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  • 2.Употребите нужную форму личного или притяжательного местоимения

  • 3. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме, употребляя данные в скобках вопросительные слова

  • 1. In what language did they speak to us 2. What are the best conductors of heat 3. Who made portraits in stone

  • 4. Linda knows five languages, … she a) does b) doesn’t c) dod) is5. He can jump for 60 minutes without a break, … he

  • 6.Translate into English

  • 4. Кто возглавляет вашу компанию Who are in charge of your company 5. Какие функции у отдела кадров

  • We may make better progress by comparing economics with other subjects.

  • 1. Who described economy Lionel Robbins or Alfred Marshall 2. Is economics the science3. Where the economics draws much of its theoretical core

  • студент. англ яз кр. 1. Употребите прилагательные и наречия, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения

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    1.Употребите прилагательные и наречия, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения:

    1. Chinese is more difficult than English.

    2. Spanish is easier than German.

    3. January is the coldest month of the year.

    4. My sister speaks English worse than I do.

    5. She is not so fond of sports as my brother is.

    6. Today the weather is colder than it was yesterday.

    7. This book is the most interesting of all have read this year.

    2.Употребите нужную форму личного или притяжательного местоимения:

    1. I always speak to him in English.

    2. What is the matter with him today?

    3. He explains the lesson to us each morning.

    4. There are some letters here for you and me.

    5. I know her and her sister very well.

    3. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме, употребляя данные в скобках вопросительные слова:

    1) They spoke to us in French. (In what language)

    2) Metals are the best conductors of heat. (What)

    3) The Romans made portraits in stone. (Who)

    4) Poor lighting makes a piece of sculpture look uninteresting. (What)

    5) We know little about early painters. (Who)

    1. In what language did they speak to us?

    2. What are the best conductors of heat?

    3. Who made portraits in stone?

    4. What makes a piece of sculpture look uninteresting?

    5. Who know little about early painters?

    4. Выполните грамматический тест, выбрав верную форму пропущенного слова.

    1. My new invention … tomorrow at this time.
    a) will be spoken about
    b) will speak about
    c) will be speaking about
    d) will being speaked about

    2. At this moment your task … .
    a) is being done
    b) is done
    c) are done
    d) are being doing

    3. Your dress … by a customer recently. So you’re late.
    a) have been bought
    b) were bought
    c) has been bought
    d) will be bought

    4. Linda knows five languages, … she?
    a) does
    b) doesn’t
    c) do
    d) is

    5. He can jump for 60 minutes without a break, … he?
    a) can
    b) is
    c) isn’t
    d) can’t

    5. Translate into Russian

    1. Each business has some control over the market.

    Каждый бизнес имеет некоторый контроль над рынком.

    2. Pure monopoly is a theoretical market structure where there is only one seller of a commodity or service.

    Чистая монополия является структурой теоретического рынка там, где есть только один продавец товаров или услуг.

    3. There are very few goods and services that are not produced by more than one business.

    Есть очень мало товаров и услуг, которые не производятся более чем одним бизнесом.

    4. The finance department is responsible for controlling the funds.

    Финансовый отдел отвечает за контроль над фондами.

    5. Salespeople may work on the telephone, in person, or both.

    Продавцы могут работать по телефону, лично или так и так.

    6.Translate into English

    1. Малый бизнес является распространенной формой бизнеса во многих странах.

    Small business is a common form of business in many countries.

    2. Российские организации сталкиваются с налоговыми проблемами чаще других.

    Russian organizations face tax problems more often than others.

    3. Президент России ответил на вопросы граждан на ежегодной встрече.

    The President of Russia answered citizens' questions at the annual meeting.

    4. Кто возглавляет вашу компанию?

    Who are in charge of your company?

    5. Какие функции у отдела кадров?

    What are the functions of the personnel department?

    7. Прочитайте текст. Задайте четыре типа вопросов к выделенному предложению.


    Аlthough the content and character of economics cannot be described briefly, numerous writers have attempted that. An especially useless, though once popular, example is: «Economics is what economists do».

    Similarly, a notable economist of the last century Alfred Marshall called economics « a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life». Lionel Robbins in the 1930s described economics as «the science of choice among scarce means to accomplish unlimited ends".

    During much of modern history, especially in the nineteenth century, economics was called simply «the science of wealth». Less seriously, George Bernard Shaw was credited in the early 1900s with the witticism that «economics is the science whose practitioners, even if all were laid end to end, would not reach agreement».

    We may make better progress by comparing economics with other subjects. Like every other discipline that attempts to explain observed facts (physics, astronomy, meteorology), economics comprises a vast collection of descriptive material organized around a central core of theoretical principles. The manner in which theoretical principles are formulated and used in applications varies greatly from one science to another. Like psychology, economics draws much of its theoretical core from intuition and «common knowledge about human nature». Like meteorology, economics is largely non experimental. Like practical physics and molecular biology, economics deals with an array of closely interrelated phenomena.


    1. Who described economy Lionel Robbins or Alfred Marshall?
    2. Is economics the science?

    3. Where the economics draws much of its theoretical core?
    4. The economy is a science isn't it.

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