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англ зачет. Answer the following questions

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Answer the following questions:

  1. How many generations of computers are there? What is the difference between them? In what way have computers been changing over time? (Сколько существует поколений компьютеров? В чем разница между ними? Как компьютеры менялись с течением времени?)

ОТВЕТ: There are four generations of computers. 1 The first generation of computers with von Neumann architecture, 2 1950s - early 1960s: second generation, 1960s: third generation, 4 1970s: fourth generation. There are general trends in the development of computers: 1) Increase in the number of elements per unit area. 2) Downsizing. 3) Increase the speed of work. 4) Reduced cost. 5) Development of software, on the one hand, and simplification, standardization of hardware, on the other.

  1. Who can be considered the father of the computer? (2. Кого можно считать отцом компьютера?)

ОТВЕТ: Charles Babbage.

  1. Why were computers invented? Which problems were they supposed to solve? (3. Почему были изобретены компьютеры? Какие проблемы они должны были решить?)

ОТВЕТ: Early computers were only conceived as calculating devices. Since ancient times, simple manual devices like the abacus aided people in doing calculations. Early in the Industrial Revolution, some mechanical devices were built to automate long tedious tasks, such as guiding patterns for looms.

  1. What type of computers is most suitable for large-scale computing purposes? Explain your choice. (4. Какой тип компьютеров больше всего подходит для крупномасштабных вычислений? Объяснить свой выбор.)

ОТВЕТ: Supercomputers are the most powerful machines ever developed, both in terms of performance and processing speed capability. They are highly specialised and deal with a particular line of tasks and are confined to highly reputable organisations such as NASA. Below are some functions of supercomputers: 1.Industrial functions 2.Space exploration 3.Weather forecasting 4.Nuclear testing

  1. What are the differences between laptops and tablets? (В чем разница между ноутбуками и планшетами?)

ОТВЕТ: Laptop: It is a portable computer device where all the units are inbuilt in a single package. It is a bit bigger and thicker than tablets. It has a physical key-board inbuilt into it. It has track-pad for mouse inbuilt in it. It is heavy-weighted in comparison of tablet. It has lower battery lasting life. The battery of laptop may be detachable or non-detachable. It does not have slot for sim-cards.It is more expensive than tablet. It has more features in comparison of tablet. It may have CD or DVD player inbuilt.

Tablet: It is a touch screen display computer device which generally operates on mobile operating systems. While it is smaller and thinner comparatively. While it does not have the physical key-board, it has onscreen key-board. While in tablet all the work is done with touch screen. While it is light-weighted comparatively. While it has higher battery lasting life. While it has the non-detachable battery. Some tablets may have slot for sim-cards. While it is less expensive comparatively. While it has less features than laptop. While it does not have such functionality.

  1. What is the performance of the CPU affected by? What is the function of the system clock? What is clock speed measured in? (6. На что влияет производительность процессора? Какова функция системных часов? В чем измеряется тактовая частота?)

ОТВЕТ: Processor performance can be affected by clock speed, cache size and the number of cores the processor has. A system clock or system timer is a continuous pulse that helps the computer clock keep the correct time. It keeps count of the number of seconds elapsed since the epoch, and uses that data to calculate the current date and time. Clock speed defines the number of cycles the processor executes per second and is measured in gigahertz (GHz). From a technical point of view, it is a pulse, synchronized oscillator, but for our purposes it is a basic unit that helps to understand the concept of processor clock speed.

  1. What are the main types of computer memory? Talk about each of them.( Какие основные типы компьютерной памяти? Поговорим о каждом из них.)

ОТВЕТ: Computer memory is of two basic type – Primary memory(RAM and ROM) and Secondary memory(hard drive,CD,etc.). Random Access Memory (RAM) is primary-volatile memory and Read Only Memory (ROM) is primary-non-volatile memory. It is also called as read write memory or the main memory or the primary memory.

  1. How does data flow within the computer system?( Как данные передаются в компьютерной системе?)

ОТВЕТ: First, this is what happens: the application (program) asks the OS for permission to communicate with another device (printer, remote computer, surveillance camera, etc.) The operating system gives a command to the network card driver, which loads the first piece of data into the card buffer and initiates the operation of the interface for transmission. At the other end of the line (network), the remote device receives incoming data into the buffer of its network card. After the end of the transfer, the protocol checks for errors in the transmitted parts (packets) of data (if necessary, requests their retransmission) and loads the received data from the card buffer into the previously reserved RAM space. From there, the final application (program) extracts information and works with it.

  1. What is a storage device? How can storage devices be classified? (Что такое запоминающее устройство? Как можно классифицировать запоминающие устройства?)

ОТВЕТ: A storage device is a device designed for recording and storage. Any physical effect that brings the system to two more stable states can be the basis for the operation of a memory device. A device that implements computer memory.

1.According to the stability of the recording and the possibility of rewriting, the memory is divided into: 1)permanent memory, 2) writeable memory, 3) rewritable memory, 4) operational memory.

2.By the type of access, storage devices are divided into: 1) devices with sequential access 2) random access devices 3) direct access devices 4) devices with associative access

3. Geometric design: 1) disk 2) tape 3) drums 4) card 5) printed circuit boards

4. Physically: 1) perforating 2) with magnetic recording 3) optical 4) using effects in semiconductors

5.Analog and digital storage devices are distinguished according to the form of the recorded information.

  1. Why is it necessary to format floppy disks and hard disk drives before storing data on them? Describe the formatting process.( Почему перед сохранением данных на дискетах и ​​жестких дисках необходимо форматировать их? Опишите процесс форматирования.)

ОТВЕТ: Formatting itself consists in creating (shaping) data access structures, for example, the structure of the file system. With this possibility of direct access to the information stored on the carrier (which was before formatting), part of it is irrevocably destroyed. Some software utilities recover some (usually -) information from formatted media. During the formatting process, the integrity of the media can also be checked and corrected. In the process of formatting, the integrity of the surface of the information storage device is analyzed and the damaged areas are marked in a special way, which makes it possible not to write information in them in the future. So, when formatting, the old file system will be destroyed and a new one will be created in its place. This means that all data that was stored on the disk will be lost!

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of optical disks over magnetic disks? (В чем преимущества и недостатки оптических дисков перед магнитными дисками?)

ОТВЕТ: Optical disks are physically strong than magnetic disks and cannot be damaged easily. Magnetic disks are sensitive to be touched where as optical disks are not. Magnetic fields do not cause any effect on optical disks where as they effect the magnetic disks.

  1. What are the differences between RAM and flash memory? Talk about RAM and flash memory in detail.( В чем разница между ОЗУ и флэш-памятью? Поговорим подробнее об оперативной и флеш-памяти.)

ОТВЕТ: Flash memory is used primarily for storage, while RAM (random access memory) performs calculations on the data retrieved from storage. By their nature, flash memory and RAM are faster than storage alternatives, such as hard disk and tape. There are two main functional devices between random access memory (or RAM - random access memory) and flash memory: volatile RAM, non-volatile flash memory, and RAM is much faster than flash memory. RAM also stands for random access memory.

  1. How can flash memory be used in portable storage media and computers?( Как можно использовать флэш-память в портативных носителях и компьютерах?)

ОТВЕТ: Flash memory is a solid-state chip that maintains stored data without any external power source. It is commonly used in portable electronics and removable storage devices, and to replace computer hard drives.

  1. What is hardware and software? What is the difference between hardware and software? (Что такое аппаратное и программное обеспечение? В чем разница между оборудованием и программным обеспечением?)

ОТВЕТ: Hardware, hardware, computer components, "hardware" - electronic and mechanical parts of a computing device that are part of a system or network, exclusive software and data. Software - a program or set of programs used to control a computer. Computer hardware is any physical device used in or with your machine, whereas software is a collection of programming code installed on your computer's hard drive. In other words, hardware is something you can hold in your hand, whereas software cannot be held in your hand.

  1. Name the most essential hardware components. What hardware components can be referred to as internal and external?( Назовите наиболее важные аппаратные компоненты. Какие аппаратные компоненты можно назвать внутренними и внешними?)

ОТВЕТ: These components are found in nearly every computer, and now many tablets and smartphones too. 1)Motherboard. 2)Networking cards. ...3)Graphics card. ...4)Processor. ...5)Hard drive. ...6)USB ports. ...7)Monitor ports.

External devices include those that are outside the system unit. These include: keyboard, mouse, display, there may be other devices: printer, external modem, scanner and other devices. Internal structure of motherboard devices (popularly called motherboard or simply "mother"), CPU, RAM, power supply, hard drive, previously installed floppy drive, CD-ROM drive and / or DVD drive , sound card, video card, speaker, as well as some other additional devices inserted into the so-called expansion slots - network cards, TV cards, etc.

  1. Do you think most operating systems used today are user-friendly? Give reasons to support your answer.( Считаете ли вы, что большинство используемых сегодня операционных систем удобны для пользователя? Укажите причины в поддержку своего ответа.)

ОТВЕТ: Having an operating system makes it very easy to develop new software. All the tasks most frequently encountered during computer operation are concentrated in the OS. Therefore, the programmer no longer needs to worry about placing his program in the memory volume of each specific computer or describe individual technical details of interaction with all kinds of external devices from various manufacturers - for this, it is enough to simply turn to the corresponding function of the operating system. Let's give a simple example. If the OS did not take care of this, each program would have to independently check for the presence of a floppy disk in the drive when writing information or the fact of connecting a printer before printing on paper. And there are a great many such situations. But the presence of the operating system is convenient for the user. Since on modern computers the dialogue with him is carried out by means of the OS, the interface (in other words, the ways of interacting with a person) in all programs turns out to be approximately the same. So, having mastered 2-3 programs in the Windows system, the user can quickly learn to work with another, even completely new for him.

  1. What is the relationship between operating systems and computer hardware? (Какая связь между операционными системами и компьютерным оборудованием?)


Operating system is a set of programs that provides the user with a convenient environment for working with computer equipment. The operating system allows you to run custom programs; manages all the resources of the computer system - the processor (s), RAM, input / output devices; provides long-term data storage in the form of files on external memory devices; provides access to computer networks.

  1. What are the main functions of an operating system? (Каковы основные функции операционной системы?)

ОТВЕТ: An operating system has three main functions: (1) manage the computer's resources, such as the central processing unit, memory, disk drives, and printers, (2) establish a user interface, and (3) execute and provide services for applications software.

  1. What kind of OS was used in the early 80s: text-based or graphics-based? What is the difference between text-based user interface and graphical user interface? (Какая ОС использовалась в начале 80-х: текстовая или графическая? В чем разница между текстовым пользовательским интерфейсом и графическим пользовательским интерфейсом?)

ОТВЕТ: Graphical user interface. A GUI offers graphical icons, and visual indicators, as opposed to text-based interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation to fully represent the information and actions available to a user. The actions are usually performed through direct manipulation of the graphical elements.

  1. What is an application program? What are the main categories of application programs? Give examples. (Что такое прикладная программа? Каковы основные категории прикладных программ? Привести примеры.)

ОТВЕТ: An application program, or application, a program designed to perform specific tasks and designed to interact directly with the user. Application programs are: 1) Text editors. 2) Word processors (MS Word). 3) Electronic tables (MS Excell). 4) Raster and vector graphic editors 5) Audio video players, editors (WinAmp). 6) Database management systems (for example - MSQL). 7)Translators or electronic dictionaries.

  1. What programs are commonly referred to as office programs? Give an example of an office software package. (Какие программы обычно называют офисными? Приведите пример офисного программного пакета.)

ОТВЕТ: These are the most demanded programs. Microsoft Office. The elements of the programs included in the office are designed in the same way and they "communicate" with each other in the same language. Office programs Microsoft 1)Word is a tool for creating documents, graphics, tables, etc. ... 2) Excel - a program for massive tabular calculations; 3) PowerPoint - software for creating presentations; 4)Publisher - an application for preparing publications; 5) OneNote - a tool for recording notes and working with them;

  1. What is Windows? Why is Windows so popular? Give some reasons. (Что такое винда? Почему Windows так популярна? Назовите несколько причин.)

ОТВЕТ: Windows is a family of commercial operating systems from Microsoft for graphical management. Windows is perhaps the most popular operating system for personal computers globally. ... Windows is very popular because it is pre-loaded in majority of the new personal computers. Compatibility. A Windows PC is compatible with most software programs in the market.

  1. What do you think will be the best network topology to cover a large building? Explain your choice. (Как вы думаете, какая топология сети будет наилучшей для покрытия большого здания? Объяснить свой выбор.)

ОТВЕТ: A star topology, the most common network topology, is laid out so every node in the network is directly connected to one central hub via coaxial, twisted-pair, or fiber-optic cable. Acting as a server, this central node manages data transmission—as information sent from any node on the network has to pass through the central one to reach its destination—and functions as a repeater, which helps prevent data loss.

  1. What types of network topology can you name? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them? (Какие типы топологии сети вы можете назвать? Каковы преимущества и недостатки каждого из них?)

ОТВЕТ: There are only 5 types of network topology: 1)Topology "Shared Bus" 2)Topology "Star". ...3)Ring topology. ...4)Mesh topology. ...5)Mixed topology.

1)The advantages of bus networks:

-cable consumption is significantly reduced;

-failure of one of the nodes does not affect the operation of the network as a whole;

-the network is easy to set up and configure;

-the network is resistant to malfunctions of individual nodes.

Disadvantages of bus topology networks:

-a cable break can affect the operation of the entire network;

-imited cable length and number of workstations;

-insufficient network reliability due to problems with cable connectors;

-low performance due to channel sharing between all subscribers.

2)Benefits of star topology networks:

-easy to connect a new PC;

-there is the possibility of centralized management;

-the network is resistant to malfunctions of individual PCs and to disconnections of individual PCs.

Disadvantages of star topology networks:

-a hub failure affects the operation of the entire network;

-high cable consumption.

3) This network is very easy to create and configure. The main disadvantage of ring topology networks is that a failure of the communication line in one place or a failure of the PC leads to the inoperability of the entire network.

4) Network topology is the configuration of a graph, the vertices of which correspond to the end nodes of the network (computers) and communication equipment (routers), and the edges correspond to physical or informational connections between the vertices.

5) Mixed topology - A network topology prevalent in large networks with arbitrary connections between computers. In such networks, it is possible to distinguish separate arbitrarily connected fragments (having a typical topology), therefore they are called networks with a mixed topology.

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wired and wireless networks? (Каковы преимущества и недостатки проводных и беспроводных сетей?)

ОТВЕТ: Wired networks


-Unified system for any type of data and applications;

-Extensibility, ease of reconfiguration;

-Documentation for each node of the system;

-Guarantee for the system up to 20 years of operation;

-Very high reliability


-High design and installation costs

Wireless network


- Simplicity and speed of network deployment;

-Low cost of deployment;

-Lack of wires in the workplace (at least some of the wires).


-The transfer rate is shared among all Wi-Fi devices within the service of their same access point.

-Effect of the environment (trees, walls of buildings);

-Relatively low reliability;

-Low resistance to burglary when configured incorrectly.

Give a definition of the following terms:

1. backup - Backup is the process of creating copies of data on a medium designed to restore data to its original or new location in the event of damage or destruction.

2. bus - A computer bus in the electrical network of a computer is a connection used to transfer data between functional blocks of a computer. In the bus device, you can distinguish between mechanical, electrical and logic levels.

3. CPU - Central Processor - A unit or integrated circuit that executes machine instructions, the main piece of hardware in a computer or programmable logic controller. Sometimes referred to as a microprocessor or simply a processor.

4. data transfer rate - Data transfer rate - the amount of data transferred per unit of time. The maximum data transfer rate without errors, together with the prediction of the performance of the system or communication line. The theoretical upper bound for the transmission rate is determined by the Shannon-Hartley theorem.

5. input devices - Input devices are peripheral equipment designed to enter data or signals into a computer or other electronic device during its operation.

6. hard drive - A hard disk drive, or hard disk drive, hard disk, hard drive is a random access storage device based on the principle of magnetic recording. It is the main storage device for most computers.

7. operating system - Operating system, abbr. OS - a set of interconnected programs designed to manage computer resources and interact with the user.

8. seek time/access time - The access time or disk spinning disk time is a measure of the time it takes. The factors that determine this time on a rotating drive are mainly related to the mechanical nature of the rotating discs and moving heads.

9. optical disc - Optical disc is a collective name for information carriers made in the form of discs, read from which is carried out using optical radiation.

10. topology - Network topology is a graph configuration, the vertices of which correspond to the end nodes of the network (computers) and communication equipment (routers), and the edges correspond to physical or informational connections between the vertices. physical real location and connections between network nodes.

11. spreadsheet - A spreadsheet is a computer program that allows you to perform calculations with data presented in the form of two-dimensional arrays that mimic paper tables.

12. GUI - Graphical user interface, graphical interface is a system of means for interacting a user with a computer, based on the representation of all available system objects and functions in the form of graphical screen components.

13. register - A register is a device for writing, storing and reading n-bit binary data and performing other operations on them. A register is an ordered set of triggers, usually D flip-flops, the number of which corresponds to the number of bits in a word.

14. flash memory - Flash memory is a form of semiconductor technology for electrically reprogrammed memory. The same word is used in electronic circuitry to denote technologically complete solutions of read-only memory devices in this microcircuit based on semiconductor technology.

15. circuit board - A printed circuit board is a dielectric plate, electrically conductive electronic circuits of the circuit are formed on the surface and / or in the volume. PCB connections for electrical and mechanical various electronic components.

16. hub - A network hub (also a hub from the English. Hub - center) is a class of devices for connecting computers in Ethernet networks using a twisted pair cable infrastructure. Currently superseded by network switches.

17. mainframe - Mainframe is a large universal high-performance fault-tolerant server with significant I / O resources, a large amount of RAM and external memory, designed for use in operating systems with intensive batch and transaction processing.

18. the control unit - The control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs the operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic and logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to the instructions that have been sent to the processor.

19. application software - Software - a program or set of programs we use to control a computer. Other definitions from international and Russian standards: a set of information processing programs and program documents required for the operation of programs;

20. backbone - Backbone data transmission channel (backbone) is a high-speed line that connects network segments into a single system. Carries out transportation at speeds of hundreds and thousands of megabits, serving other, less productive, communication channels.

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