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  • Exercise 4 .

  • Exercise 5.

  • Exercise 10.

  • англ. Computer cracker

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    Exercise 1.

    1. Who are hackers? What motives do hackers have to hack?

    "Computer cracker", a programmer who deliberately bypasses computer security systems. Joke, laugh at the complex defense system. Curiosity if a hacker can hack the system. Material benefit. Fame, recognition, fame. Revenge, discontent.

    1. Who do you think is ahead of the game, the hacker or the software company?

    It cannot be said unequivocally, it should be borne in mind that a programmer is a person who solves various kinds of problems by writing program code. A hacker is a specialist in cracking software, searching for vulnerabilities in programs, operating systems and computers.

    These are different specialties and their purpose is different.

    1. What kind of damage could terrorist hackers do?

    Assuming no protection is being used, viruses pose a serious threat to production. Having penetrated the APCS, they paralyze production. Hackers can also cause serious damage, including the loss of a production facility. To start a war, also bring down the country's economy.

    1. Have you ever heard of any big hacking cases?

    Yes, I heard about one hack. The American company Hold Security reported that a Russian hacker group, code-named CyberVor, had stolen the logins and passwords of more than a billion accounts.

    1. How should a hacker be punished?

    The punishment depends on many factors, i.e. the severity of the crime, the amount of economic damage caused by the act, the criminal history of the defendant and many others.

    Unlawful access to computer information is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wage or salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or compulsory labor for up to two years, or imprisonment for the same period.

    1. Would you worry if hackers read your e-mail or credit card details?

    Yes, because the e-mail may contain important data, for example, passwords that are contained in emails after the restoration of access to my social network. And if the credit card details are known, it is even more dangerous, because an attacker could gain access to my funds.

    1. Do you often download security updates to protect your computer from hackers?

    No, I do not download security software, because the Windows operating system already has the necessary measures to prevent viruses. Moreover, special protection programs still cannot be updated as quickly as more and more hacking codes are written.

    1. Hacking could be described as a form of electronic trespass. Can you imagine any situations where it would be acceptable to hack into other computers?

    Legitimate hacking can only be imagined when an investigation is underway and information about the crime is to be found, and when the computer is the direct instrument of the crime.

    Exercise 2.

    1. What Gottfrid Warg is accused of?

    Gottfrid Warg is accused of involvement in one of Denmark’s biggest hacking attacks - on databases holding driv-ing license records, official email messages and millions of social security numbers.

    1. Is it Gottfrid Warg’s first charge?

    Not first, Warg and the other three Pirate Bay co-founders were found guilty in 2009 of assisting the distribution of illegal content online.

    1. Do you suppose he will be punished?

    I think that he has committed a very serious crime and will be punished.

    Exercise 3.

    1. Есть несколько способов справиться с этой трудностью.

    2. Есть несколько статей, посвященных этой теме.

    3. Новых свидетельств этих реакций нет.

    4. По поводу этой теории существуют разные точки зрения.

    5. Существуют безошибочные доказательства того, что Полинг ошибался/был не прав.

    6. Нет никаких сомнений в правильности показанной последовательности.

    7. Были решительные возражения против проведения этого дорогостоящего расследования.

    8. Было много попыток приготовить это соединение.

    9. Если этот образец нагреть, возникнет сильный ферромагнетизм.

    10. На будущее остается проблема соотнесения точных показателей.

    11. Надежды на положительный результат нет.

    12. Произошло неожиданное падение спроса на этот товар.

    13. Однако никаких логических причин для этих событий не было.

    14. Существуют также проблемы с конфиденциальностью, когда конфиденциальная информация утеряна или перехвачена законным или иным образом.

    Exercise 4.

    Exercise 5.

    1. Who were the first hackers?

    Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

    1. Did they have any malicious intentions while hacking?

    No, usually hackers didn’t have any malicious intent. They just wanted to know how computer networks worked and saw any barrier between them and that knowledge as a challenge.

    1. Do modern hackers have the same purposes?

    Not all hackers try to explore forbidden computer systems. Some use their talents and knowledge to create better software and security measures. In fact, many hackers who once used their skills to break into systems now put that knowledge and ingenuity to use by creating more comprehensive security measures.

    1. What kind of people are hackers?

    • Nice Guys (use their hacking skills to find security holes in business systems).

    • Bad guys (those who lack the patience or ability to negotiate with businesses, and therefore are willing to take advantage of flaws in the system.)

    • Hacktivists (These are the type of hackers who carry out attacks in order to get into the news.)

    • State-Supported (State-supported groups are known to interfere with elections in other countries around the world.)

    • Impostors (These are the type of hackers with an average level of IT knowledge who go to chats and threaten ordinary people for no apparent reason.)

    1. What are hacker toolboxes?

    There are thousands of different programs hackers use to explore computers and networks. These programs give hackers a lot of power over innocent users and organizations once a skilled hacker- knows how a system works, he can design programs that exploit it

    1. What is the main resource of hackers?

    The main resource hackers rely upon, apart from their own ingenuity, is computer only code. While there is a large community of hackers on the Internet, a relatively small number of hackers actually program code.

    1. Why is the source code so important for hacking?

    With open source software, hackers can leam from other hackers' experiences and help make programs work better than they did before. Programs might range from simple applications to complex operating systems like Linux

    1. What do you think hackers add to new technology developments?

    Some use their knowledge to help corporations and governments construct better security measures. Some use their talents and knowledge to create better software and security measures. In fact, many hackers who once used their skills to break into systems now put that knowledge and ingenuity to use by creating more compreherisive security measures.

    Exercise 9.

    1) to rely on knowledge

    2) to seek out computer code

    3) to hack into computer program

    4) to summon up ideas / thoughts

    5) to make up a small group

    6) to infect with virus

    7) to break into computer system

    8) to insert something into something

    9) to wipe out everything on a system’s hard drive

    Exercise 10.

    1. A classic hacker is also known as a “black hat hacker” because of his malicious motivations.

    2. The point of a hacker’s work was to create a faster and smaller code

    3. Black hat hackers break into secure networks to destroy, modify, or steal data.

    4. A particularly disturbing form of harassment is sending a forged e-mail that appears to be from the victim and contains racist remarks, or other embarrassing text.

    5. Some students are very good at computer programming, networking, or other related computer functions.

    6. A few highly skilled hackers work for commercial firms with the job to protect that company’s software and data from outside invasion .

    7. One crime, the criminal hacking of e-mail accounts, has attracted more attention in recent years.

    8. Much of what hackers do is not dangerous, but sometimes their activities break the law, for example, when they break into websites, take control of computers or create viruses.
    Exercise 15,16,17,18

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