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     Fast Food

    When people all over the world are looking for a quick, easy meal, fast food is the most common choice. With good service, low prices and a relaxed atmosphere, fast food looks like the ideal choice. In fact, over 25 per cent of Europeans eat fast food every day.  Fries and hamburgers are sold everywhere: in big cities, small towns, shopping malls, airports, bus stations, schools, and even hospitals!

    However, fast food companies make clients eat more. They offer over-sized burgers, extra-large French fries, and big portions of Coke. What's more, these “large versions” are usually cheaper. The products have lots of calories, sugar and fat. A typical hamburger at a fast food restaurant weighs 170 grams. In 1957, it was just 50 grams. According to scientists, your fast food meal is like three ordinary meals. 

    Fast food doesn't spoil. This is because it has lots of “special” ingredients. There's a video on YouTube that illustrates this. It is based on a true story. In 1991, an engineer from the USA, Tom Scarvell, met with friends for New Year's Eve. They stopped at McDonald's on the way home. He bought some cheeseburgers, ate one and put the other in his coat pocket. Then he forgot about it. A year later, he took the coat out of the wardrobe, put it on and discovered the cheeseburger in his pocket from New Year's Eve. It looked exactly the same. He was absolutely shocked. He told his friends and family but nobody believed him. So he decided to start a “burger museum” to show everyone that these cheeseburgers and hamburgers don’t decompose.

    He started collecting burgers, one every year. He kept them on bookshelves in his living room in the open air. These burgers looked exactly the same, the bun, the meat, the cheese, the special sauce, the cucumber, even the lettuce. They all kept their shape and colour for over five years!

    It is surprising that although most people don't think that fast food is the best choice they can't stop going to fast food restaurants, like McDonald’s. The chain has healthy dishes on the menu, such as fruit and vegetables. Why not order them? But you don’t go to McDonald’s for a green salad or a yoghurt! The unhealthy hamburgers, French fries and milkshakes are more common and attractive and to many people they are tastier than low calorie dishes. 

    There is no problem with eating fast food from time to time. If you really are dreaming about a hamburger, go and get it. But if you're having a stressful day, remember that lunch in a fast food restaurant is not a good choice. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding all fast food and takeaways these days. You can occasionally allow yourself a fast food meal. However, if you are eating it more than once a week, think of giving up. 

    Fast food should play a small role in your life. If you don't have a way out, have a fast food meal in one of McDonald’s restaurants but choose the healthier dishes. You should be aware of what you eat and try to develop healthy eating habits.

    Начало формы

    Fast food is more popular with people in their 30s than with modern teenagers.









    Not stated

    Конец формы

    Начало формы

    Nowadays fast food portions are getting smaller.









    Not stated

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    Начало формы

    Tom Scarvell kept his collection of burgers in a large fridge.









    Not stated

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    Начало формы

    Burgers from Tom Scarvell’s collection looked the same for years.









    Not stated

    Конец формы

    Начало формы

    It’s possible to find some healthy food in McDonald’s.









    Not stated

    Конец формы

    Начало формы

    Fast food dishes can help when you feel stressed out.









    Not stated

    Конец формы

    Начало формы

    McDonald’s is cheaper than other fast food restaurants.









    Not stated

    Конец формы


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    Winning a quick victory


    Saving a sportsman


    Fit and healthy again


    The first sporting events



    The club history


    Sport and its advantages


    The swimmer comes back


    Champions award ceremony


    Sport can be a great way to develop life skills. It helps you to learn about teamwork, self-control, and competition. You set your goals and do your best to reach them. In a good sporting environment, children have the opportunity to make new friends and develop new interests. Sport also keeps you fit and greatly improves your health. If you do sports, you have no weight problems.




    German planes have finally managed to save a climber from one of the world's highest mountain peaks. Tom Gummar, a Slovenian, was trying to climb the mountain when he ran into difficulties. He had spent nearly a week six-thousand metres above the ground. All the previous attempts to save him had been unsuccessful because of snow storms. Only yesterday the planes managed to reach him and now his health is improving.




    The Ancient Olympic Games were held in Greece. The beginning of these games is surrounded with mystery and legend. One of the most popular myths says that Heracles was the first who called the Games ʻOlympicʼ. He started the tradition of holding them every four years. The legend continues that he built the Olympic stadium in honour of his father.


    Former Wimbledon winner Maria Sharapova is back at the US Open semi-finals. "It's been a long road back to the tournament," said Sharapova, who had spent 10 months off court with a shoulder injury that needed serious treatment. “Now I’m in good shape again and hope to repeat the 2006 title win,” she added.



    Chelsea was founded in 1905 and it soon entered the Football League. In the early years they saw little success. From the very beginning Chelsea had a reputation for inviting famous footballers to play for them but the team changed dramatically only after a new coach, Ted Drake, joined it. He led them to their first main victory: they won the national championship.




    Yesterday Andy Wistler played one of his best matches at the Australian Open. Due to his wonderful performance he easily won three sets and the match was finished very quickly. It was impossible for his opponent Yang Chung to play at the same level and the match was finished in a very short time. Still, it should be mentioned that Yang Chung was an experienced Chinese tennis player.



    Janet Evans retired from swimming in 1996. She was sure her best days were behind her. She had won three gold medals at the Seoul Olympics and had set world records that had stood for years. Everyone was surprised when Janet announced her return. She said she was hoping to become part of the US Olympic team. A big decision after a 16 year break!

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