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  • Read the title of the text: and think what the text is about.

  • Local historian at the behest of the soul.

  • Fatherland”

  • III Answer the questions

  • дидактическая разработка. Земля Владимирская. Автор Варавский Владислав Юрьевич Учитель английского языка

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    Автор: Варавский Владислав Юрьевич

    Учитель английского языка

    МБОУ СОШ № 13. г. Александров.

    Данный дидактический материал предназначен для обучающихся 7-8 классов общеобразовательных школ. Предтекстовые задания направлены на прогнозирование содержания текста. Текстовые задания направлены на развитие аудирования, а так же на нахождения ответов на вопросы. Послетекстовые задания направлены на закрепление полученной информации, анализирование полученной информации.

    I. a) Read the title of the text: and think what the text is about.

    b) Look at the photo, do you know this person? What do you know about her?

    II. a) Read the text, full it with words from the box, then listen and check.

    (аудио запись в приложении).

    Historian, two, enter, used to, has, take, work.

    Local historian at the behest of the soul.

    Victoria Vladimirovna Boravskaya was born on 10th of February in 1942 in Alexandrov. She 1)… work in “Iskozh detail” factory before 1961, when she entered Geographic department of Moscow State University. Until 1994 she 2)… as a geography physicist in Moscow. But in 1994 she returned to her hometown of Alexandrov she was born in. Then she got involved in local history and museum activity in Alexandrov. For a quarter of century V. Boravskaya has worked as local historian and published 3)… books: “The land of Alexandrov. Time. Development. People. Local historian’s notes”1 and “Monument of Metropolitan parish. History of thoroughbred village of Romanovskoe”2

    She 4)… published articles on local history in local newspapers and magazines when she worked in “Museum of Education” of Alexandrov region and Alexandrov Art Museum. She won the 1st prize in region’s journalist contest in nominations “My little homeland” in 2015-2016. She 5)… local historian clubs: “Native Alexandrov” and “Fatherland”. Also she 6)… part in international conferences of local historian. She has had more than 250 articles published in local newspapers and magazines. People get to know much useful and interesting information about their hometown.

    V.V. Boravskaya died on 11th of October in 2017. The pride of Vladimir region, veteran of labor and local 7)… she will remain in people’s memory with her priceless works.


    Geography physicist – физик-географ

    Involved- включилась (вовлеклась)

    Thoroughbred – породистый

    Won the 1st prize – заняла первое место.

    Fatherland – Отечество

    Local historian – краевед.

    II b) Read the text again and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) and NS (not stated)

    1. V.V. Boravskaya was born in 1942 in Moscow. ____

    2. She returned to her hometown. ____

    3. She has published three books about Moscow. ____

    4. V.V. Boravskaya is honorary citizen of Alexandrov. ___

    5. Her articles were published in newspapers and magazines throughout Russia.___

    6. She published more than 250 articles in local newspapers and magazines. ___

    7. She died in 2017. ___

    III Answer the questions

    1. When and where was V. Boravskaya born?

    2. What V. Boravskaya was?

    3. How many years had she devoted to her work as a local historian?

    4. Which museums did she work in?

    5. When did Boravskaya die?


    II. a)

    1. used to

    2. Worked

    3. Two

    4. Has

    5. Entered

    6. Took

    7. Historian

    II b)

    1. F

    2. T

    3. F

    4. NS

    5. F

    6. T

    7. T


    1. She was born on 10th of February in 1942 in Alexandrov.

    2. She was geographer.

    3. For a quarter of century she has worked as local historian.

    4. She worked in Museum of Education of Alexandrov region and Alexandrov Art Museum.

    5. She died on 11th of October in 2017.

    1 Земля Александровская. Время. События. Люди. Записки краеведа.

    2 Памятник Митрополичьей волости. История породистого село Романовского.

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