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Вопросы в английском языке. Do you speak English Общее правило для построения вопроса в английском языке

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Do you speak English?

Общее правило для построения вопроса в английском языке

to be:
am, is, are, was, were
to have:
have, has, had
can / could
may / might
shall / will
should / would

то этот глагол нужно
вынести вперед,
перед главным
действующим лицом

to do:
do – множественное число + I (Я)
does – единственное число
did – прошедшее время


Вы можете говорить по-английски?
Утвердительное предложение
You can speak English.
Can you speak English?


Вы говоритe по-английски?
Утвердительное предложение
You speak English.
Do you speak English?


1.Ты студент?
Утвердительное предложение
You are a student.


Вопрос - ответ:
Are you a student?
2.Ты живешь в Москве?
Утвердительное предложение
You live in Moscow.


Вопрос – ответ:
Do you live in Moscow?
3.Ты должен быть дома вовремя?
Утвердительное предложение
You must be at home in time.


Вопрос – ответ:
Must you be at home in time?
4.Он любит играть в компьютерные игры?
Утвердительное предложение
He likes to play computer games.


Вопрос – ответ:
Does he like to play
computer games?
5. Он врач?
Утвердительное предложение
He is a doctor.


Вопрос – ответ:
IS he a doctor?
6. Вы были в Лондоне?
Утвердительное предложение
You WERE in London.


Вопрос – ответ:
WERE you in London?
7. Она может открыть окно?
Утвердительное предложение
She MAY open the window.


Вопрос – ответ:
MAY she open the window?
8. Они будут писать тест завтра?
Утвердительное предложение
They WILL write a test tomorrow.


Вопрос – ответ:
WILL they write a test tomorrow?
9. Вам следует посетить врача?
Утвердительное предложение
You SHOULD visit a doctor.


Вопрос – ответ:
SHOULD you visit a doctor?
10. Мой сын рассказывает тебе об этом?
Утвердительное предложение
My son TELLS you it.


Вопрос – ответ:
DOES my son tell you about it?
11. Он работал там?
Утвердительное предложение
He WORKED there.


Вопрос – ответ:
DID he WORK there?

to be:
am, is, are, was, were
to have:
have, has, had
can / could
may / might
shall / will
should / would

то этот глагол нужно
вынести вперед,
перед главным
действующим лицом

to do:
do – множественное число + I (Я)
does – единственное число
did – прошедшее время

СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ВОПРОС строится по основному правилу впереди ставится вопросительное слово:

What - что, какой
When - когда
Where - где
Why - почему, зачем
Whom (Who) - кого, кому
Which - который
Whose - чей

How - как
How many - сколько (с исчисляемыми )
How much - сколько (с неисчисляемыми)
How long - сколько (по времени, т.е. как долго)
How often - сколько (т.е. как часто)


She CAN see him every day. - Она может видеть его каждый день.
CAN she see him every day?
Whom CAN she see every day?
What CAN she see every day?
When CAN she see him?
Where CAN she see him every day
Why CAN she see him every day?
How CAN she see him every day?
How long CAN she see him every day?
How often CAN she see him?


She SEES him every day. - Она видит его каждый день.
DOES she see him every day?
Whom DOES she see every day?
When DOES she see him?
Where DOES she see him every day
Why DOES she see him every day?
How DOES she see him every day?
How long DOES she see him every day?
How often DOES she see him?


строится по ОБЩЕМУ ПРАВИЛУ, возле нужного слова ставим частичку “OR
и слово - альтернативу:
You read a book (a newspaper).
DO you read a book OR a newspaper?
He is a student (a worker).
IS he a student OR a worker?


Вместо подлежащего ставим:
WHO (кто) - для одушевленных
WHAT (что) – для неодушевленных
I am a student.
Who IS a student?
Вместо определения:
WHOSE (чей) или WHAT (какой)
 My brother is a doctor.
WHOSE brother is a doctor?


глагол-сказуемое в 3-ем лице един. числе, т.е. добавить окончание “-S
WHO seeS him every day?
WHO speakS to him?
WHO workS there?
The books ARE on the table. - WHAT IS on the table?
Если в прошедшем или будущем времени, то глагол не меняется
He worked there. - WHO worked there? Кроме were.
They will read. - WHO will read?


С хвостиком: “...не так ли?”
He is a student.  
1. Переписать предложение
2. Поставить запятую: He is a student,  
3. Поставить нужный показатель вопроса, в нашем случае – это “is”: He is a student, IS  
4. Добавить частичку “not
He is a student, IS NOT
5. Поставить местоимение
He is a student, IS NOT HE? – Он студент, не так ли (не правда ли)?


My friends play football, DON’T THEY?
It is cold today, ISN’T IT?
She can play chess, CAN’T SHE?
Dan speaks Russian, DOESN’T HE?
предложение с отрицанием
She CAN’T play chess, CAN she?
Dan DOESN’T speak Russian, DOES he?
подлежащее “I
I AM late, AREN’T I (=AM I NOT)?


нужно выносить вперед показатель вопроса + not
You DON’T speak English. - DON’T you speak English? –Ты не говоришь по-английски?
You CAN’T speak English. - CAN’T you speak English?

Особенность ответа

You don’t know English, do you? – Ты не знаешь английский, не так ли?
В русском языке:
”Да, я не знаю” или ”Нет, я знаю”.
В английском языке:
Yes, I do. - Да (я знаю).
No, I don’t. - Нет (я не знаю).


Where are you FROM? - Откуда вы?
What are you talking ABOUT? - О чем вы говорите?
What are you afraid OF? - Чего вы боитесь? 
Who is it FOR? - Для кого это?


You study English every day.
She can play the piano very well.
He may take my telephone number.
They often visit their grandparents in the village.
The children were allowed to watch TV in the evening.
She likes to sing with her friends.
We must come at school in time.
The cat is in the tree.
You should give up smoking.
I worked in the camp last summer.


1.Do you study English every day?
2. Can she play the piano very well?
3. May he take my telephone number?
4. Do they often visit their grandparents in the village?
5. Were the children allowed to watch TV in the evening?
6. Does she like to sing with her friends?
7. Must we come at school in time?
8. Is the cat in the tree?
9. Should I give up smoking?
10. Did you work in the camp last summer?


1.When do you study English?
2. How well can she play the piano?
3. What may he take?
4. Where do they often visit their grandparents?
5. When were the children allowed to watch TV?
6. What does she like to do?
7. Why must we come at school in time?
8. Where is the cat?
9. What should I give up?
10. When did you work in the camp?


1.Who studies English every day?
2. Who can play the piano very well?
3. Who may take my telephone number?
4. Who often visits the grandparents in the village?
5. Who was allowed to watch TV in the evening?
6. Who likes to sing with her friends?
7. Who must come at school in time?
8. Who is in the tree?
9. Who should give up smoking?
10. Who worked in the camp last summer?


1.Do you study English or French every day?
2. Can she play the piano or the violin very well?
3. May he take my telephone number or my address?
4. Do they often visit their grandparents in the village or in the town?
5. Were the children allowed to watch TV or to play the computer games in the evening?
6. Does she like to sing or to talk with her friends?
7. Must we come at school or at work in time?
8. Is the cat in the tree or under the table? 9. Should I give up smoking or drinking?
10. Did you work or rest in the camp last summer?


1.You study English every day, don’t you?
2. She can play the piano very well, can’t she?
3. He may take my telephone number, may not he?
4. They often visit their grandparents in the village, don’t they?
5. The children were allowed to watch TV in the evening, weren’t they?
6. She likes to sing with her friends, doesn’t she?
7. We must come at school in time, mustn’t we?
8. The cat is in the tree, isn’t it?
9. You should give up smoking, shouldn’t you?
10. I worked in the camp last summer, didn’t I?


1.Don’t you study English every day?
2. Can’t she play the piano very well?
3. Mayn’t he take my tele-phone number?
4. Don’t they often visit their grandparents in the
5. Weren’t the children allowed to watch TV in the evening?
6. Doesn’t she like to sing with her friends?
7. Mustn’t we come at school in time?
8. Isn’t the cat in the tree?
9. Shouldn’t I give up smoking?
10. Didn’t you work in the camp last summer?

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