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  • 4. Задание 4 № 53

  • 5. Задание 5 № 104

  • 6. Задание 6 № 77

  • 2. Задание 2 № 1617

  • 3. Задание 3 № 135

  • “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”

  • Тренировочные задания для ВПР.. ВПР 1. 1. Задание 1 110

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    1. Задание 1 № 110

    Перед Вами на экране 5 незаконченных предложений A — E. Внимательно прочитайте их. Прочитайте также варианты ответов в выпадающем списке.

    Вы услышите разговор в магазине подарков. Для каждого предложения выберите из выпадающего списка концовку, соответствующую содержанию разговора. К каждому предложению подходит только одна концовка. Аудиотекст прозвучит 2 раза. При повторном прослушивании проверьте себя. У Вас есть 45 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с предложениями.


    А. The narrator says that her parents are from _________.

    1. a very small town of south Liverpool 2. a small town of England 3. a town in Ireland


    B. According to the narrator her mum _________.

    1. owns a shop 2. runs a local garage 3. sells books


    C. The narrator says that three of her dad’s sisters _________.

    1. work as nurses in America 2. want to live in America 3. live in England now


    D. The narrator says that she _________.

    1. went to see her dad’s sisters in America 2. has never seen her dad’s sisters 3. wants to see her dad’s sisters now


    E. The narrator says that her mum’s brother _________.

    1. never went to university 2. studied business and economics at university 3. was good at business and economics


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    4. Задание 4 № 53

    Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


    This text deals with …

    1. School.

    2. School uniform.

    3. Bullies.

    4. Free time.

    5. Clothes and looks.

    6. Pubs and clubs.


    A. British teenagers spend most of their time at school. Students in Britain can leave school at 16 (year 11). This is also the age when most students take their first important exams, GCSEs. They take between five and ten subjects and that means a lot of studying. They are spending more time on homework than teenagers have done before.

    B. Visit almost any school in Britain and the first thing you’ll notice is the school uniform. Although school uniform has its advantages, by the time most teenagers are 15 or 16 they are tired of wearing it. When there is more than one school in a town, a school uniform can make differences and rivalries between schools worse.

    C. Music is the number one interest for British teens. But they certainly don’t all like the same music! UK garage, hip-hop and new metal are all popular. Teenagers love going out too. However, finding somewhere to go isn’t always easy. Pubs and clubs have strict rules for under 18-year-olds in Britain. It’s no surprise that British teenagers spend more free time online than European or American teens and use chatrooms to make a new friend.

    D. In Britain, teenagers judge you by the shirt or trainers you are wearing. Thirty per cent of British teenagers love Nike 150s (trainers that cost $150), but not for sport — for posing!

    E. Fifty per cent of teenagers in Britain say they have been bullied because of their race, looks, accent, intelligence or for no reason at all. Sixteen teenagers in Britain have serious problems every year because of bullying. The authorities are trying to find the solution.


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    5. Задание 5 № 104

    Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из выпадающего списка.


    The Rain Trick

    It was a hot day in summer. Tom felt thirsty and thought it A____ nice to have a glass of cold beer in a bar. He found one and got in. He sat at one of the tables near the window and ordered a glass of beer. All around him he saw a lot of people B____ their lunch. While Tom was drinking his beer, he noticed that it had started C____ outside. And he D____ his umbrella at home. So he decided to take a second glass of beer and wait till the rain stopped. The people in the bar did the same as they didn`t want to go out into the rain. An hour passed, but there was no change in the weather. Tom could not wait any longer. He left the bar and stopped in surprise. There was no rain at all. But in front of the bar a fat woman was sitting. She E____ the pavement to make the people inside the bar believe that it was raining hard in the street. In this way people inside were made to believe it and order more and more food.


    A 1) is 2) will be 3) was 4) would be

    B 1) have 2) has 3) are having 4) having

    C 1) rain 2) rains 3) raining 4) rained

    D 1) had left 2) left 3) has left 4) have left

    E 1) waters 2) was watering 3) watered 4) has been


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    6. Задание 6 № 77

    Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние.


    My grandmother

    The person who (A)____ me the most about life is my grandmother. My parents travelled a lot when I was (B)____ so I spent most of my school holidays with her. She was (C)____ than just a grandmother to me. She was such a considerate person. She (D)____ how much I missed my parents so she did everything she (E)____ to make me feel at home. She was also really imaginative and spent hours telling me stories that she had made up. She taught me so many important things. She was the most positive person I’ve ever met and she taught me how to look for the good in everything.


    1. younger; 2. knew; 3. could; 4. more; 5. has taught; 6. natural; 7. warning.


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    2. Задание 2 № 1617

    Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.


    Men and women button their clothes differently. There is a good reason for the difference. Buttons were first used for clothes more than 700 years ago. Buttons were expensive then, and only rich people could buy them. Most men are right-handed, so men’s clothes were made to be buttoned easily by right-handed men. In those days most rich women were dressed by their right-handed servants. The servants faced the women to button their clothes. Women’s clothes had buttons on the left so they could be buttoned easily by the servants.

    3. Задание 3 № 135

    Выберите фотографию и опишите ее. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7–8 предложений).


    План ответа поможет вам:

    — the place

    — the action

    — the appearance of the person

    — whether you like the picture or not

    — why

    Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”

    Расшифровка записи

    Both sides of my family — my mum`s and my dad`s — are from a very small town south of London. My father is the postman and he also runs the local garage. My mum has a small shop at the garage where she sells things like newspapers, milk, bread — you know, everyday things. My dad`s sisters — he`s got six — all live in the village. Three of them went away to the States when they were in their twenties but they came back a few years ago. They were nurses and they worked in Boston for about fifteen years. I went to see them a couple of times when I was a student. Anyway, they`ve been back in England since 2009. Uncle Sam — that`s my mum`s only brother — went to university in Scotland where he studied business and economics. Now he lives and works in London for an international company but he has bought a small house near my mum and dad and he takes his family there every weekend. I think his wife likes our big family — it means she`s got lots of people to help her with their children.

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