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TrrsTsentences are made emphatic bjrmeari^ortlie^ syh- iritonalion, the weaker grow the evident syntactical relations (also to complete |
disappearance) l. This can be illustrated by means of the following two nairs of sentences: 'Only after dinner did I make up my mind to go there' and '/ made up my mind to go there only after dinner.1 'It was in Bucharest that the Xth International Congress of Linguists took place' and'The Xth International Congress of Linguists took place in Bucharest.'
The second sentences in these pairs can be made emphatic only by intonffion]
-ffiffifi^^ I...' and 'It was... that"?..'
P—О was^used in from 82 to QTj^LSSu^L^Lsentences S^taininjipiii
three !Sefi:il^^^ for BeowuTT^asHrB'^M'TorKirig
^ПтесГГ prose* 40.
This predominance of S—P—О word-order makes conspicuous any change in the structure of the sentence and inevitably calls forth a modification in the intonation design.
Thfejnpst: с;р11^1сшд^ consi(dered^to,,.be,ihe firsFand the last: the first place because.JheJull force of the stress can De felj;_^tMT^lmiing of an utterance and the last place because there is_a pause aftgrJhL This traditional word-order Tias developed a definite intonation Design. Through frequency of fepet it ion this design Fas Imposed Tts
Thus in Dickens' much quoted sentence:
"Talent Mr. Micawber has; capital Mr. Micawber has not."
The first and the last positions being prominent, the verb has and the negative not get a fuller volume of stressjhan they would in ordinary (uninverted) wordPorHeFrTnlM^rMTnbnal word-order the predicates has and has not are closely attached to their objects talent and capital. English predicate-object groups are so bound together1 that when jye tear the object away from its predicate, the latter remains dangjjng in the sentence and in this position sometimes calls fortff'a cfiange: in meaning of the predicate word. In the inverted word-order not 'only the objects talent and capital become conspicuous but also the predicates has and has not.
In this example the effect bf the inverted word-order is backed up by two other stylistic devices: antith§sis and parallel const ruction. Unlike grammatical inversion, st^yljstfcjily^ersion does riot change the structural rneari|rigj^^ is, the change in the juxtapositioffbf lEe members of the senteECje.^does-.noI indicate structural meaning Jjut Ms^jp^rE^silperstru.eluriaj function. S^yJ^ i stj^ijiv e r s i о n ajms* "at att ach jn g 1ogi с a 1 stress or additional emotional colouring "f 6. the sur-tacB rnganjng of.. ГНе*11ГГё^ intonation pattern is the inevitable satellTfe^lriversion.
Stylistic inversion in Modern English should not be regarded as a violation of the norms of standard English. It is only the practical realization of what is potential in the language itself.
The folIc^ing^^ are most frequently met in both English prose and English poetry.
1. The object Js placed at the beginning of the seatence (see the example above)7 "
pl\_ ClUV^VN-/.
2. Theattribute is placed after the word it modifies (postposition Of the'attribute). This model is often used when there is more than one attribute, for example: *
'"''""""""""""''With fingers weary and worn..." (Thomas Hood) "Once upon a midnight dreary..." (E. A. Poe)
3. a) JThe predicative is {^jaЈe
or b) the predicative stands before the. link-verb and fajQlJlj^^Bjjiced^ before the sutTject, as m
"Rude am I in my speech..." (Shakespeare)
4. JThe adyeriiijai^Qdifier is placed at the beginning pЈJ]i^eiT.tence, as in:
"Eagerly I wished the morrow." (Poe) "My dearest daughter, at your feet I fall." (Dryderi) "A tone of most extraordinary comparison Miss Tox said it in."
5. Both modifier and predicate stand before the subject, as in:
"In went Mr. Pickwick." (Dickens) "Down dropped the breeze..." (Coleridge)
These five models comprise the most^cqmrnori els of inversion.
However, in modern English and American poetry, as has been shown elsewhere, there appears a definite tendency to experiment with the word-order to the extent which may even render the message unintelligible, In this case there may be an almost unlimited number of rearrangements of the members of the sentence.
Inversion s a stylistic: JjyiJs^ahvays sense-:notivЈtЈd
a tindencyTo^account for inversion in poetry by rhythmical c;oimder-IRoHgrThls'may sometimes be true, but really talented poets will never sacrifice sense for form and in the majority of cases inversion in poetry is called forth by considerations of content rather than rhythm.
Inverted word-order, or inversion, is one of the forms of what are known as emphatic constructions. What is generally called traditional word-order is iiotTiTrig