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Алексеев В.С.

Учимся слушать новости

на английском языке

(с аудиокассетой)

Listening to the Radio News Broadcasts
Пособие предназначено для улучшения навыков аудирования и расширения словарного запаса лексикой общественно-политического характера.

Пособие включает тексты новостей живых радиопередач радиостанций “БиБиСи” и “Голос Америки”, записанных в 2002-2003 гг.

Пособие построено по принципу от простого к сложному. Первые 50 текстов новостей даны с подготовительными упражнениями, а тексты последующих новостей даны без. При этом количество пропусков, которые слушатели должны заполнить при прослушивании, постоянно увеличивается.

Тематика новостей включает сообщения из области политики, экономики, права, медицины экологии и других вопросов жизнедеятельности общества.

Тексты новостей с пометкой VOA (Voice of America) даны с учетом правил американского варианта орфографии.

В конце сборника даны полные тексты новостей. Это дает возможность при прослушивании иметь зрительную опору на текст.

Пособие предназначено для учащихся школ, студентов, преподавателей и широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык самостоятельно.

Special thanks to Andrey Shcherbakov and Alexandr Smaglo for their assistance in compiling this book.

News 1

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. terrorism; to challenge; to hit; innocent; cave; Army; Navy; Air Force; to prevail; Afghanistan; global; extremists; fear; conqueror; liberator; to develop; conflict; battle; unfortunately; iceberg; top; surface; grievances; excuse; to target; to assure; murder; to succeed; to rule; to transform.

  2. to have an advantage; as well; US-led coalition; to be made up of sth; to win a war; as sb puts it; to be on one’s way; a self-sustaining nation; to provide for sth; police force; border guards; a training camp; to intend to strike; the bulk of sth; to go on; to put pressure on sth; to target sb for sth; to fight for; lasting peace.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

The war against global terrorism is a different kind of war. and terrorist states do not directly , or , or . Instead, they and run. They attack t men, women and children. They hide in caves. Terrorists, said US Secretary of Defense Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, . They can attack at any time, at any place, using any . To , said Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, we have to fight differently as well. That is exactly what the coalition is doing in Afghanistan. The coalition ninety countries, half of all the nations in the world, who are cooperating in a war against terrorism. The war . In ten months Afghanistan from a country by Islamic extremists and terrorists to one that, as Mr. Donald Rumsfeld , is on its way to be a free and nation where people are able to live without fear.

The US-led coalition went to Afghanistan not as but as and, as Mr. Donald Rumsfeld said, we will stay there as long as it takes to see that the Afghan government, the has the ability to their own security and to develop an Afghan National Army and a police and , so they can that they will not again become a terrorist training camp.

Well, the conflict in Afghanistan may be the first battle of the twenty first century, it will not be the last. , said Secretary of Defense Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, the terrorists who attacked us on September 11, to strike again. The war on terrorism, said Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, is like an , you are going to see just the top of it and a what is going on is going to be below the surface, and the task is to the global terrorists wherever they are. As President George W. Bush said, there can be no peace in a world where differences and become an excuse to the innocent . In fighting terror we fight for the condition that will make lasting peace possible and, said Mr. Bush, we’ll succeed.

(VOA September, 2002)
News 2

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. to seek; congressional; dictator; to protect; threat; whether; military; minority; approach; to share; ally; strategy.

  2. approval for sth; to take action against sb; to remove sb; to use force; to look for sth; to deal with sb(sth); to meet with sb.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

President Bush says he congressional action his administration against Iraq. The President congressional leaders Wednesday ways to Iraqi Saddam Hussein. VOA’s S.S. is at the White House. President Bush that the US protect itself against from Iraq. The President congressional leaders he to use military force in Iraq. House minority leader D.T. the President an approach that by US allies. This is the beginning of the building of a with the American people, the C, and the of the world that are what is the . The President with British Prime Minister Tony Blair Saturday, then Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien next Monday Iraq’s program.

(VOA September, 2002)
News 3

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. urgent; summit; evidence; banned; to increase; vigor; to recognize; to pursue.

  2. to make the case for sth; sideline meeting; weapons of mass destruction; to push for sb to do sth; control over sth.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

Secretary of State Colin Powell the case action against Iraq during at the Europe’s Summit in Johannesburg. Colin Powell said Wednesday there is that Iraq pursuing of mass destruction with increasing . Mr. Colin Powell said he for the to recognize the situation can not go on as the last three years any over Iraq’s program.

(VOA September, 2002)
News 4

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. to attend; poverty; sustainable; hostile; nation; negotiations; environment; implementation; issue; increase; source; delegate; commitment; to save.

  2. global warming; renewable energy; impressive range of sth; to make a real difference; to hope for sth; agree with sb on sth; agree on sth; agree to sth; to be (un)happy with sth; to make a progress; to wipe out sth.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

After ten days of negotiations nations the World Summit on Development on a plan to world and the . VOA’s C.M. reports from Johannesburg.

As the summit Wednesday many activists were , what the plan. They say that it a progress they on issues such as global and increase in the use of sources. But UN Secretary General Kofi Anann says the Summit what he called, of commitments that, he believes, will in the fight to and the .”

(VOA September, 2002)
News 5

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. Israel; Israeli; toward; interview; chance; breakthrough; Palestine; Palestinian; to conclude; official; to quote; comments; crackdown; separately; to propose; envoy.

  2. to negotiate with sb; to achieve sth through(thru) sth; to be a cover for sth; to establish a state; to accept a plan; in principle.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says that for the first time he the chance for a peace with the Palestinians. In with Israeli television Wednesday Mr. Sharon Israel with Palestinians who, in his words, that they can not anything terrorism. But the Palestinian officials are quoted saying the comments are only a for Israel’s . Also Wednesday Mr. Sharon and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat separately the European Union proposing steps to Palestinian s by 2005. Mr. Arafat. he the plan . R. D. reports from Jerusalem.

(VOA September, 2002)
News 6

1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. amnesty; to abuse; to treat; treatment; suspect; lawyer; Sweden; Swedish; Tunisia; Tunisian; client.

  2. to accuse sb of sth; to hijack a plane; human rights; to file an appeal; on bail; to seek release.

2. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

Amnesty International Britain serious in the treatment of terrorist the September, 11 in the United States. And the for a citizen of suspected to plan to a plane says will an appeal seeking release .

(VOA September, 2002)
News 7

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. tough; to adopt; representative; permanent; initiative; address.

  2. get sb to do sth; diplomatic drive; to be aimed at sth; to hold consultations; Security Council.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

The United States a new diplomatic drive the United Nations to a against Iraq. The initiative President Bush’s to the UN General Assembly on Thursday. As our correspondent J. W. reports the American Secretary of State Colin Powell consultations with of the other of the Security Council.

(BBC September, 2002)
News 8

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. to support; to warn; spokesman; rebel; to oppose; base Chechnya; Chechen.

  2. to carry out; territorial integrity; unilateral action; State Department.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

The United States that President Putin of Russia if he his to Chechen inside Georgia. A State Department spokesman said Washington will Georgia’s and will oppose any by Russia in Georgia.

(BBC September, 2002)
News 9

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. accidentally; to indicate; to bomb; manslaughter; to aid; to abet; incident.

  2. to face criminal charges; to be charged with sth; to cause uproar.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

Reports from Washington that two American who Canadian in Afghanistan this year criminal . The reports say one of the pilots and the other with and him. Four Canadian soldiers in the , which in Canada.

(BBC September, 2002)
News 10

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. chairman; resign; worth; liability; announce; subsidiary.

  2. mounting losses; to step down; to be at risk; to take steps.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

The of one of businesses ‘France Telecom’ amid losses. The telecommunications company nearly seventy billion dollars and M.B’s decision came after the losses for this year of more than 12 billion dollars. Now thousands of in Germany after the company financially supporting its German MobilCom.

(BBC September, 2002)
News 11

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. to enter; border; helicopter; missile.

  2. to be injured; at least; armored vehicle; be involved in sth.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

Israeli the Palestinian of R. in the Gaza Strip Egypt. One Palestinian and at least one . Palestinian officials say that 25 supported by helicopters in the operation. A missile by one of the Israeli helicopters.

(BBC September, 2002)
News 12

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. government; to cause; widespread; alliance; hostages; dictatorial; repressive; meanwhile; democracy.

  2. US Defense Secretary; to launch an attack; avoid doing sth; to be removed from office; to commit oneself to doing sth; to maintain one’s territorial integrity.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says if the United States an attack against Iraq, it the government of Saddam Hussein and to the Iraqi people. Speaking as he to a NATO meeting in Warsaw, Mr. Rumsfeld said that Iraqi people are to a government. President Bush’s Condeleezza Rice said that if Saddam Hussein is from , the United States will to Iraq. Ms. Rice said toward and .

(VOA September, 2002)
News 13

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. explosion; warehouse; blast; to rip; Indonesia; Indonesian; embassy; unclear; threat; slightly; to escape.

  2. to be linked to sth; to be wounded; to be apprehended.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

An in Jakarta near a US one person. A blast described as a small explosion a car in at about oday a kilometer the American . It is the blast was terrorist against US interests in Indonesia. in the car was by the and was . Two passengers .

(VOA September, 2002)
News 14

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. Ivory Coast; to protect; nationals; missionary; armor; commercial; although; to threaten; battle.

  2. to be caught in a stand-off; to put down a rebellion; to hold out; peaceful solution.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

French troops to the city of V. between rebel and government forces. Among the foreign nationals are about 100 American children attending a school. The government sent troops and to the after a in the Abidjan the day before. R continue in the cities B. and C. both sides bloody , say they both to a peaceful solution. State television reports the at least 270 people.

(VOA September, 2002)
News 15

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. powerful; to explode; truck; to quote; to suspect; incident.

  2. to claim responsibility for sth; to be terrorist-related.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

police say at least people when a in a in India’s northern U.P. State. Two other people . No immediate for the blast. But news service the police officials as saying that the was terrorist.

(VOA September, 2002)
News 16

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. to dismantle; stockpiles; to press; authority; resolution; to allow; means; to include; to fail; bold; to disarm; to conclude; diplomacy; to counter.

  2. to take actions; chemical and biological weapons; member state; to comply with sth; nation-wide; to lay out sth.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

President Bush says the United Nations against Iraq to of and that can be used in .

As VOA’s S.T. reports the President an international action and he US Congress for against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

President Bush wants a United Nations any to use necessary if Iraq fails weapons inspection. In a n Monday, his case for action against Iraq, the President said waits, and Saddam Hussein becomes.

If the international c does not , President Bush says, he’ll his to Iraq. He Congress the authority if he that is not enough Iraqi threat.

(VOA September, 2002)
News 17

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. militant; wave; to regard; stronghold; crowd; machinegun; shell; spokesman; incursion; infrastructure ; explosives; raid; armed; rifles; grenades.

  2. to vow revenge for sth; to join in sth; to join sth; to urge sb to do sth; react to sth; to account for sth; suicide bombing; scores of sb/sth; to dismiss reports.

  1. Listen to the news and fill in the missing words.

group Hamaz for an Israeli attack in the Gaza Strip that 14 Palestinians and 100 others. As R.D. reports Hamaz leader A.A.R. Palestinian groups terrorist attacks against Israel.

Hamaz says Israel for the Israeli Army operation against T.U. as a of Islamic organisation. Hamaz leader A.A.R. all Palestinian groups terror attacks against Israelis. He the Israeli Army operation in which a crowd. Palestinians say most of the and Monday. Palestinians also say the Israelis and a at a where and after the fighting. Mr. R. says Palestinians every Zionist all Israelis . The of Hamaz since 1994 that of Israelis and the of terrorist groups. A the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat the to come to the of the Palestinian people.

Israeli Army by Hamaz and Palestinian Authority officials that in the . In the statement the Israeli Army said that the operation to in the area. The Army said the soldiers and equipment and one Palestinian leader. The Israeli Army said the missile during the Palestinians soldiers with and .

(VOA September, 2002)
News 18

  1. Translate these words (a) and expressions (b).

  1. team; to investigate; explosion; amid; conflicting; whether; accidental; to determine; cause; to own; crew; boat; to occur; vessel.

  2. oil tanker; to be too early to do sth; to speed up; to blame sth on sb.
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