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  • Translate the sentences

  • Translate the following

  • Which of the following are both a noun and a verb: Relate, attempt

  • Find the synonyms to the verbs in the left column

  • Give English equivalents to the following

  • Перевод по Английскому языку. Comprehension check

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    Comprehension check.

    1. Answer the questions:

    1. What can cause the problems in interpersonal communication?

    Not knowing information between communicators; speaking on a “different language” when communicators not understand each other for some reasons; Barriers in open information feedback.

    1. How many combinations of knowing and not-knowing are there?

    4(four). Knowing-knowing; Knowing-not knowing; Not-knowing-knowing; Not-knowing-not-knowing.

    1. What combination is the best for effective interpersonal communication? Why?

    Explore and Feedback. It’s allows sharing information open and full way, in case of not understating anything, always can get help from truly information owner.

    1. Under what conditions can communication develop in the Arena region?

    By increasing the Arena communication developing the quality of interpersonal communication. Increasing the Arena can be done by reducing the Façade area which requires the communication opened and honest way by sharing information with communicators.

    1. When does a person poorly understand other people?

    When he/she is not qualified in subject of communication; when he/she is don’t have relevant information enough to understand others; When other side providing information in difficult way to understand and/or not providing information truly.

    1. What makes up the Facade? Does it contribute to the effective communication?

    Information that we perceive as potentially prejudicial to a relationship or that-we keep to ourselves out of fear, desire for power, or whatever, makes up the Facade. In addition, it’s not contribute to the effective communication.

    1. What is exposure?

    The process that the self uses to increase the information known to others is termed exposure

    1. What does feedback depend upon?

    Obtaining feedback is dependent on the active cooperation of others, while exposure requires the active behavior of the communicator and the passive listening of others.

    1. Translate the sentences:

    1. Since the Arena is the area of common understanding, the larger it becomes, the more effective communication is. - Поскольку Арена — это пространство общего понимания, чем она больше, тем эффективнее общение.

    1. This constitutes a handicap for the self, since one can hardly understand the behaviors, decisions, and potentials of others if he or she doesn't have the information on which these are based. - Это представляет собой помеху для личности, поскольку вряд ли можно понять поведение, решения и потенциал других, если он или она не имеет информации, на которой они основаны.

    1. Increasing the Arena area by reducing the Facade area requires that the individual be ope'n and honest in sharing information with others. - Увеличение площади Арены за счет уменьшения площади Фасада требует, чтобы человек был открытым и честным в обмене информацией с другими.

    1. Of course, whether the use of feedback is possible depends on the individual's willingness to "hear" it and on the willingness of others to give it. - Конечно, возможность использования обратной связи зависит от готовности человека «услышать» ее и от готовности других дать ее.

    1. Translate the following:












    Надзор/ Руководство










    Проницательный Восприимчивый



    1. Which of the following are both a noun and a verb:

    Relate, attempt, vulnerable, share, surprise, handicap, damage, diminish

    1. Match each of the words to its definition:

    1. to be at disadvantage; hinder – 14.VULNERABLE

    2. a part of any surface, region, a particular part of a house, city, etc – 7.AREA

    3. to get up; ascend, to come into being, to result from – 2.ARISE

    4. happening or governed by chance – 1.CASUAL

    5. injury or harm resulting in a loss of value, soundness, etc. – 10.DAMAGE

    6. open to, or easily hurt by criticism or attack; that can be wounded or physically injured – 8.HANDICAP

    7. to try to do; to get, etc. – 3.ATTEMPT

    8. to connect, as in thought or meaning; to have some connection to – 4.RELATE

    9. to grasp or take in mentally, to become aware through the senses – 9.PERCEIVE

    10. to lessen in any way as in size, amount, value, price, etc.; to lower as in rank – 13.REDUCE

    11. a part or portion that belongs to an individual; to distribute in shares; to receive, use, experience, etc. In common with another or others – 5.SHARE

    12. to oversee, or manage (work, project, etc.) – 11.SUPERVISE

    13. things known or assumed, information – 6.DATA

    14. to make, or make seem smaller, reduce in size, degree, etc. – 12.DIMINISH

    1. Find the synonyms to the verbs in the left column:

    1. to arise – 3.TO APPEAR

    2. to diminish – 5. TO MAKE SMALLER

    3. to attempt – 6.TO TRY TO DO

    4. to damage – 1.TO INJURE

    5. to relate – 2.TO CONNECT

    6. to reduce – 4.TO LESSEN

    7. to supervise – 7.TO MANAGE

    1. Give English equivalents to the following:

    Воспринимать, осозновать

    To realize

    Наблюдать, управлять




    Помеха, быть помехой





    Area, space

    Попытка, пытаться

    Try, to do

    Повреждать, убыток




    Понижать, сокращать


    Доля, разделять


    Уменьшать, убавлять




    данные, факты


    1. Translate the following:

    1. The way in which managers receive and transmit information was found to depend, in part, on how they relate to themselves and others.

    2. When information is known to the self but unknown to others, a person is likely to react to casual communication.

    3. Exposing one's true feelings by "telling it like it is" is sure to damage one's career.

    4. The government attempted to reach an agreement with the unions to prevent the strike.

    5. The collapse of the insurance cor:npany seemed to take the government totally by surprise.

    6. The cases to be examined here illustrate the point that civil servant can be placed in a very vulnerable position.

    7. The civil service trade unions repeatedly attempted to have a Code of Ethics accepted by the Government.

    8. Most important is to try to match your strengths with the company's needs.

    9. It is more likely that you will have to compromise.

    10. As a manager it is important for you to know the official company culture and to compare it with reality.

    1. Было обнаружено, что то, как менеджеры получают и передают информацию, частично зависит от того, как они относятся к себе и другим.

    2. Когда информация известна ему самому, но неизвестна другим, человек, скорее всего, отреагирует на случайное сообщение.

    3. Обнажение своих истинных чувств, «говоря все как есть», обязательно навредит карьере.

    4. Правительство пыталось договориться с профсоюзами о предотвращении забастовки.

    5. Крах страховой компании, казалось, застал правительство врасплох.

    6. Рассматриваемые здесь случаи иллюстрируют тот факт, что государственный служащий может быть поставлен в очень уязвимое положение.

    7. Профсоюзы государственных служащих неоднократно пытались добиться принятия Правительством Кодекса этики.

    8. Самое главное — попытаться сопоставить свои сильные стороны с потребностями компании.

    9. Скорее всего, вам придется идти на компромисс.

    10. Вам как руководителю важно знать официальную культуру компании и сопоставлять ее с реальностью.

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