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  • Read some interesting facts about Scotland and translate them into Russian: Eginburgh

  • “Saltire

  • English

  • Loch Ness monster – Nessie . Самая большая загадка Шотландии – Лох- Несское чудовище Несси. Golf

  • Fill in the gaps by using the map, interesting facts and text about Scotland

  • Максимальное количество баллов – 30.

  • Answer the following questions

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    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the origin of the name Scotland?

    The name Scotland originated in the 11th century when the name Scotia was given to a southwestern tract settled by the tribe of Scots.

    2. When was Scotland united with England?

    In 1603 the crowns of the two nations, England and Scotland, were united though the legislative union of the two kingdoms was officially proclaimed only in 1707.

    3. What is the location of Scotland in GB?

    Scotland is the most northern part of Great Britain.

    4. What is the total area of the country?

    Its total area is 78.800 sq. km

    5. What is the surface of Scotland?

    The area comprises 77100 km of land and 1700 sq. km of inland water

    6. What is the number of the Scottish population?

    Its population is a little over five million people.

    7. What is the capital of Scotland?

    The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh

    8. What are the main 3 areas in the country?

    Scotland may be divided into three areas:

    — the sparsely populated highlands and islands;

    — the central lowlands, most of the industrial centers and cultivated farmland;

    — Southern uplands which contain a number of hill ranges.

    9. What is the highest point in Scotland?

    The highest mountain peak in Scotland is Ben Nevis.

    10. Who is the Scottish national poet?

    Robert Burns is a national poet for Scotsmen

    (0-10 баллов)

    1. Read some interesting facts about Scotland and translate them into Russian:

    1. Eginburgh is the capital of Scotland, but the biggest city is Glasgow.

    Эдинбург-столица Шотландии, но самый большой город-Глазго.

    1. The official flag is called the “Saltire”, a white cross on a blue field, representing St. Andrew, the country’s patron saint.

    Официальный флаг называется "Салтир" - белый крест на синем поле, обозначающий Святого Андрея, покровителя страны.

    1. Scottish people speak English, but elder people still speak Scots Gaelic.

    Шотландцы говорят на английском, но пожилые люди все еще говорят на Гэльском языке.

    1. Loch is the Celtic name for the word “lake”.

    Лох это кельтское название слова "озеро".

    1. The national emblem is the thistle, a purple flower protected by prickles.

    Национальный символ - это чертополох, фиолетовый цветок, защищенный колючками.

    1. Scottish biggest mystery is a Loch Ness monster – Nessie.

    Самая большая загадка Шотландии – Лох- Несское чудовище Несси.

    1. Golf is the national sport in Scotland. In summer you can play golf from 8 am till 10 pm.

    Гольф – национальный вид спорта в Шотландии. Летом вы можете играть в гольф с 8 утра до 10 вечера

    1. Men in Scotland wear special ‘skirt’ called ‘kilt’ with the plaid pattern and they play on bagpipes.

    Мужчины в Шотландии носят специальную "юбку", называемую "килт" с клетчатым узором и играют на волынке.

    (0-8 баллов)

    1. Fill in the gaps by using the map, interesting facts and text about Scotland:

    1. Scotland is surrounded by the ____Atlantic__ Ocean and the _____North Sea.

    2. The capital of Scotland is ___ Edinburgh _____ but the biggest city is___ Glasgow ___.

    3. ___ St. Andrew _____ is the country’s patron saint. The official flag is called the __Saltire___.

    4. The official language is ____ English _____ but there is another officially recognized language - _____ Scots Gaelic ____ .

    5. Loch is another name for a ___lake____.

    6. The most famous water monster in the Europe is____ Nessie ____ .

    7. The highest peak on the British Isles is ___ Ben Nevis ____.

    8. Scotland is famous for its haunted ___Loch Ness _ .

    9. __Golf_ is famous sport played in Scotland.

    10. The Scottish national costume is called ___ kilt _______. The ____ bagpipes __ are Scotland’s traditional musical instrument.

    11. The symbol of Scotland is a plant _____ thistle ______.

    12. Robert Burns ___ is a national Scottish poet.

    (0-12 баллов)

    Максимальное количество баллов – 30.

    «Отлично» - 29-30 баллов,

    «хорошо» - 25-28 баллов,

    «удовлетворительно» - 16-24 баллов,

    «неудовлетворительно» - 0- 15 баллов.

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