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31. 01. 2022 I. Напишите эссе

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I. Напишите эссе «My Future Profession» (не менее 15 предложений на английском языке).

My future profession

There are a lot of different professions in the world but I decided to become a vet. What attracts me in this profession? I'll try to explain. First, the work of a veterinarian is very interesting, diverse and exciting. I don't think it can ever get boring. Veterinarian is a very important profession, because it affects the life of living beings. I have been interested in animals and their structure from the very childhood and I’ve had a natural impulse to help them. Each time I saw a wounded bird or a limping dog, I took them home and tried to take care of them. One day my dog got sick, he became very sluggish, slow, almost did not eat and we invited the vet home. I watched how carefully my dog was examined; with what love the veterinarian performed his duty.  Then I realized that I wanted to become a vet in the future. Many friends and relatives still ask me why I want to deal with animals rather than with people. I answer that people can help themselves and each time they are ill, they can visit a doctor and express their complaints. Animals, on the contrary, can’t tell you where it hurts and it’s a real challenge to cure them. I understand that this profession is not easy and you need a lot of knowledge, patience and individual approach to each patient. Besides, they all have their own character and habits. But I know that I can overcome all the difficulties and become a good vet.
II. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:

  1. The medical experts say that we should follow a balanced diet.

  2. Complementary foods play an essential role in meeting nutrient requirements and include protein sources and those of energy, vitamins and minerals.

  3. Plants are able to convert energy from the sun into food in a process known as photosynthesis.

  4. Scientists have proved that you become what you eat.

  5. People nowadays understand that good health is above wealth.

  6. To be healthy we should avoid different bad habits that can affect our health.

  7. Fish caught in marine ecosystems are the biggest source of commercial foods obtained from wild populations.


a) Медицинские эксперты утверждают, что мы должны придерживаться сбалансированного питания.

б) Дополнительные продукты питания играют важную роль в удовлетворении потребностей в питательных веществах и включают источники белка, энергии, витаминов и минералов.

в) Растения способны преобразовывать энергию солнца в пищу в процессе, известном как фотосинтез.

г) Ученые доказали, что вы становитесь тем, что вы едите.

д) В наше время люди понимают, что здоровье превыше богатства.

f) Чтобы быть здоровым, мы должны избегать различных вредных привычек, которые могут повлиять на наше здоровье.

g) Рыба, выловленная в морских экосистемах, является крупнейшим источником коммерческих продуктов питания, полученных из диких популяций.
III. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Экология - многодисциплинарная наука, основанная на биологии, физике, химии и многих других науках.

2. Биосфера - слой вокруг земли, который преобразован живыми организмами.

3. Общество, в котором мы живем, должно быть обеспокоено проблемами окружающей среды.

4. Сохранение лесов имеет особо важное значение, поскольку в них содержится 80% всего количества углерода, хранимого растительностью суши.

5. Глобальное потепление – это экологическая проблема, вызванная накоплением газов в атмосфере.

6. Туризм изменяет ландшафт и часто разрушает часть экосистемы.

7. Все живые существа на земле испытывают воздействие загрязнения воздуха и загрязнения воды.

8. Нет способов остановить использование ресурсов земли, так как общество стало слишком зависимым от них.


1. Ecology is a multidisciplinary science based on biology, physics, chemistry, and many other sciences.

2. The biosphere is the layer around the earth that is transformed by living organisms.

3. Our society must be concerned about the environment.

4. Conservation of forests is especially important because they contain 80% of all the carbon stored by terrestrial vegetation.

5. Global warming is an environmental problem caused by the accumulation of gases in the atmosphere.

6. Tourism alters the landscape and often destroys part of the ecosystem.

7. All living beings on earth are affected by air pollution and water pollution.

8. There is no way to stop the use of the earth's resources because society has become too dependent on them.
IV. Name the main difference in the three kinds of animals (Monotremes, Marsupials, Placental mammals).

The key characteristic of a placental mammal is that it gives birth to babies that are far more advanced in their development than monotremes and marsupials. Marsupials also give birth to live babies like placental mammals. The key difference is that the marsupial placenta is more like a yolk sac, and the marsupial baby is attached to it for an extremely short period compared to a placental mammal. Monotremes are the only egg-laying mammals in the world. There are only two species of monotremes, the platypus and echidna.
V. Make a table with the words naming the species of flora and fauna of Irkutsk region










American mink

bird cherry


yellow acacia




rose hips







black-clawed marmot

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