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дело court case legal action or crime судебное дело

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Названиедело court case legal action or crime судебное дело
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Text 1

  1. case – possible crime and its investigation by the police – дело

  2. court case – legal action or crime – судебное дело

  3. case law - law as established by precedents – прецедентное право

  4. to stem from – to derive from, to originate – вытекать из

  5. to lay down - to declare or start firmly – ложиться

  6. statute - law passed by a law making body – парламентский закон

  7. to interpret - to place a particular meaning on – интерпретировать

  8. precedence - the right to be put or dealt with before others, especially because of the greater importance - прецедент

  9. to take precedence

to give precedence to effect; be directly related -иметь приоритет

to apply the law

  1. justice - 1.fair treatment (in law) - правосудие

3.title given to High Court judge

  1. itinerant justice – traveling justice – странствующее правосудие

  2. evidence – the answers given in the court of law – доказательства

  3. judgment-a decision made by a court in respect of the matter before it - суждение

Text 2

  1. Judiciary - The branch of government responsible for interpreting the laws and administering justice. – судебная власть

  2. to sack a judge - dismiss a person in a court who has the authority to decide how criminals should be punished – уволить судью

  3. to make a law – to enact / to adopt a legal act - принять закон

  4. to reverse a law - the action of a higher court in relation to the decisions of a lower court - precedent ceases to apply – отменить закон

  5. to overrule a law - the action of the higher court in relation to the decisions of the lower court - the precedent changes – отменить закон

  6. precedent - The decision of a court or other legal authority in a particular case that has the force of law. - прецедент

  7. to look up a case – to review judicial practiceпересмотреть дело

  8. to bring a case - the initial stage of the criminal process, in which the competent authorities decide whether there is a reason to initiate an investigation. – возбуждение дела.

  9. to defend a case - activities of the Defender - a person who protects the rights and interests of suspects and accused. – защита по делу

  10. to lose a case – (a situation when one of the parties in court could not prove their case, and their opponents achieved their goals). to be defeated in court – проиграть дело

  11. to win a case - get a victory in court by successfully convincing the judge of the correctness of the arguments – выиграть дело

  12. Court of Appeal- in the UK, a law court that makes decisions relating to legal cases in which people do not accept the decision of a lower court – апелляционный суд

  13. Appeal Court - - a law court that has the power to change the decision of a lower court – апелляционный суд

Text 3

  1. Equity - a system of justice that allows a fair judgment of a case where the laws that already exist are not satisfactory – справедливость

  2. Writ - a legal document from a court telling somebody to do or not to do something – предписание

  3. to fit the circumstances to the writ – To apply conditions to a legal document from a court telling somebody to do or not to do something – приспособить обстоятельства к определенному судебному постановлению

  4. litigant - a person who is fighting a legal case – участник судебного процесса

  5. remedy – a method of legally solving a problem or disagreement - средство правовой защиты

  6. to offer a remedy – to suggest a method of legally solving a problem or disagreement – предложить средство правовой защиты

  7. to seek redress - to claim damages – требовать возмещения убытков

  8. to petition - to make a formal request for something, especially in a law court – подавать петиции

  9. verdict - a decision by a jury as to whether someone is guilty after having heard the facts given at a trial - вердикт

  10. to deliver a verdict - sentencing by the court after the court session – вынесение приговора

  11. specific performance - the requirement imposed on the contractor, which must be fulfilled in accordance with the contract – конкретное исполнение (в натуре, по договору)

  12. charge - a formal statement saying that someone is accused of a crime - обвинение

  13. jurisdiction - the authority that an official organization has to make legal decisions about somebody/something ИЛИ an area or a country in which a particular system of laws has authority – юрисдикция

  14. to restrict jurisdiction - to limit a government's general power to exercise authority over all persons and things within its territory – ограничить юрисдикцию

  15. High Court - A supreme court of justice – верховный суд

Impartiality - the fact of not supporting any of the sides involved in an argument / Equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

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