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  • 2. Reading comprehension Shelley is a journalist on the Newsround website. Read through Shelleys answers to the questions below. Match the questions and the answers.

  • Use of English ( Vocabulary/ Grammar) 3.

  • 5. Put the statements into Indirect Speech.

  • 6. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.

  • Control work

  • 5. Put the following statements into Indirect Speech

  • 6. Match the words and their definitions.

  • Контрольная работа 9 класс английский язык 2 четверть. 9 класс 2 четверть1. Control work Whats the news Variant i listening Comprehension

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    Control work “ What’s the news?”

    Variant I

    1. Listening Comprehension

    Teenagers' attitudes towards adverts vary. You will hear four teenagers talking about their attitude towards advertising. For questions 1-4 choose from the list A-D what each of them thinks about commercials and advertisements. There are two extra letters which you do not need to use. You will hear the recording twice.

    Speaker 1

    Speaker 3

    A Commercial breaks spoil family gatherings.

    В Commercial breaks stop you from watching TV too long.

    C Adverts with celebrities are the most annoying ones.

    D Advertisements are more interesting than films.

    2. Reading comprehension

    Shelley is a journalist on the Newsround website. Read through Shelley's answers to the questions below. Match the questions and the answers.

    1. What subjects did you like at school?

    2. Did you write only school stuff?

    3. What was your first job, and how did you get it

    4. What is your advice to young people who want to get into journalism?

    5. What's the worst thing about working in journalism?

    1. I only liked English and Art, that was it. I hated everything else — I really did. History, Geography, sciences — I hated them all. But I loved English.

    2. I was trying to get into radio so I didn't write a lot. I got my experience in hospital radio and then got work experience at the local BBC station and the local commercial station. That's where I started writing for news bulletins.

    3. I worked as a broadcast journalist on Red Rose Radio in Lancashire. I was doing some journalist work during the course. The editor I worked for told me that the editor of Red Rose was looking for a journalist, so it was an exam­ple of how important networking is.

    4. The worst bit about this work is the hours. It is shift work (работа по сменам): and I don't think it will ever change.

    5. You have to be very keen and very confident because of all the competition. Get as much experience as you can by working in the areas that you are in­terested in. If you are not going to go to college then you have to get a lot of experience. It's harder to work your way up but I know a lot of people who have done it. It's another route.

    Use of English ( Vocabulary/ Grammar)

    3. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В11 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения.
    The News on TV

    Do you watch the news on TV?

    1 Before television, people often ____________ to the cinema to watch the news. GO

    2 In those days, they ___________ also listen to the news on the radio CAN

    But they weren’t able to see anything.

    3 Of course, newspapers ___________ people the news for GIVE

    hundreds of years.

    4 Even today, however, a daily newspaper gives ___________ readers IT

    yesterday’s news and the only pictures are photographs.

    5 The introduction of television ____________ the daily news, with BRING

    moving pictures, into people’s homes for the first time.

    6 In the beginning, people _____________ the news on TV whenever NOT GET

    they wanted it, because it was only broadcast at certain times of day.

    7 These days, there are a number of TV news channels _____________ PROVIDE

    the news 24 hours a day.

    8 If you want the ___________ news, just turn on one of those channels LATE

    at any time of day or night.
    4. Here are some opinions of British and American Internet users on the role of the media in people's life. Can we trust the media? For questions 1-9 choose the best answer: a, b, or с There is an example at the beginning (0).

    Every day we read (0) b and magazines. Every day we watch television news broadcasts and hear short news reports (1)___. Every day we are influenced by (2)___. People consider it to be a way of getting (3) ___ information. The US (4) ___ has always provided people with the facts. But are we, the gen­eral audience of the United States, (5) __ all sides of issues? Are we, the US newspapers and (6) __ , always told about both sides of the problem? Or does one side get more (7) ____ and a more positive attitude from the media? I think that American journalism (as well as any other journalism (8) __ )should give all views equal coverage. All views should be given (9) ___ to be understood.



    the press

    b newspapers





    and the radio

    b on the radio


    on radio



    the medium

    b the media






    b truthful






    b newspapers






    b reading





    magazines and readers

    b magazines readers


    readers' magazines




    b coverage press


    press coverage




    b worldwide


    over the world



    people a chance

    b us a chance


    a chance

    5. Put the statements into Indirect Speech.

    1. "He lives just round the corner", said Mr. Poirot. Mr. Poirot said

    2. "I am waiting, Basil", said the young man in a clear voice. The young man said in a clear voice

    3. He said, "I have enjoyed our conversation very much". He said

    4. Mrs. Rice said, "Mr. Warring, a terrible thing has happened". Mrs. Rice told Mr. Warring

    5. "I have never seen your toys," said Nellie to Pete. Nellie told Pete

    6. He rose to his feet and said, "I'll take you along in the car im­mediately". He rose to his feet and said

    7. He said, "I shall send the money to a charity organization". He said

    8. Olga said, "We will not receive a letter from him". Olga said

    6. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents. 

    1) a network                               a) публика

    2) an audience                            b) сообщать, передавать

    3) to transmit                          с) коммерческая передача

    4) advertising                            d) незаимствованный

    5) a commercial                          e) за границей

    6) to go online                             f) вещать

    7) original                                    g) выходить в Интернет

    8) overseas                                   h) рекламирование

    9) to broadcast                              i) (-теле/-радио) сеть 


    Do you know anything about the UK, US and Russia media? Write out the words from the word box under the following headlines:

    Teen Ink , AvtoRadio, Neighbours, NBC, BBC News 24, NTV, The Voice of America, The Observer , STS, Cosmo GIRL, Russia Today, CBBC, ITV, TV Center, Friends, The BBC World Service, Perviy, The Daily Telegraph , Coronation Street, Mayak, MTV, Radio Free Europe, The Daily Mirror, Evropa Plus, Radio Rossiyi, The Times, Emmerdale, EastEnders, Pimp my Ride, The Real World, Star Academy, The X Factor, Shout , Mizz, Romanovskii Vestnik

    1) TV channels:

    2) TV shows:

    3) Magazines:

    4) Newspapers:

    5) Serials/soap operas:

    6) Radio stations:

    Control work “ What’s the news?”

    Variant II

    1. Listening Comprehension

    Teenagers' attitudes towards adverts vary. You will hear four teenagers talking about their attitude towards advertising. For questions 1-4 choose from the list A-D what each of them thinks about commercials and advertisements. There are two extra letters which you do not need to use. You will hear the recording twice.

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 4

    A Commercial breaks spoil family gatherings.

    B Adverts with celebrities are the most annoying ones.

    C Advertisements are not realistic.

    D Ads that cater for adults are loved by children more than those for children.

    2. Reading comprehension

    Shelley is a journalist on the Newsround website. Read through Shelley's answers to the questions below. Match the questions and the answers.

    1. What were your hobbies?

    2. When did you first think that you wanted to work in the media?

    3. What other jobs have you had?

    4. What is your advice to young people who want to get into journalism?

    5. What do you enjoy about journalism?

    1. It's a great buzz; I like knowing stuff and then being able to pass it on to the audience. I really enjoyed that on radio and at Newsround I really like mak­ing stuff enjoyable and understandable for kids.

    2. I did hospital radio and I spent a lot of time going to see bands. I was heav­ily into music.

    3. When I was about ten, I'm not sure why but mainly I was really into radio and loved listening to it. I wanted to be one of the news broadcasters and I found out that to get into radio news you had to be a journalist. My dad want­ed me to be a lawyer.

    4. I have been a researcher on the Guinness Book of Records and I also worked at BBC local radio stations and commercial stations. I worked as a correspon­dent for a news service that puts bulletins on mobile phones. Now I work for the Newsround website.

    5. You have to be very keen and very confident because of all the competition. Get as much experience as you can by working in the areas that you are in­terested in. If you are not going to go to college then you have to get a lot of experience. It's harder to work your way up but I know a lot of people who have done it. It's another route.

    Use of English ( Vocabulary/ Grammar)

    3. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В11 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения.
    The News on TV

    Do you watch the news on TV?

    1 Before television, people often ____________ to the cinema to watch the news. GO

    2 In those days, they ___________ also listen to the news on the radio CAN

    But they weren’t able to see anything.

    3 Of course, newspapers ___________ people the news for GIVE

    hundreds of years.

    4 Even today, however, a daily newspaper gives ___________ readers IT

    yesterday’s news and the only pictures are photographs.

    5 The introduction of television ____________ the daily news, with BRING

    moving pictures, into people’s homes for the first time.

    6 In the beginning, people _____________ the news on TV whenever NOT GET

    they wanted it, because it was only broadcast at certain times of day.

    7 These days, there are a number of TV news channels _____________ PROVIDE

    the news 24 hours a day.

    8 If you want the ___________ news, just turn on one of those channels LATE

    at any time of day or night.
    4. Here are some opinions of British and American Internet users on the role of the media in people's life. Can we trust the media? For questions 1-9 choose the best answer: a, b, or с There is an example at the beginning (0).

    Every day we read (0) b and magazines. Every day we watch television news broadcasts and hear short news reports (1)__. Every day we are influenced by (2)__. People consider it to be a way of getting (3) __ information. The US (4) ___ has always provided people with the facts. But are we, the gen­eral audience of the United States, (5) ___ all sides of issues? Are we, the US newspapers and (6) ___ , always told about both sides of the problem? Or does one side get more (7) __ and a more positive attitude from the media? I think that American journalism (as well as any other journalism (8) __ ) should give all views equal coverage. All views should be given (9) __ to be understood.



    the press

    b newspapers





    on radio

    b on the radio


    and the radio



    the media

    b the medium






    b original






    b press






    b watching





    magazines readers

    b magazines and readers


    readers' magazines



    coverage press

    b press coverage






    b over the world





    us a chance

    b a chance


    people a chance

    5. Put the following statements into Indirect Speech

    1. "I've not seen him this morning", she said. She said

    2. "You have known me long", Barbara said to Martha. Barbara told Martha

    3. "I will wait with you one night longer", said the swallow. The swallow said

    4. "I'll wait till the others come", said Stellar. Stellar said

    5. Mike said: "I've never been to Russia." Mike said

    6. "I took a very good book from our library yesterday," said Mike to his father. Mike told his father

    7. "I'll stay with you always", said the Swallow. The Swallow said

    8. Oleg said, "We will not receive a letter from her". Oleg said

    6. Match the words and their definitions.

    1. широкий выбор программ

    2. новостные программы

    3. (зрительская) аудитория

    4. развлекательные шоу

    5. ток-шоу

    6. интеллектуальные игры

    7. документальные фильмы

    8. передачи рекламного, коммерческого характера

    9. сообщать , передавать

    1. talk show

    2. a wide choice of programmers

    3. to transmit

    4. an audience

    5. a commercial

    6. entertainment

    7. news programmers

    8. intellectual games

    9. documentary films


    Do you know anything about the UK, US and Russia media? Write out the words from the word box under the following headlines:

    Teen Ink , AvtoRadio, Neighbours, NBC, BBC News 24, NTV, The Voice of America, The Observer , STS, Cosmo GIRL, Russia Today, CBBC, ITV, TV Center, Friends, The BBC World Service, Perviy, The Daily Telegraph , Coronation Street, Mayak, MTV, Radio Free Europe, The Daily Mirror, Evropa Plus, Radio Rossiyi, The Times, Emmerdale, EastEnders, Pimp my Ride, The Real World, Star Academy, The X Factor, Shout , Mizz, Romanovskii Vestnik

    1) TV channels:

    2) TV shows:

    3) Magazines:

    4) Newspapers:

    5) Serials/soap operas:

    6) Radio stations:

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