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News 78

Ariel Sharon says he President Bush’s with the Palestinians. But Mr. Sharon the members of - Middle East : Russia, the and the for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat the peace . Mr. Sharon the US “Newsweek” an in which he the peace plan it “nothing.” The plan of a Palestinian State by 2005.

(VOA January, 2003)

News 79

It may be but that it’s . The of women report like , sleep, depression, . For the few a lot of doctors have to the symptoms. But a studied the of - are than . So now millions of women are for . Doctor Machelle Seibel, a , says he has one. And he in his new book “The for .”

(VOA January, 2003)

News 80

The Serbian President M.M. the to to the International War . The Mr. M. war crimes in the southern Serbian province of Kosovo . The that in 1999 Mr. M. the of terror 800,000 of Kosovo’s Albanians .

(BBC January, 2003)

News 81

Police in London , and , have a and arrested seven people the Terrorism . They said the operation was an the of of the in a flat in another part of London . The the centre of in Britain the of a who there. B.T. reports from the .

a hundred police officers, some of them , took in a . It was a as a police , its the , as the officers entered the building. Seven people and . But if the A. H. was one of them.

(BBC January, 2003)

News 82

Russia and China, two of the United Nations Security Council , have their war against Iraq. Russia said at the moment any military action. And China in a an has expressed the - - of troops and in the . P.B. reports.

The diplomatic over Iraq . With America , the of between France and Germany yesterday . Now Russia and China their positions . In Moscow President Putin George Bush the UN next week the future action. Russia there are against Iraq. China too about the - in the and wants the UN inspectors more time.

(BBC January, 2003)

News 83

The United States and Britain that the of the United Nations if the Security Council Iraq. American Secretary of State Colin Powell said the by the UN inspectors a for the world . Mr. Powell a news conference in Washington talks with the British Foreign Minister Jack Straw. He differences with other Iraq but said this .

(BBC January, 2003)
News 84

Britain it’ll the European Union the Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and his when it next week. Mr. Mugabe by the French authorities to the of African Leaders in Paris the . Leader of in Britain Robin Cook said it was important for the EU the the and the of - in Zimbabwe.

(BBC January, 2003)

News 85

The Iberia people in Spain to Galicia to the by the of the “The Prestige” last November. The the Spanish government will flights 10,000 . The BBC Madrid correspondent says the Spanish government for to help the , which hundreds of kilometres of and the industry.

(BBC January, 2003)
News 86

A the United Nation’s weapons inspectors their on Iraq the American Secretary of State Colin Powell a of what the Bush administration as Saddam Hussein’s . Mr. Powell at the World Economic in Davos, where he from business leaders the economic that the war will have on Iraq.

P.P. reports from Davos.

Mr. Powell about America’s to act without United Nations’ . His will be for any of how the - may be. Mr. Powell on Saturday that the US to give the weapons inspectors more time to their work. was an in Mr. Powell with the Turkish Prime Minister A.G. Turkey US forces its to an Iraq.

(BBC February, 2003)
News 87

of farmers in Mexico City to the their by the free NAFTA, which groups Mexico, United States, and Canada. They say because they cheap US .

(BBC February, 2003)

News 88

by the government of Argentina show a levels of the social of the economic . The economic says nearly 60% of Argentines now or . Our correspondent in Buenos-Aires P.G. has more details.

good about in Argentina, as R.E. told me, you are not . Almost the government in poverty, they 625 pesos – a 200 dollars – the an average family must their . And this is in a country that one of the .

(BBC February, 2003)

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