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  • 9.1. Sound right 9.1.1.

  • 9.1.3.

  • 9.1.4.

  • 9.2. Word-building: -ly 9.2.1.

  • 9.2.2.

  • 9.3. Full understanding 9.3.1.

  • *9.3.3.

  • 9.3.4.

  • 9.3.5.

  • Model

  • Simple Past

  • *9.3.13.

  • 9.4. Practice in communication (Advice) *9.4.1.

  • 9.5. General understanding 9.5.1.

  • 9.5.4.

  • 9.6.2.

  • 9.6.3.

  • 9.7.2.

  • 9.7.5.

  • Revenge is sweet (proverb)

  • Зеликман А. Я. Английский для юристов. Ббк 81. 2 Англ. З 31

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    UNIT 9

    Фонетика: sound [w]

    Словообразование: суффикс наречия -ly

    Грамматика: прошедшие времена Past Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous

    Текст: «Pete's travel to London»

    9.1. Sound right

    9.1.1. Listen, look, say:

    we wool sweet twice queenwhere

    work walk swift twelve quick which

    why ward swam twenty quite whale

    way wood swan twin question wet

    west was swore tweed quarrel wine

    war win swine twist quiet weather

    9.1.2. Listen, look, say:

    1. Why worry?

    2. We wondered where we were.

    3. I wonder what's wrong with Wyn.

    4. The sweater will wear well.

    5. Wilful waste makes woeful want.

    6. Walter always knows what's what.

    7. It was a wonder the weather was so wet.

    8. Winnie is as weak as water.

    9. Watt is as swift as the wind.

    10. No sweet without some sweat.

    9.1.3. Listen and look. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the sound [w].


    ( [w] as in want)

    A. Where's the wagon?

    B. Where's what wagon?

    A. The water wagon.

    B. What water wagon?

    A. The wagon with the water.

    B. What water?

    A. I want water.

    B. We all want water.

    A. Well, where's the water?

    B. Good question!


    ( [w] as in want, [v] as in very)

    A. Come on, Vicky. Time for our evening walk. Vicky! Evening walk time! Vicky, why won't you come for your walk this evening? You know we go for our walk at seven every evening. Talk, Vicky, please. Talk. Use words. You don't have to growl — you have a voice you know. Perhaps we should've called you Rover. Oh, I'm going! Here — have a bone!

    9.1.4. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

    9.1.5. Read the dialogues in pairs.

    9.1.6. Try to read the tongue-twister as fast as you can:

    Whether the weather be fine Or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot, We'll weather the weather Whatever the weather Whether we like it or not.

    9.2. Word-building: -ly

    9.2.1. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combination:

    to rain continually, highly interesting book, to translate literally, to watch TV nightly, to listen

    to music occasionally, to work seasonally, to be dressed warmly.

    9.2.2. Paraphrase the following word-combinations us­ing -ly:

    in an ideal manner, in an idle manner, in a mad manner, showing the skill of a master, done once a month, in the second place, in a short time, to a slight degree, in a strong manner.

    9.2.3. Answer the following questions:

    1. Do you willingly get up early in the morning?

    2. What do you chiefly eat in the morning?

    3. Do you work mostly at night or in the daytime?

    4. Do you buy books regularly or occasionally?

    9.3. Full understanding

    9.3.1. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте:

    delegation, mile, bank, firm, business, theatre, restaurant ['rest()ron], guide [ad], lady, clerk [kla:k], Great Britain, Thames [temz], Westmin­ster ['westmnst], City, Mansion House ['mn()n], Lord Mayor [m], Royal Exchange [ks'ten], St. Paul's Cathedral [k'dr()l], Tower of Lon­don, Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn, Grey's Inn. *9.3.2. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте, запомните:

    New words:

    to travel — путешествовать

    at the invitation of — по приглашению

    city — город (крупный)

    Council ['kaunsi] — совет

    trip — путешествие,

    поездка pleasure — удовольствие, развлечение

    capital — столица

    stay (v., n.) — останавливаться, пребывание

    to be situated — быть расположенным

    heavy traffic — интенсивное движение

    to cover — покрывать

    square (n. adj.) [skw] — площадь, квадрат­ный

    talk (n. v.) — беседа; беседовать

    famous — знаменитый

    building — здание

    cinema — кино

    barrister ['brst] — адвокат

    to study — изучать, учиться

    to agree — соглашаться

    School vocabulary:

    month, great, event, week, across, member, to return, to tell, even, only, nearly, both, end, north, south, east, west, street, stone, heart, shop, interesting, since, place, to show, time.

    *9.3.3. Прочитайте и переведите:

    Pete's travel to London

    Last month there was a great event in Pete's life. He was travelling to London the capital of Great Britain as the member of the delegation of Rostov which came there at the invitation of London city council. Pete has just returned from this trip and is going to tell you about his impression.

    «It was a wonderful trip! I'm even in doubt what to begin with. We had been staying there only for a week but still managed to see a lot. London is situated near the sea on both banks of the Thames and stretches for nearly thirty miles from east to west and for nearly thirty miles from north to south. When we were travelling about the city we saw that the street traffic of London was very heavy. During our stay we had been visiting all important parts of London: the City, The West End, the East End and the Westminster. The City is the commercial part of the capital. There are most of London banks, offices and firms there. It covers an area of about one square mile and the Englishmen call it a square mile of money. It's so difficult to talk about the City, because almost every stone, every wall, every house remind us of some famous man, book, historic event. Three buildings are the heart of the City: the Mansion House where the Lord Mayor lives, the Royal Exchange, the Bank of England, which the Londoners call «the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street». There are some ancient and famous buildings within the city, such as St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London. The Strand, one the oldest streets in London is a link between the City and the West End. It brings together Business (the City), the Law (the Temple and the Inns) and Pleasure (West End, theatres, best cinemas, fine restaurants and shops). This part of London was the most interesting for me because since the begin­ning of the 14th century English judges, barristers, lawyers, clerks had been working, living and studying in these places: Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn, Grey's Inn. There I got acquainted with an English lawyer Steve King by name. He agreed to be my guide and show the most interesting places of London. I'll tell you about it next time».

    (to be continued)

    9.3.4. Вас подозревают в том, что вчера в 10 часов вечера вы совершили преступление. Предо­ставьте свое алиби, рассказав, что именно вы делали в это время.

    Model: I was drinking coffee with my girl-friend at that time.

    9.3.5. Следователь спрашивает вас, что делал ваш друг, когда вы пришли к нему. Дайте точные ответы.

    Model: When I came to him he was sleeping

    9.3.6. Вы были свидетелем дорожного происшествия. Расскажите в деталях инспектору, как все это происходило.

    Model: The blue car was moving very fast. The old man was crossing the street, etc.

    9.3.7. В тексте есть несколько случаев употребления Past Continuous. Найдите их.

    9.3.8. Когда автор переводил эту шутку с русского языка на английский, он не был уверен, какое время употребить: Simple Past или Past Con­tinuous. Помогите ему, пожалуйста.

    Mother (to ask) her little daughter who (to read) a book: «What are you reading, dear?»

    «I don't know», (to answer) the girl.

    «You don't know? But you (to read) aloud, so you must know».

    «I (to read) aloud. Mother, but I (not, to listen)», the girl (to explain).

    9.3.9. Предположим, студенты вашей группы соби­рались подготовить сюрприз для преподавателя. Но когда преподаватель спросил вас, что вы делали в течение некоторого времени перед тем, как он пришел, все ответили по-разному. Дайте ваши ответы и затем решите, какой из них выглядит правдоподобнее.

    * 9.3.10. Скажите по-английски:

    1. Был вечер. Моя мама читала книгу, а я писал письмо. Вдруг вошел мамин брат. Мы разговаривали около часа, когда позвонила его жена и напомнила ему о театре. 2. Нелли вышла из здания суда, села в автобус и поехала домой. Когда она подошла к дому, Пит ждал ее. 3. Что ты делал вчера в это время? — Я писал доклад в библиотеке. Я писал его уже час, когда в библиотеку пришли мои друзья. — Когда ты вернулся домой? — Поздно. 4. С кем ты вчера разговаривал, когда я встретил тебя на улице? — С другом. Он два дня назад приехал из Москвы. Мы говорили уже минут 15, когда ты вчера нас увидел.

    *9.3.11. Перед вами необычное письмо. Это письмо агентов своему боссу. Некоторые слова отсут­ствуют. Если вы, во-первых, поставите слова (в скобках под письмом) на соответствующее место и, во-вторых, выпишите их первые буквы в порядке, указанном цифрами, то вы сможете прочитать секретное донесение.

    Dear sir,

    Yesterday at the ...1 of my colleagues I went to the ...7 to the town of Rostov. It is .. .6 to the .. 4 of the Black Sea. My ...12 was rather ...10 and didn't take much time. I had an ...14 .. ,18 with the mayor of Rostov in the .. .2 .. .16 During my ...15 in Rostov I learned that it was founded in the ...19 1749 and also many other things. The ...5 in this city is rather ...13 and I was ..11 run over when I tried to run ...8 the street to the ...9 of my house. But in general this trip was rather...17 and I ...3 to come to Rostov again.

    Yours J. B.

    (travel, invitation, city, council, trip, stay, situated, heavy, talk, agree, north, across, year, yard, interesting (3), nearly).

    9.3.12. Один из тех, кто слушал Петра, попытался пересказать, что он услышал. Но, так как он был невнимателен, то сделал несколько оши­бок. Найдите эти ошибки в следующих пред­ложениях:

    1. London is situated on the left bank of the Thames.

    2. There are three main parts of London: the City, The West End, The East End.

    3. The Londoners call the Bank of England — the Old Lady of Threadneedle street.

    4. St. Paul's Cathedral is situated in the West End.

    5. Inner Temple is the part of the City.

    *9.3.13. Петр пришел в вашу группу рассказать о своей поездке в Лондон. Он готов ответить на ваши вопросы. Задайте ему хотя бы по одному вопросу.

    * 9.3.14. Предположим, что вы — гид группы туристов в Лондоне. Расскажите им о достопримеча­тельностях Лондона (упомянутых в тексте).

    9.4. Practice in communication


    *9.4.1. Read and try to remember:

    1. Why don't you...?

    2. (I think) you'd better...

    3. I advise you to...

    4. I don't think you should...

    5. You'd better not...

    6. I advise you not to...

    9.4.2. Advise your friend to:

    work harder/worry less/eat more/eat less/get married.

    Advise your friend not to:

    go to bed so late/waste his time/spend so much money/be rude to your friends. 9.4.3. A friend of yours asks you for advice.

    He/she doesn't like his/her job; is short of money; doesn't like the place where she/he lives.

    Advise your friend.

    9.5. General understanding

    9.5.1. Read the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions.

    The man who escaped

    (Episode 9)

    1. «How much farther is it to the nearest village?» Baxter asked. He and Halls were in the middle of the countryside. The night was very dark and there was no traffic on the roads. They couldn't see a house or even a public phone box anywhere. «It must be on the other side of that hill» Halls answered. «I hope so! We've been walking for twenty minutes now! When we started, you said it was only ten minutes away!» Baxter said angrily. He was tired and his jaw hurt.

    2. In his apartment in London, a well-dressed man named Eric Masters turned on the radio and listened. The news was still bad. Coke was still free. Masters looked very frightened. He turned off the radio suddenly and picked up the phone.

    3. Coke turned off the main road. He wanted to get rid of the police car as soon as possible. In a village almost 200 miles away, Coke found what he wanted. «People in villages like this always trust their neighbours. How lucky!» he thought when he saw the motorbike. It was in a garage at the edge of the village. The garage was not even locked and there were a pair of gloves and a helmet. Coke pushed the bike down the road. When he was far enough away from the village he started the engine and raced towards London.

    4. Eric Masters dialled nervously. At first nobody answered at the other end. Finally a sleepy voice answered angrily, «Who is it? What the devil do you want at this hour?» «Is that you, Hugo? This is Eric», Masters said quickly. «And why are you ringing at this hour? I've been in bed for an hour!» «But haven't you heard the news, Hugo? Coke's still free! I can't sleep. I've been thinking about Coke all evening!» «Perhaps you'd better take a sleeping pill!» Masters almost screamed the next question into the phone. «What are you going to do, Hugo?» The man at the other end answered just as coldly and as calmy as before, «Do? We're going to kill Coke! That's what we're going to do. That is, if he is stupid enough to come to London!»

    9.5.2. Choose the correct answer. Don't use the text.

    1. Baxter and Hall couldn't get any help be­cause...

    a) they were very tired;

    b) there was no traffic on the roads;

    c) they couldn't see any house.

    2. Coke could get the motorbike because...

    a) he managed to unlock the garage;

    b) he got rid of the police car;

    c) people in villages trust their neighbours.

    3. Hugo was calm because...

    a) he didn't know the news about Coke;

    b) he wasn't afraid of Coke;

    c) his people were going to kill Coke.

    9.5.3. Answer the teacher's questions. (Books closed.)

    1. Where were Baxter and Halls?

    2. Why did Masters look frightened?

    3. What did Coke want to find in the village?

    4. What did he find in the garage?

    5. Whom did Masters phone?

    6. What was Hugo going to do?

    9.5.4. Give titles to each paragraph.

    9.6. Scanning practice

    9.6.1. Read the questions. Be sure you've got them well in mind.

    1. What did the daughter's friend phone to say?

    2. Where did Mr Barker have to go with the money?

    3. Where did he put the money?

    4. What was his daughter's explanation?

    9.6.2. Start scanning the text. Don't fail to note your time.


    Mr and Mrs Barker were having a quiet day at home. Their 17-year-old daughter was away in Scotland staying with a friend. At 12 noon, Mr and Mrs Barker got a phone call from the friend where their daughter was supposed to be staying, saying that she had disappeared. They were just about to call the police when the phone rang again. A hoarse voice informed Mr Barker that his daughter had been kidnapped and that unless he paid a ransom of $ 1000 he would never see his daughter alive again. When Mr Barker inquired who the caller was, the voice answered that it was someone he knew well. The voice then gave him instructions about where and when to hand over the money. He was warned not to tell the police or to attempt to have the phone call traced. Mr Barker went to the bank and immediately withdrew the money out of his bank account and left on the next train to Brighton. When he arrived, he entered the Grand Hotel at five to six and carefully placed the briefcase beside a sofa as arranged. At six o'clock precisely, a woman in a scarf and raincoat approached, took the briefcase and walked quickly away.

    At 10 p.m. the same evening, to his great relief, his daughter returned home. She could hardly refrain from laughing. Imagine his surprise when she handed him his briefcase containing the $ 1000. It turned out that she and her friend had decided to play a practical joke. It was she who had put on a hoarse voice to phone her father and it was she who had collected the briefcase in Brighton. The joke had succeeded but, strangely enough, Mr And Mrs Barker did not appreciate it as much as their daughter did. (300 words)

    9.6.3. Answer the questions in 9.6.1. (Books closed.)

    9.7. Listening practice

    9.7.1. Look at the following questions. You'll have to answer them after listening to the text.

    1. What is one of them going to do after leaving this place?

    2. What are the plans of the other man?

    3. What is he going to do at the cafe of his mother-in-law?

    4. Why is he going to rob a bank next week?

    9.7.2. Listen to the dialogues.

    9.7.3. Answer the questions in 9.7.1.

    9.7.4. Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand the text.

    trunk — багажник embassy — посольство stupid — глупый lend — давать взаймы smart — умный

    youth hostel — молодежное общежитие bargain — хорошая сделка

    9.7.5. Listen to the dialogue. Be ready to give the contents of it in Russian.

    9.7.6. Tell the contents of the dialogue in Russian as close to the text as possible.

    9.8. Time for fun

    9.8.1. Read the following jokes. Try to retell them.

    New evidence

    — Why do you want a new trial?

    — On the grounds of newly discovered evidence, your honour.

    — What's the nature of it?

    — I found out that my client had 400 dollars that I didn't know he had.

    Revenge is sweet (proverb)

    JUDGE: It seems to me that I have seen you before.

    PRISONER: You. have your honour. I taught your daughter singing.

    JUDGE: I sentence you to five years of hard labour.
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