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англ222. 6. Книга которую вы обсуждали не знакома мне

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Название6. Книга которую вы обсуждали не знакома мне
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Задание 1.

my friend, and I do sports together. In fact, we met in a sports club, and since then we are inseparable.I started playing tennis at the age of six, and he began to walk in for tennis only ten, but now he is playing better than me, and he always wins when we play vmeste.ne recently opened swimming pool near the place where we live, and we started to go in for a swim too.we both are team games, but we often play basketball and volleyball, none of us playing football. We never go skiing, bowling, but we dream to try both when we are on vacation next year.

Задание 2.

1. Известно, что спорт делает людей сильными и здоровыми .

Noun Clause

2. Спроси его, придет ли он на вечеринку.

Adverb Clause

3. Доктор сказал, что мне следует  оставаться в постели еще по  крайне мере три дня.

Noun Clause

4. Влад оценил, то  что отец поговорил с ним о боулинге когда он отправился в боулинг клуб

Noun Clause

5.Я встретил (того)  мужчину, о котором ты мне говорил.

Adjective Clause

6. Книга которую вы обсуждали не знакома мне.

Adjective Clause

7. Я вспомнил его в тот момент когда увидел.

Adverb Clause

8. Майк сказал, что он  никогда не был в таком большом стадионе прежде.

Noun Clause

9. Он не сказал нам куда они ушли

Noun Clause

10. Она улыбается, потому что она вспомнила что-то смешное.

Adverb Clause

11. Эта девочка сказала, что она владеет тремя языками.

Noun Clause

12. Мужчина, который просил не называть его имени.

Adjective Clause

13. Ты будешь отвечать на все вопросы когда тебя спросят.

Adverb Clause

  14. Отец сказал ему как   бросать мяч.

Noun Clause

Задание 3

1 I saw a man that was playing tennis there.
2 I lost a book that you gave me to read.
3 We will speak about it soon when he will come.
4 He is busy so he won't come to the party.
5 He invited Mary to the movies but she didn't come.
6 I can't play tennis well because i began playing it when i was only 15.
7He wanted to talk to us so he came to the sports club.
8 He promised to come to see us if it won't rain.
9 Here is the man who were we talking about.
10 He is playing a new game that is very interesting.
11 He says that he went to Crimea last year
12 When they were playing outdoors their mother was cooking
13 I told them about everything I saw in London.
14 The sports ground at our college is larger then that where we are playing now.
15 I will read for the examinations that will begin soon

Задание 4.

. Call me before you leave.
2. She followed the advice the doctor gave her.
3. I know what he told you about it.
4. Masha did not tell me where she met Mikhail.
5. I will give you this book, because I liked it.
6. When the parents returned home, their son was already asleep.
7. I was asked if I was abroad.
8. I'm not sure that he will take advantage of your advice.
9. Do you know where they went?
10. He will buy himself new furniture when he returns from the trip.

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