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  • What is the judge to do through the interpretation on of the law and through the doctrine of precedent

  • Which judges are unpaid

  • Where does the statutory basis for the appointment of judges 2 They are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation.Who are the judges

  • ЫЯВКЕВАЕН. аннг. 1. She was jailed for her crime. Capital punishment has no place in a modern society

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    Where does the statutory basis for the appointment of judges?

    2 They are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation.

    Who are the judges?

    3 If he proves successful in the initial judicial post.

    When is a barrister promoted?

    4 The judge summarizes the case for the jury.

    What does the judge do after providing all the evidence in the case?

    5 The judge must, if necessity, create a new law.

    What is the judge to do through the interpretation on of the law and through the doctrine of precedent?

    6 The doctrine of judicial immunity.

    What is the independence of the judiciary closely related to?

    7 The professional judges.

    Which judges deal with more serious categories of crimes?

    8 Justices of the Peace.

    Which judges are unpaid?

    9 The committee tries to draw Magistrates from different professions and social classes.

    Who is selected by the special district committee for undergraduates?

    10 The unpaid services of JPs.

    What determines the work of all magistrates courts in the country?

    Е) Продолжите предложения. Выпишите их.

    1 The judge is the presiding officer of the court.

    2 The statutory basis for the appointment of judges dates from the Act of Settlement 1700.

    3 Judges are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation and have been elevated to the bench, itself a name derived from the part of the Court where they sit.

    4 The traditional function of judges is to apply existing rules of law to the case before them.

    5 Judge’s summing up is judge summarizes the case, both law and facts, for the jury.

    6 Judges “make law” through through the interpretation of statutes and

    the doctrine of precedent.

    7 The fundamental principle of constitutional law is of the judiciary.

    8 Judicial immunity means doctrine closely related to judicial independence.

    9 The professional judges deal with the most serious crimes.

    10 Magistrates or Justices of the Peace are they are

    ordinary citizens who are selected not because they have any legal training but because

    they have sound “common sense” and understanding of their fellow human beings.

    11 JPs are selected by special committees in every town and district.

    1. She was jailed for her CRIME.
    2. Capital PUNISHMENT has no place in a modern society.
    3. The judge put the CRIMINAL away for ten years.
    4. The clerk prepared a list of CIVIL cases for the hearing.
    5. The highway project was protracted by years of LITIGATION.
    6. She is skilled at NEGOTIATION.
    7. The parties in the LAWSUIT reached a settlement.
    8. I can give you the address of a good ATTORNEY.
    9. The TRIAL continues today.
    10. The evidence supports the DEFENDANT.
    11. The town has suffered a rash of ARSON attacks.
    12. RAPE is a very serious crime.
    13. He was accused of MURDER.
    14. She was a victim of BLACKMAIL.
    15. He was charged with voluntary MANSLAUGHTER.
    16. Andy was found guilty of THEFT.
    17. They charge him with armed ROBBERY.
    18. He was charged with BURGLARY.
    19. They're going to jail for EMBEZZLEMENT and fraud.
    20. Marina was convicted of SHOPLIFTING.

    В) Выписать 5 слов или словосочетаний (не повторяющихся с текстом из задания), написать к ним

    перевод и с каждым составить по 3 предложения.

    Litigation – судебное разбирательство

    Judge – судья

    Crimes – преступления

    Jury – жюри\присяжные

    Precedent – прецедент

    1. The judge appointed civil litigation. After 3 months this litigation was over. John was charged administrative litigation.

    2. The judge makes the final decision in the case. The judge dismissed the action. The judge dismissed all charges. The judge dismissed all charges.

    3. He was hanged for his crimes. Women commit fewer crimes than men. He went to jail for his crimes.

    4. The jury found her guilty of murder. I was excursed from jury duty. The jury is still out.

    5. The judges ruling was based on legal precedent. We are challenged to produce a precedent. The outcome of the case will set a legal precedent.

    С) Выберите, какое утверждение правдиво, а какое - нет. Верные утверждения выпишите.

    1 The judge is the presiding officer of the court.

    4 The judge decides the interpretation of the law.

    5 Judges are capable of “making law” through the doctrine of precedent.

    6 Judges are under the control of Parliament.

    7 Judicial independence is a fundamental principle of constitutional law.

    8 Professional judges are paid salaries by the state.

    9 Magistrates are also the professional judges but they deal with the less serious crimes.

    10 Magistrates are selected by special committees in every town and district.

    D) В этом задании - ответы. Напишите к ним вопросы.

    1 The Act of Settlement 1700

    Where does the statutory basis for the appointment of judges?

    2 They are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation.

    Who are the judges?

    3 If he proves successful in the initial judicial post.

    When is a barrister promoted?

    4 The judge summarizes the case for the jury.

    What does the judge do after providing all the evidence in the case?

    5 The judge must, if necessity, create a new law.

    What is the judge to do through the interpretation on of the law and through the doctrine of precedent?

    6 The doctrine of judicial immunity.

    What is the independence of the judiciary closely related to?

    7 The professional judges.

    Which judges deal with more serious categories of crimes?

    8 Justices of the Peace.

    Which judges are unpaid?

    9 The committee tries to draw Magistrates from different professions and social classes.

    Who is selected by the special district committee for undergraduates?

    10 The unpaid services of JPs.

    What determines the work of all magistrates courts in the country?

    Е) Продолжите предложения. Выпишите их.

    1 The judge is the presiding officer of the court.

    2 The statutory basis for the appointment of judges dates from the Act of Settlement 1700.

    3 Judges are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation and have been elevated to the bench, itself a name derived from the part of the Court where they sit.

    4 The traditional function of judges is to apply existing rules of law to the case before them.

    5 Judge’s summing up is judge summarizes the case, both law and facts, for the jury.

    6 Judges “make law” through through the interpretation of statutes and

    the doctrine of precedent.

    7 The fundamental principle of constitutional law is of the judiciary.

    8 Judicial immunity means doctrine closely related to judicial independence.

    9 The professional judges deal with the most serious crimes.

    10 Magistrates or Justices of the Peace are they are

    ordinary citizens who are selected not because they have any legal training but because

    they have sound “common sense” and understanding of their fellow human beings.

    11 JPs are selected by special committees in every town and district.

    1. She was jailed for her CRIME.
    2. Capital PUNISHMENT has no place in a modern society.
    3. The judge put the CRIMINAL away for ten years.
    4. The clerk prepared a list of CIVIL cases for the hearing.
    5. The highway project was protracted by years of LITIGATION.
    6. She is skilled at NEGOTIATION.
    7. The parties in the LAWSUIT reached a settlement.
    8. I can give you the address of a good ATTORNEY.
    9. The TRIAL continues today.
    10. The evidence supports the DEFENDANT.
    11. The town has suffered a rash of ARSON attacks.
    12. RAPE is a very serious crime.
    13. He was accused of MURDER.
    14. She was a victim of BLACKMAIL.
    15. He was charged with voluntary MANSLAUGHTER.
    16. Andy was found guilty of THEFT.
    17. They charge him with armed ROBBERY.
    18. He was charged with BURGLARY.
    19. They're going to jail for EMBEZZLEMENT and fraud.
    20. Marina was convicted of SHOPLIFTING.

    В) Выписать 5 слов или словосочетаний (не повторяющихся с текстом из задания), написать к ним

    перевод и с каждым составить по 3 предложения.

    Litigation – судебное разбирательство

    Judge – судья

    Crimes – преступления

    Jury – жюри\присяжные

    Precedent – прецедент

    1. The judge appointed civil litigation. After 3 months this litigation was over. John was charged administrative litigation.

    2. The judge makes the final decision in the case. The judge dismissed the action. The judge dismissed all charges. The judge dismissed all charges.

    3. He was hanged for his crimes. Women commit fewer crimes than men. He went to jail for his crimes.

    4. The jury found her guilty of murder. I was excursed from jury duty. The jury is still out.

    5. The judges ruling was based on legal precedent. We are challenged to produce a precedent. The outcome of the case will set a legal precedent.

    С) Выберите, какое утверждение правдиво, а какое - нет. Верные утверждения выпишите.

    1 The judge is the presiding officer of the court.

    4 The judge decides the interpretation of the law.

    5 Judges are capable of “making law” through the doctrine of precedent.

    6 Judges are under the control of Parliament.

    7 Judicial independence is a fundamental principle of constitutional law.

    8 Professional judges are paid salaries by the state.

    9 Magistrates are also the professional judges but they deal with the less serious crimes.

    10 Magistrates are selected by special committees in every town and district.

    D) В этом задании - ответы. Напишите к ним вопросы.

    1 The Act of Settlement 1700

    Where does the statutory basis for the appointment of judges?

    2 They are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation.

    Who are the judges?

    3 If he proves successful in the initial judicial post.

    When is a barrister promoted?

    4 The judge summarizes the case for the jury.

    What does the judge do after providing all the evidence in the case?

    5 The judge must, if necessity, create a new law.

    What is the judge to do through the interpretation on of the law and through the doctrine of precedent?

    6 The doctrine of judicial immunity.

    What is the independence of the judiciary closely related to?

    7 The professional judges.

    Which judges deal with more serious categories of crimes?

    8 Justices of the Peace.

    Which judges are unpaid?

    9 The committee tries to draw Magistrates from different professions and social classes.

    Who is selected by the special district committee for undergraduates?

    10 The unpaid services of JPs.

    What determines the work of all magistrates courts in the country?

    Е) Продолжите предложения. Выпишите их.

    1 The judge is the presiding officer of the court.

    2 The statutory basis for the appointment of judges dates from the Act of Settlement 1700.

    3 Judges are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation and have been elevated to the bench, itself a name derived from the part of the Court where they sit.

    4 The traditional function of judges is to apply existing rules of law to the case before them.

    5 Judge’s summing up is judge summarizes the case, both law and facts, for the jury.

    6 Judges “make law” through through the interpretation of statutes and

    the doctrine of precedent.

    7 The fundamental principle of constitutional law is of the judiciary.

    8 Judicial immunity means doctrine closely related to judicial independence.

    9 The professional judges deal with the most serious crimes.

    10 Magistrates or Justices of the Peace are they are

    ordinary citizens who are selected not because they have any legal training but because

    they have sound “common sense” and understanding of their fellow human beings.

    11 JPs are selected by special committees in every town and district.

    1. She was jailed for her CRIME.
    2. Capital PUNISHMENT has no place in a modern society.
    3. The judge put the CRIMINAL away for ten years.
    4. The clerk prepared a list of CIVIL cases for the hearing.
    5. The highway project was protracted by years of LITIGATION.
    6. She is skilled at NEGOTIATION.
    7. The parties in the LAWSUIT reached a settlement.
    8. I can give you the address of a good ATTORNEY.
    9. The TRIAL continues today.
    10. The evidence supports the DEFENDANT.
    11. The town has suffered a rash of ARSON attacks.
    12. RAPE is a very serious crime.
    13. He was accused of MURDER.
    14. She was a victim of BLACKMAIL.
    15. He was charged with voluntary MANSLAUGHTER.
    16. Andy was found guilty of THEFT.
    17. They charge him with armed ROBBERY.
    18. He was charged with BURGLARY.
    19. They're going to jail for EMBEZZLEMENT and fraud.
    20. Marina was convicted of SHOPLIFTING.

    В) Выписать 5 слов или словосочетаний (не повторяющихся с текстом из задания), написать к ним

    перевод и с каждым составить по 3 предложения.

    Litigation – судебное разбирательство

    Judge – судья

    Crimes – преступления

    Jury – жюри\присяжные

    Precedent – прецедент

    1. The judge appointed civil litigation. After 3 months this litigation was over. John was charged administrative litigation.

    2. The judge makes the final decision in the case. The judge dismissed the action. The judge dismissed all charges. The judge dismissed all charges.

    3. He was hanged for his crimes. Women commit fewer crimes than men. He went to jail for his crimes.

    4. The jury found her guilty of murder. I was excursed from jury duty. The jury is still out.

    5. The judges ruling was based on legal precedent. We are challenged to produce a precedent. The outcome of the case will set a legal precedent.

    С) Выберите, какое утверждение правдиво, а какое - нет. Верные утверждения выпишите.

    1 The judge is the presiding officer of the court.

    4 The judge decides the interpretation of the law.

    5 Judges are capable of “making law” through the doctrine of precedent.

    6 Judges are under the control of Parliament.

    7 Judicial independence is a fundamental principle of constitutional law.

    8 Professional judges are paid salaries by the state.

    9 Magistrates are also the professional judges but they deal with the less serious crimes.

    10 Magistrates are selected by special committees in every town and district.

    D) В этом задании - ответы. Напишите к ним вопросы.

    1 The Act of Settlement 1700

    Where does the statutory basis for the appointment of judges?

    2 They are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation.

    Who are the judges?

    3 If he proves successful in the initial judicial post.

    When is a barrister promoted?

    4 The judge summarizes the case for the jury.

    What does the judge do after providing all the evidence in the case?

    5 The judge must, if necessity, create a new law.

    What is the judge to do through the interpretation on of the law and through the doctrine of precedent?

    6 The doctrine of judicial immunity.

    What is the independence of the judiciary closely related to?

    7 The professional judges.

    Which judges deal with more serious categories of crimes?

    8 Justices of the Peace.

    Which judges are unpaid?

    9 The committee tries to draw Magistrates from different professions and social classes.

    Who is selected by the special district committee for undergraduates?

    10 The unpaid services of JPs.

    What determines the work of all magistrates courts in the country?

    Е) Продолжите предложения. Выпишите их.

    1 The judge is the presiding officer of the court.

    2 The statutory basis for the appointment of judges dates from the Act of Settlement 1700.

    3 Judges are barristers who have demonstrated competence in litigation and have been elevated to the bench, itself a name derived from the part of the Court where they sit.

    4 The traditional function of judges is to apply existing rules of law to the case before them.

    5 Judge’s summing up is judge summarizes the case, both law and facts, for the jury.

    6 Judges “make law” through through the interpretation of statutes and

    the doctrine of precedent.

    7 The fundamental principle of constitutional law is of the judiciary.

    8 Judicial immunity means doctrine closely related to judicial independence.

    9 The professional judges deal with the most serious crimes.

    10 Magistrates or Justices of the Peace are they are

    ordinary citizens who are selected not because they have any legal training but because

    they have sound “common sense” and understanding of their fellow human beings.

    11 JPs are selected by special committees in every town and district.

    1. She was jailed for her CRIME.
    2. Capital PUNISHMENT has no place in a modern society.
    3. The judge put the CRIMINAL away for ten years.
    4. The clerk prepared a list of CIVIL cases for the hearing.
    5. The highway project was protracted by years of LITIGATION.
    6. She is skilled at NEGOTIATION.
    7. The parties in the LAWSUIT reached a settlement.
    8. I can give you the address of a good ATTORNEY.
    9. The TRIAL continues today.
    10. The evidence supports the DEFENDANT.
    11. The town has suffered a rash of ARSON attacks.
    12. RAPE is a very serious crime.
    13. He was accused of MURDER.
    14. She was a victim of BLACKMAIL.
    15. He was charged with voluntary MANSLAUGHTER.
    16. Andy was found guilty of THEFT.
    17. They charge him with armed ROBBERY.
    18. He was charged with BURGLARY.
    19. They're going to jail for EMBEZZLEMENT and fraud.
    20. Marina was convicted of SHOPLIFTING.

    В) Выписать 5 слов или словосочетаний (не повторяющихся с текстом из задания), написать к ним

    перевод и с каждым составить по 3 предложения.

    Litigation – судебное разбирательство

    Judge – судья

    Crimes – преступления

    Jury – жюри\присяжные

    Precedent – прецедент

    1. The judge appointed civil litigation. After 3 months this litigation was over. John was charged administrative litigation.

    2. The judge makes the final decision in the case. The judge dismissed the action. The judge dismissed all charges. The judge dismissed all charges.

    3. He was hanged for his crimes. Women commit fewer crimes than men. He went to jail for his crimes.

    4. The jury found her guilty of murder. I was excursed from jury duty. The jury is still out.

    5. The judges ruling was based on legal precedent. We are challenged to produce a precedent. The outcome of the case will set a legal precedent.

    С) Выберите, какое утверждение правдиво, а какое - нет. Верные утверждения выпишите.

    1 The judge is the presiding officer of the court.

    4 The judge decides the interpretation of the law.

    5 Judges are capable of “making law” through the doctrine of precedent.

    6 Judges are under the control of Parliament.

    7 Judicial independence is a fundamental principle of constitutional law.

    8 Professional judges are paid salaries by the state.

    9 Magistrates are also the professional judges but they deal with the less serious crimes.

    10 Magistrates are selected by special committees in every town and district.

    D) В этом задании - ответы. Напишите к ним вопросы.

    1 The Act of Settlement 1700

    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   46

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