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  • 1) Whom did the author meet at his friend’s house one day

  • 4) Why did the boy find himself in the hotel one day

  • 6) Why did the boy sell the dog to General Miles for three dollars

  • 7) What happened ten minutes later Ten minutes later, an old man came into the hall looking for his dog.8) What brilliant idea came to the boys mind

  • 10) Did the boys behavior prove his words, "Never ask for money you havent earned"

  • практика. Практика (2). Assignment # Three Задание 3 Ответьте на следующие вопросы 1 Whom did the author meet at his friends house one day

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    Exercises and Assignments on the Text

    Упражнения и Задания к Тексту

    Assignment # One – Задание № 1

    Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов, выражений и оборотов
    1. быть честным – to be honest

    2. приятный человек – pleasant person, nice person

    3. которого никто не знал – whom nobody knew

    4. даже на хлеб – even for my bread

    5. к вечеру – by the evening

    6. отдохнуть – to rest, to relax

    7. мне было нечем заняться – I had nothing to do, I had no occupation

    8. сразу догадаться – to guess immediately

    9. через десять минут – in ten minutes, after ten minutes

    10. готов заплатить – willing to pay, ready to pay

    11. я должен забрать собаку – I have to take the dog back

    12. вернул собаку хозяину – returned the dog to its owner
    Assignment # Two – Задание № 2

    Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов, выражений и оборотов из текста;
    1. earn some (a lot of, little) – заработать немного (много, мало)

    2. become great friends – стать отличными друзьями

    3. be in need for smth – нуждаться в чём-то

    4. wear a uniform – носить форму

    5. it takes (took, will take) smb. some time to do smth. – кому-то требуется (понадобилось, потребуется) время, чтобы сделать что-то

    6. to be angry with – быть злым на, сердиться на

    7. with joy – с радостью
    Assignment # Three – Задание № 3

    Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

    1) Whom did the author meet at his friend’s house one day?

    One day the author met General Miles at his friend's house.

    2) Did General Miles recognize the author? Why could not he?

    No, General Miles did not recognize the author. He could not recognize him because the author was a poor young writer whom nobody knew and whose books nobody read at the time they could have potentially met in Washington.
    3) Prove that the author’s childhood was very hard.

    The text does not provide explicit information about the author's childhood. However, it does mention that the author was a poor young writer who often did not have money for even basic necessities like bread. This suggests that the author had a difficult and challenging upbringing.

    4) Why did the boy find himself in the hotel one day?

    The text does not explicitly mention why the boy found himself in the hotel. It only states that he went into the hall of the hotel to have a rest after walking along the streets of Washington.

    5) Who ran into the hall suddenly? It was a funny little dog, wasn't it?

    Yes, a funny little dog ran into the hall suddenly.

    6) Why did the boy sell the dog to General Miles for three dollars?

    The boy sold the dog to General Miles for three dollars because he and his friend were in need of three dollars and the opportunity arose when General Miles showed interest in buying the dog. The boy saw it as a way to obtain the needed money quickly.

    7) What happened ten minutes later?

    Ten minutes later, an old man came into the hall looking for his dog.

    8) What brilliant idea came to the boy's mind?

    The text does not mention a specific brilliant idea that came to the boy's mind.

    9) How did he manage to take the dog back?

    The boy approached General Miles and insisted on taking the dog back, stating that he would return the three dollars he received. Despite General Miles arguing that he had purchased the dog, the boy's persistence led to the dog being returned to its original owner.

    10) Did the boy's behavior prove his words, "Never ask for money you haven't earned"?

    Yes, the boy's behavior can be seen as proving his words "Never ask for money you haven't earned." He sold the dog to General Miles for three dollars but later returned the money and the dog when he realized it was not his dog to sell. This demonstrates his honesty and refusal to take money for something he did not rightfully own.
    Assignment # Four– Задание № 4

    Задайте вопросы к словам, выделенным подчеркнутым наклонным шрифтом
    1) A few days ago at my friend's house I met General Miles.

    Несколько дней назад я встретил Генерала Майлза у друга дома.
    2) We did everything together: worked, read books, went for walks.

    Мы делали всё вместе: работали, читали книги, гуляли.
    3) For an hour I was walking along the streets of Washington.

    В течение часа я гулял по улицам Вашингтона.
    4) I shall pay you ten dollars if you find it for me.

    Я заплачу вам десять долларов, если вы найдете его для меня.
    Assignment # Five– Задание № 5

    Перескажите сцену в комнате Дженерала Майлза, используя Косвенную речь (Indirect Speech).

    He recounted that a few days ago, he had met General Miles at his friend's house. The General had asked him if he had lived in Washington in 1867. He replied affirmatively, saying that he had. Then the General had inquired how it could have happened that they hadn't met back then. He explained that they couldn't have met because the General was already a renowned general at the time, while he himself was a young writer whom nobody knew and whose books nobody read. He thought to himself that the General didn't remember him, but they had crossed paths once in Washington during that time.

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