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  • Who can tell me where …

  • Who … the piano

  • Have you seen Ann’s new dress …

  • Do you know … bag it is

  • 1. Выберите правильный артикль. One of most popular tools for writing is pencil

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    Test 1

    1. Выберите правильный артикль.

    One of … most popular tools for writing is … pencil.

      1. -, -.

      2. the, a

      3. -, the

      4. the, -

      5. a, a

    2.Укажите предложение, в котором глагол «to have» является модальным.

    1. The letter has been written by me.

    2. He has invited his friends.

    3. We will have to come on Sunday.

    4. He had a good rest.

    5. We have a nice school.

    3. Выберите правильную форму глагола «to be».

    Your watch … 2 minutes fast, it is 10 o’clock now.

    1. are

    2. was

    3. were

    4. is

    5. be

    4.Выберите правильный вариант.

    I couldn’t find the book that you … me.

    1. gave

    2. had given

    3. have given

    4. was given

    5. were given

    5. Выберите правильный вариант.

    I couldn’t see the sky … the clouds.

    1. through

    2. under

    3. after

    4. in

    5. to

    6. Выберите правильный вариант.

    I think I … my bag. I can’t find it anywhere.

    1. had lost

    2. have lost

    3. was lost

    4. lost

    5. were lost

    7. Выберите правильный ответ.

    These newspapers … by us.

    1. have brought

    2. will bring

    3. have been brought

    4. was bought

    5. is bought

    8. Выберите правильный ответ.

    He … to tell the truth.

    1. asking

    2. were asked

    3. ask

    4. was asked

    5. was asking

    9. Выберите правильный ответ.

    Who can tell me where … ?

    1. my key is

    2. is my key

    3. my key were

    4. my key had been

    5. my key are

    10.Выберите правильный ответ.

    You … work hard to pass the exam.

    1. must

    2. may

    3. can

    4. might

    5. be to

    11. Выберите правильный ответ.

    I wonder what time … now.

    1. it is

    2. it was

    3. it were

    4. it has been

    5. is it

    12. Найдите правильный вариант сказуемого.

    I … see the film tomorrow.

    1. are going to

    2. am going to

    3. will be going to

    4. was going to

    5. were going to

    13. Найдите правильный вариант сказуемого.

    She … go for a walk in the evening.

    1. are going to

    2. shall be going

    3. will be going

    4. going to

    5. is going to

    14. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Beshbarmak is served with large pieces of … dough.

    1. rounded

    2. rolled

    3. circle

    4. square

    5. triangle

    15. Найдите правильный ответ.

    The Kasakhs prepare very … kuyrdak.

    1. taste

    2. tasty

    3. tastful

    4. tastless

    5. out of tast

    16.Найдите правильный ответ.

    Harvest festival is in …

    1. November

    2. September

    3. October

    4. August

    5. December

    17. Найдите правильный ответ.

    On the 14-th of February people send each other Valentine …

    1. letters

    2. telegrams

    3. cards

    4. tickets

    5. notes

    18. Выберите правильный предлог.

    America consists … North America and South America.

    1. in

    2. with

    3. between

    4. off

    5. of

    19.Найдите правильный ответ.

    Oscar Wild is a famous … writer.

    1. English

    2. German

    3. American

    4. Kazakh

    5. Russian

    20. Найдите правильный ответ.

    You can … on Medeu.

    1. swim

    2. skate

    3. play tennis

    4. ski

    5. play football

    21. Найдите правильный ответ.

    … boys over there play football well.

    1. That

    2. Those

    3. This

    4. These

    22. Cambridge is a … city.

    1. new

    2. crowded

    3. ancient

    4. noisy

    5. modern

    23.Выберите правильный предлог.

    Turn … the radio, please.

    1. in

    2. on

    3. into

    4. about

    5. of

    24. Образуйте существительное при помощи суффикса: “differ”.

    1. ation

    2. ence

    3. ion

    4. ness

    5. ment

    25. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Buckingham Palace has a …

    1. restaurant

    2. park

    3. cinema

    4. bamboo

    5. panda

    26. I love Kazakh …

    1. pizza

    2. kitchen

    3. traditions

    4. cakes

    5. chips

    27. Составьте правильное вопросительное предложение.

    Who … the piano?

    1. to play

    2. plays

    3. shall play

    4. playing

    5. to playing

    28.Выберите правильный предлог.

    Astana is the capital … Kazakhstan.

    1. by

    2. with

    3. to

    4. of

    5. on

    29. Найдите правильный ответ.

    He began … English.

    1. speak

    2. speaks

    3. spoke

    4. spoken

    5. to speak

    30. Найдите правильный ответ.

    My mother … a doctor.

    1. am

    2. is

    3. are

    4. be

    5. were


    1)B 2)C 3)D 4)B 5)A 6)B 7)C 8)D 9)A 10)A

    11)A 12)B 13 E 14)B 15)B 16)C 17)C 18)E 19)A

    20)B 21)B 22)C 23)B 24)B 25)C 26)C 27)B 28)D 29)E 30)B

    1. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Ermek … a lot last year.

    1. swim

    2. swam

    3. swum

    4. swims

    5. swimed

    2. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Marat … got two sisters.

    1. is

    2. have

    3. has

    4. are

    5. be

    3.Найдите правильный ответ.

    Ned never … to school by car.

    1. go

    2. gone

    3. goes

    4. going

    5. have gone

    4. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Sam … football every day.

    1. play

    2. played

    3. is playing

    4. playing

    5. plays

    5. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Mr. Scott … French to Pete at the moment.

    1. speaking

    2. are speaking

    3. speaks

    4. speak

    5. is speaking

    6. Найдите правильный ответ.

    The cake … ready in an hour.

    1. will be

    2. shall be

    3. isn’t

    4. doesn’t

    5. be

    7. Найдите правильный ответ.

    They … a real fox in the zoo.

    1. have saw

    2. has see

    3. has seen

    4. have seen

    5. has saw

    8. Найдите правильное местоимение.

    They can’t see … behind the table.

    1. my

    2. I

    3. him

    4. mine

    5. we

    9. Найдите правильный ответ.

    We usually go to school …bus.

    1. in

    2. on

    3. at

    4. under

    5. by

    10. Найдите правильный ответ.

    We … in Europe two years ago.

    1. be

    2. is

    3. are

    4. were

    5. was

    11. Найдите правильный ответ.

    This room is as … as that one.

    1. small

    2. smaller

    3. the smallest

    4. more small

    5. smallest

    12. Найдите правильный ответ.

    They came …Sunday morning.

    1. in

    2. at

    3. for

    4. on

    5. from

    13. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Is … all?

    1. these

    2. that

    3. this

    4. those

    14. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Heathrow is London’s major … .

    1. district

    2. port

    3. café

    4. shop

    5. airport

    15. Найдите правильный ответ.

    She … yet.

    1. don’t arrive

    2. doesn’t arrive

    3. haven’t arrived

    4. hasn’t arrived

    5. arrives

    16. Найдите правильный ответ.

    I am good at … .

    1. swim

    2. swimming

    3. to swim

    4. swam

    5. swims

    17. Найдите правильный ответ.

    We are interested in … books.

    1. to read

    2. reads

    3. is reading

    4. reading

    5. read

    18. Найдите правильный предлог.

    Let’s meet …5 o’clock.

    1. in

    2. on

    3. at

    4. for

    5. from

    19. Найдите правильный предлог.

    My father works … school.

    1. at

    2. in

    3. on

    4. to

    5. of

    20. Найдите правильный ответ.

    They … their parents every month.

    1. visits

    2. is visiting

    3. are visiting

    4. visit

    5. will visit

    21. Найдите правильный ответ.

    I didn’t know that it … .

    1. is raining

    2. was raining

    3. will be raining

    4. rains

    5. rain

    22. Найдите правильный ответ.

    This money … enough to buy this book.

    1. is

    2. are

    3. be

    4. am

    5. been

    23. Найдите правильный предлог.

    She is fond … pop music.

    1. off

    2. of

    3. at

    4. with

    5. to

    24. Найдите правильный ответ.

    This is … lake in our country.

    1. deep

    2. more deep

    3. the deepest

    4. deepest

    5. the more deepest

    25. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Nobody … being shouted at.


    2. doesn’t like

    3. is like

    4. like

    5. liking

    26. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Have you seen Ann’s new dress … ?

    1. still

    2. just

    3. else

    4. yet

    5. already

    27. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Don’t be angry …her, please.

    1. at

    2. about

    3. with

    4. for

    5. from

    28. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Do you know … bag it is?

    1. whose

    2. which

    3. who

    4. who’s

    5. where

    29. Найдите правильный ответ.

    Who ... you to play tennis?

    1. teach

    2. have taught

    3. taught

    4. did teach

    5. do teach

    30. Найдите правильный ответ.

    I enjoyed the play very … .

    1. many

    2. much

    3. a lot

    4. a great deal


    1)B 2)C 3)C 4)E 5)E 6)A 7)D 8)C 9)E 10)D 11)A 12)D 13)B 14)E 15)D 16)B 17)D 18)C 19)A 20)D 21)B 22)A 23)B 24)C 25)A 26)D 27)C 28) A 29)C 30)B


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