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тарих. Active vocabulary

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Active vocabulary

husband - the male partner in a marriage

She was having breakfast on the beach in Thailand with her husband

wife - a married woman

Jackson lives at his family home in Wimbledon, south London, with his wife of 26 years and their three sons.

uncle - the brother of someone’s father or mother

He was talking very softly, like he was our uncle.

nephew - the son of someone’s brother or sister

I’m assuming your nephew is young.

niece - a daughter of someone’s brother or sister.

Kathy must divide 7 boxes of cookies among her 4 nieces.

cousin - a child of someone’s uncle or aunt

I understand that you have an uncle and a cousin who live near the docks die.

spouse - a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner

In a marriage, both the persons are each other’s spouse.

stepdaughter - the daughter of one’s spouse and his or her previous partner

In 2012 my stepdaughter, who was 14 at the time, decided to get me out of her life.

stepmother - one’s father’s second, third, etc. wife

How’s your stepmother treating you?

mother-in-law - the mother of one’s spouse

Mother-in-laws are mostly seen as nightmares.

father-in-law - the father of one’s spouse

Her father-in-law – a powerful figure in the community in Britain.

extended family - family that includes, not only of parents and children but also of grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.

For many years, I was conscious that I was the first woman in my very large extended family to do this.

nuclear family - a mother, father, and their children, considered as a social unit

A nuclear family is merely a couple and their children, as opposed to an “extended” family.

bring up - a person whose lifestyle, political, etc. choices are designed to minimise human impact on the natural environment

Everyone has a way to bring up their child.

upbringing - the way in which a child is cared for and taught while it is growing up.

In the great majority of cases, it should be the decision of parents when to ask for help and advice on their children ‘s care and upbringing.

divorce - legal dissolution (ending) of a marriage

The rate of divorce has increased, as has the proportion of men who are never or previously married.

childcare - arrangements for looking after children while parents work

Waiting lists for childcare are often long and by the time a vacancy for childcare arises, the doctor may be moving to another post.

adolescence - period of human life between childhood and adulthood

Having survived a very troubled adolescence she had made a successful start on a service career and hoped to achieve officer status.

a formative year - first few years of a child’s life when his/her character develops

I spent my formative years in Taiwan.

муж - партнер мужского пола в браке

Она завтракала на пляже в Таиланде со своим мужем

женой - замужней женщиной

Джексон живет в своем семейном доме в Уимблдоне, южный Лондон, со своей женой 26 лет и их тремя сыновьями.

дядя - брат чьего-либо отца или матери

Он говорил очень тихо, как будто был нашим дядей.

племянник - сын чьего-то брата или сестры

Я предполагаю, что ваш племянник молод.

племянница - дочь чьего-то брата или сестры.

Кэти должна разделить 7 коробок печенья между своими 4 племянницами.

двоюродный брат - ребенок чьего-то дяди или тети

Я понимаю, что у вас есть дядя и двоюродный брат, которые живут недалеко от доков.

супруг(а) - муж или жена, рассматриваемые по отношению к своему партнеру

В браке оба человека являются супругами друг друга.

падчерица - дочь супруга и его или ее предыдущего партнера

В 2012 году моя падчерица, которой в то время было 14 лет, решила убрать меня из своей жизни.

мачеха - вторая, третья и т.д. жена отца

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