Вопрос №19
| A new (empty) XLS (XLSX) file contains as default:
| 0
| Only one table
| 1
| One workbook with one/several spreadsheets
| 0
| Several workbooks, forming a workarray
| 0
| Only one spreadsheet
| 0
| Set of empty cells in which user can enter data only after modify cell formats
| 1
| Set of empty cells in which user can enter data immediately
| 0
| A table with various function templates on spreadsheet
| 1
| Spreadsheet with numbered (individual addresses) columns (letters by default) and rows (numbers as default)
Вопрос №20
| To format text as superscript/superscript, Microsoft Excel user must open the menu ___ .
| 1
| Font (same as in Microsoft Word)
| 0
| Constructor (as well as in Microsoft Word)
| 0
| Format (same as in Microsoft Word)
| 0
| Text spelling (same as Microsoft Word)
| 0
| Format and set text settings in Text field
| 1
| Font and set text settings in modification field
| 1
| Font and set proffered text settings
Вопрос №21
| What elements of an Microsoft Excel application window are specific (not used in other Microsoft Office application windows)?
| 0
| Horizontal scroll bar
| 1
| Formula bar
| 0
| Task pane
| 1
| Sheet management area
| 1
| Function library
| 0
| Vertical scroll bar
Вопрос №22
| Types of cloud services:
| 1
| IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service-Infrastructure as a Service) ...
| 1
| PaaS (Platform as a Service-Platform as a Service) ...
| 1
| SaaS (Software as a Service-Software as a Service) ...
| 0
| CaaS (Communications as a Service-Communication as a Service)
| 0
| All answers are correct
| 0
| Neither of above
Вопрос №23
| Main benefits of cloud services:
| 1
| Possibility of distributed (together with colleagues) work with documents
| 1
| Ability to work with data anywhere within network connection available area
| 1
| Ability to store data without using your own disk data drives
| 0
| High price
| 0
| Data confidentiality is in doubt
| 0
| Increased data security compared to local computers
| 0
| Ability to work without access to the Internet
Вопрос №24
| Disadvantages of Cloud Services:
| 0
| Possibility of distributed (together with colleagues) work with documents
| 1
| Ability to work only with access to the Internet
| 1
| Slightly decreased data security compared to local computers
| 0
| Ability to store data without using your own disk data drives
| 0
| Possibility of distributed (together with colleagues) work with documents
| 1
| Need for a paid subscription to gain access to certain services
Вопрос №25
| Choose correct numbers in the hexadecimal system
| 0
| H
| 1
| F
| 1
| 4
| 0
| G
| 1
| 9
Вопрос №26
| By default, in Microsoft Excel to access “fx” (Function Wizard) menu you have to switch to ___ menu tab.
| 0
| Only Data menu
| 1
| Main menu
| 1
| fx shortcut is accessible from any menu tab
| 0
| Only Insert menu
| 1
| Any menu tab
| 0
| Only Formulas menu
Вопрос №27
| In order for a cell to be used in calculations, its address must ____ .
| 0
| Be absolute
| 0
| Be mixed
| 1
| Be indicated in the formula
| 0
| Have a unique username
| 0
| Be hybrid
| 1
| Contain corresponding column and row names
| 1
| Be unique within spreadsheet
Вопрос №28
| In cells A1 and C1, C3 the numbers 150, 15 and 10 are entered, respectively (A1 = 150, C1 = 15, C3 = 10). In cell B1 entered: “=C3” and in A2: “=A1/B1”. What will be displayed in cell A2 as result?
| 0
| #Div/0!
| 0
| 10
| 1
| 15
| 0
| #Error
| 1
| Same as in C1
| 0
| 0
| 1
| Result of A1/B1 division
Вопрос №29
| In cells A1 and C1, C3 the numbers 150, 15 and 10 are entered, respectively (A1 = 150, C1 = 15, C3 = 10). In cell B1 entered: “=C3” and in A2: “=A1/B1”. What will be displayed in cell B1 as result?
| 0
| #Div/0!
| 1
| 10
| 0
| 15
| 0
| #Error
| 0
| Same as in C1
| 1
| Same as in C3
| 0
| Result of A1/B1 division
| 1
| Result of 150/15 division
Вопрос №30
| In cells A1 and C1, C3 the numbers 150, 15 and 10 are entered, respectively (A1 = 150, C1 = 15, C3 = 10). In cell B1 entered: “=A2” and in A2: “=A1/C1”. What will be displayed in cell B1 as result?
| 0
| #Div/0!
| 1
| 10
| 0
| 15
| 0
| #Error
| 1
| Same as in C3
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Result of A1/B1 division
| 1
| Result of A1/C1 division
Вопрос №31
| In a “new economy” what is predicted to be most important part?
| 0
| Money
| 1
| Information
| 0
| Employees
| 0
| Natural resources
| 1
| Information technologies
| 0
| Analog devices
| 1
| Digital devices
| 0
| Analog data transition mechanisms
Вопрос №32
| What is an E-technologies
| 0
| Technologies based on the division of labor
| 1
| Technologies based on electronic devices and services
| 0
| Technology based on an electronic vision
| 0
| Technology based on clean energy sources
| 1
| Technologies based digital data transfmition
| 1
| Technologies based some types of internet services
Вопрос №33
| Any e-technology would be impossible without applying knowledge and methods from sphere
| 1
| Software developing
| 1
| 0
| Business
| 0
| Education
| 0
| State system
| 0
| Online business
| 1
| Network technologies
Вопрос №34
| What is a Smart Home stands for?
| 1
| It’s one of the applications- of Smart technologies within our home
| 0
| It’s acomputer system that is situated in some environment
| 0
| It’s one of the computer system
| 0
| It’s one of the the computer devices
| 1
| It’s the system provides automatic control of all services inside the house
| 0
| It’s a new communication technologies between users
| 1
| The system provides automatic transmission of information between devices at home
Вопрос №35
| _____________ a concept’s that involves a comprehensive modernization of all the methods and technologies used in these processes.
| 1
| Smart education
| 0
| CLU development
| 0
| Hard disk managment
| 0
| Neither of the above
| 1
| Smart management
| 0
| DMBS managment
| 0
| ALU development
| 1
| Smart devices
Вопрос №36
| The key concepts of smart education
| 0
| Lack of homework
| 0
| Very few interactions with teachers
| 0
| Varieties in choose of teachers
| 1
| High availability of knowledge
| 1
| The possibility of widespread use in the presence of the Internet
| 1
| Ability to create flexible learning schedules
Вопрос №37
| The graphics parameter "resolution" defines ___ of the picture.
| 0
| Mathematical representation
| 0
| Pixel Depth
| 0
| The amount of digital information
| 1
| Image size in pixels
| 1
| Image width and height (via pixels or dots per inch)
| 0
| Image color depth (via pixels or dots per inch)
| 1
| The total number of pixels that form the image
| 0
| Type of graphics in which the image is presented
Вопрос №38
| What are some examples of multimedia?
| 1
| Video games, movies, and television
| 0
| Mp3 music
| 0
| Digital pictures
| 0
| Computer-generated graphics
| 1
| Video presentations
| 1
| Commercial movies
| 0
| Network visual keys
Вопрос №39
| The container of the video file contains ____.
| 1
| Different types of information
| 0
| Information structured by a single specific type
| 0
| Video information only
| 0
| Only video and audio information
| 0
| Executable specifications for launching video file players
| 1
| Audio tracks, video tracks, text
| 0
| Only video specification data
| 1
| Digital representation of some kind of movie or video record
Вопрос №40
| Within designing of Microsoft Access database, there is NO query for _________ data.
| 1
| Download
| 0
| Update
| 0
| Delete
| 0
| Adding
| 0
| Search
| 1
| Neither of above
| 1
| Convert
Вопрос №41
| In order to save changes made to Google Drive files, you need to run the commands
| 0
| File - save file
| 0
| File - update file
| 0
| File - upload changes to the server
| 1
| All modifications are saved automatically.
| 1
| None - the service saves all documents automatically
| 0
| Drive - save file as …
| 0
| Drive - save file
| 1
| All documents on your Google disk are saved automatically, in real time.
Вопрос №42
| When sharing documents there are different user roles, depending on what type of permissions you would like others to have (comment, collaborate or just view):
| 1
| Viewers
| 0
| Friends
| 0
| Drive file managers
| 0
| Head of department of Google Corporation and managers
| 1
| Commenter
| 0
| Colleagues
| 1
| Collaborator
| 0
| Managers
Вопрос №43
| To provide access to Google Drive files, user needs to open the menu
| 1
| Which will provide an opportunity to share the file with a colleague
| 0
| Send to
| 1
| Share
| 0
| Send file
| 0
| Provide access
| 1
| To configure access rights to the shared file
Вопрос №44
| The most effective and fast way to provide access to the Google Drive file to a large number of users is to provide access through
| 1
| Link to a shared file
| 0
| Newsletter
| 0
| File Transfer by Mail
| 0
| Individual mailing
| 1
| Sending links to a file
| 1
| By specifying user emails in the “People” field of Share menu
Вопрос №45
| Google docs on user Google Drive are ________ .
| 1
| Stored on remote servers
| 0
| Accessible to everyone on the internet
| 1
| Available only to users who have authorized access to them.
| 0
| Cannot be shared at all
| 0
| Can be shared only within local network
| 0
| Neither of above
| 1
| Save all changes made by users automatically
Вопрос №46
| To get (or send) a link to a Google Drive file for sharing, user need to
| 1
| Open the Share menu and select Get shareable link
| 0
| Open the Edit menu and select Get shareable link
| 0
| Upload the file to some of Google services and copy the generated link
| 0
| Open the File menu and select form a link
| 1
| Specify the email addresses of users in the “People” column of Share menu and click “Send”
| 1
| Locate and select the file you want to share on your Google drive, click Share button, then click Get shareable link.
Вопрос №47
| What type of documents can be created using Google Docs?
| 0
| Video files
| 1
| Web pages
| 1
| Text documents, Spreadsheets
| 1
| PowerPoint Presentations
| 0
| 3D animation
| 0
| Animated graphics
Вопрос №48
| In order to access the full functionality of the Google search engine and flexibly configure the search for information, users need to go to the ___ tab or use ____.
| 1
| Search operators in search field
| 0
| Relative search
| 1
| Advanced search
| 0
| Enchased
| 0
| Enhanced user search
| 1
| Search tools panel (under the search field)
Вопрос №49
| A Google Drive user can share a document with ___ at a time.
| 0
| Only one colleague
| 1
| Random number colleagues
| 0
| Only to those users with whom he corresponded in gmail
| 0
| Only to those users, who is on his contact list
| 1
| Several colleagues
| 1
| More than one
| 0
| Ten
Вопрос №50
| What happens to your file on Google drive if your computer turns off suddenly
| 1
| All data will be saved in the state in which it was before turning off the computer
| 0
| The file will be saved on a local disk
| 1
| Nothing, since all changes on your drive are saved automatically
| 0
| The file will be damaged, but through special, third-party services it can be restored
| 0
| Information will be lost
| 1
| Information is saved in Google documents automatically - it will not be lost
Вопрос №51
| When creating file sharing, the user indicated public access and opened it through a link to the Google Drive file. In this case, ___ will have access to the file.
| 1
| Users of Google services, as well as third-party services who has a link (shared access) to a file
| 0
| Only Google service users
| 1
| Only users who get a link to the file
| 0
| All cloud service users
| 0
| Only Google management department
| 1
| Users who has a link (shared access) to a file and actual Gmail account
| 0
| Only user neighborhoods
Вопрос №52
| What do you need to download before using Google Docs?
| 1
| Modern operating systems include Internet browsers as part of the software - nothing else needs to be downloaded
| 0
| My computer should have Microsoft Word and Excel.
| 1
| There's nothing to download. Just go online.
| 0
| User must buy and download Google service application in Play Market
| 1
| Nothing, you only need access to internet
| 0
| User need to download the Google Docs application.
Вопрос №53
| The user moved the shared file for from the «Shared with me» folder to the «Documents» user folder on Google Drive, in this case user ___.
| 1
| Will retain the ability to work with the file in shared mode with colleagues
| 0
| Will no longer be able to work with the file in shared mode with colleagues
| 0
| To continue working together, user will need to re-request permission to access file from its author
| 0
| To continue working in shared mode, the author will have to resend the file to user
| 0
| Should rename file to have the ability to work with it
| 1
| Will retain the ability to work with the shared file immediately after copying is finished
| 1
| Will retain the ability to view shared file and leave comments with colleagues (who has access to the same file)
Вопрос №54
| What does the term HTML stand for and what is its purpose?
| 0
| Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language
| 1
| Hyper Text Mail Language
| 0
| Home Tool Markup Language
| 1
| Hyper Text Markup Language
| 1
| Language for creating markup for Internet resources
| 0
| Language for creating hyper-speed internet applications
Вопрос №55
| What does the term CSS stand for and what is its purpose?
| 0
| Case style system
| 1
| Cascading style sheets
| 0
| Cascading style system
| 0
| Comand style sheets
| 0
| Creating control scripts for web pages
| 1
| Creating style sheets for web pages
| 1
| Adding Design to HTML web pages elements
| 0
| Creating command style for web pages
| |