them clean and tried another colour.

8. Why did a lump come into Julia’s throat? (Ch.13, the end)

Julia was very touched by Tom's concern that he chose such an expensive restaurant that he even had to pawn his watch. He even had an old tuxedo, but he still tried to pay for Julia at the restaurant. She was pleased that Tom was willing to make such sacrifices for her.

9. The meaning of the expressions: “You can get back with the milk”, “He shone like a new pin.”

You can get back with the milk” - Early in the morning in England, milk is bred for sale, so this phrase means to arrive very early in the morning. So when Michael left for Cambridge to rehearse several plays, Julia suggested that he might return early in the morning when the milk would be delivered.

He shone like a new pin. - It means to be very happy, literally glowing with happiness, or to be very neat and neatly dressed. When Tom invited Julia to a restaurant he shone like a new pin.

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