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  • Задание 2.

  • Задание 3.

  • АНГЛИЙСКИЙ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНАЯ 1. Awake awoke awoken пробуждать

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    ТипСамостоятельная работа

    Самостоятельная работа по теме 1.2

    Задание 1. Напишите список неправильных глаголов, наиболее частотных в профессии коррекционного учителя/педагога/воспитателя (не менее 15). С данными глаголами составьте высказывание на английском языке о специфике обучения в школах для особенных детей (не менее 10 предложений).

    Awake – awoke - awoken - пробуждать

    Be - was (were) - been - быть

    Become - became – become – становиться

    Begin – began - begun - начинать

    Break - broke - broken - ломать

    Breed – bred – bred - разводить животных

    Bring – brought – brought – приносить

    Build – built – built – строить

    Choose – chose – chosen – выбирать

    Come – came – come – приходить

    Do – did – done – делать

    Draw – drew – drawn – рисовать

    Drink – drank – drunk – пить

    Eat – ate – eaten – есть

    Fall – fell – fallen – падать

    Feed – fed – fed – кормить

    Find – found – found – находить

    Forbid – forbade – forbidden – запрещать

    Forgive – forgave – forgiven – прощать

    Get – got - got (gotten) – получать

    Give – gave – given – давать

    Go – went – gone – идти

    Grow – grew – grown – расти

    Have – had – had – иметь

    Hear – heard – heard – слышать

    Hide – hid – hidden – прятать

    Know – knew – known – знать

    Let – let – let – позволять

    Make – made – made – делать, мастерить

    Mean – meant – meant – значить

    Meet – met – met – встречать, знакомиться

    Put – put – put – класть, ставить

    Read – read – read – читать

    Say – said – said – сказать

    See – saw – seen – видеть

    Set – set – set – устанавливать

    Sing – sang – sung – петь

    Speak – spoke – spoken – говорить

    Stand – stood – stood – стоять

    Take – took – taken – брать

    Teach – taught – taught – обучать

    Tell – told – told – рассказывать

    Think – thought – thought – думать

    Understand – understood – understood – понимать

    Write – wrote – written – писать

    Every teacher who starts working with special children should understand how responsible this job is. It is the responsibility of every person who comes into contact with such children - to know what is the peculiarity of their development. Some kids can’t sit long, and some kids can’t stand. The teacher should teach children not only to write, read and count, but also to help them adapt to society. It is very important that children receive practical skills at school sewing, design, cooking. Work should be carried out. It is necessary that the school has the opportunity to seek help from a psychologist, speech therapist and other specialists. It’s also important that working with special kids doesn’t work if you punish, give bad grades, intimidate. Children need constant support and encouragement. We must not forget about the individual approach. The remedial teacher should always look for new ways, apply different methods, should know everything about the diseases and features of each child. But let the teachers be encouraged that this is the most blessed work!

    Задание__2.'>Задание 2. Вставьте глагол to be в корректной форме.

    1. He  …is….    a doctor. 2. How …is..   your  father?  He  …is..  fine. 3. We  …are…  pilots. 4. My father …is. an engineer. 5. …Is...  this  fox little? Yes, it …is. . 6. Where are…. you  from? I …am. from Russia . 7. Her uncle …is.  a  worker. 8. That elephant …is.  grey. 9. How …are. you? I am…. fine. 10. The  big balls are…. on the table.

    1. This fox is… little. 2. The little hares are…. in the box. 3.How is… your brother? He is… fine. 4.  Where are… they from? They  are… from  America. 5. Those horses  are… brown. 6.They  …are engineers. 7.  My mother is… a doctor. 8.  Is… her aunt a teacher? Yes, she is… . 9.That  bear  is… in the  bag. 10.   Are… they  from Great  Britain? Yes, they  are…  .

     1.This monkey  is…  in the bag. 2.My father  …is  a  worker. 3. Are… they  drivers? Yes, they are… 4. How  is… your  sister? She is… fine. 5. That  fox  is…  near  the table. 6. Where are… you from? I  am…  from Great  Britain . 7. These  tigers are…  big. 8. The green crocodiles are… in the box. 9. My  sister  is…  an engineer. 10.  We  …are  doctors.

    1.My uncle  is…  a  cosmonaut . 2. Is…  she  a  pilot? Yes, she  is…  . 3.They  are…  workers. 4.  This  monkey  …is  little. 5. How  is…  your  aunt? She  …is fine. 6.These  elephants  …are  big. 7.   Where …is he  from? He  is… from America. 8. The  nice  dolls  …are  under  the table. 9.   Is…her  aunt  a driver ? Yes, she is… . 10.   Are… we teachers? No, we are… not .

    Задание 3. Поставьте глагол to have в корректную форму.

    Вставьте have или has.

    1. I______have____ a friend. 2. Martin ___has______a book.3. We _____have_____ a cat. 4. You _____have____ a funny crocodile. 5. Kate ___has______ a big house.

    Напишите по-английски.

    1. У нее есть ___________She has a book.2. У нас есть__________We have a book.3. У меня есть__________I have a book.4. У него есть______He has a book.5. У них есть ________They have a book.

    Скажите, что это не так.

    1. She has six books._____She doesn’t has six books.2. Hе has five bags.__________He doesn’t has five bags. 3. We have ten boxes._________We do not have ten boxes. 4. I have a dog._________I don’t have a dog. 5. Bess has a nice hat.________Bess doesn’t have a nice hat.

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