Икт тест. Экзаменационные вопросы по дисциплине Информационно коммуникационные технологии Подготовил Нестеренков П. А
Вопрос №84
| You can add ______ to the Windows Movie Maker project.
| 1
| Audio, video, graphics and text data
| 0
| Only audio and video data
| 0
| Only video data and graphics
| 0
| Only video data
| 1
| Different types of data
| 0
| Only video recorded via web- cameras
Вопрос №85
| Which type of image format is easier to transform into another
| 0
| Bitmap to vector
| 1
| Vector to bitmap
| 0
| Vector to mkv
| 0
| Mkv to avi
| 1
| Curves (vector) to pixels (bitmap)
| 0
| Pixels (raster) to curves (vector)
Вопрос №86
| ______ - allows you to change the duration of a video clip in a Windows Movie Maker project
| 0
| Selection tools (select and cut points)
| 1
| Trimming tools (set start and end points)
| 0
| Select and cut tool
| 1
| Trim tool
| 0
| Resize frame tool
| 0
| Modify frame tool
Вопрос №87
| In order to set the priority of one of the audio tracks in the Windows Movie Maker project, you need to configure the parameters on the _______ panel.
| 1
| Sound mixer settings
| 0
| Sound settings
| 0
| Audio settings
| 1
| Sound mixer
| 0
| Sound priority
Вопрос №88
| An examples of vector graphics processing software are _______ .
| 0
| Sony Vegas studio
| 1
| CorelDraw
| 0
| Microsoft Paint
| 0
| Microsoft Azura
| 1
| Adobe Illustrator
| 0
| Adobe Photoshop
| 0
| Adobe Cloud
Вопрос №89
| An examples (common) of multimedia files are _______ .
| 0
| .docx
| 1
| .avi
| 0
| .xlsx
| 0
| .psd
| 1
| .mkv
| 0
| .rtf
Вопрос №90
| Where are documents that you place on Google Drive stored?
| 0
| On your local personal computer
| 1
| In the cloud (Google servers)
| 0
| Both on your hard drive and Google servers
| 0
| On a flash drive
| 0
| On your private network
| 1
| On a remote server (connected to global internet network)
Вопрос №91
| In order for the search engine to search for the exact match of the specified phrase on the Internet, it should be placed inside the operators ____ in the search line
| 0
| ! !
| 1
| “ “
| 0
| # #
| 0
| * *
| 1
| Duplicated by “exact word or phrase:” in advance search menu
| 0
| Duplicated by “any of these words:” in advance search menu
| 0
| Duplicated by “all these words:” in advance search menu
Вопрос №92
| In order for the search engine to search on the Internet only files of a certain type containing the search phrase, the operator ___ must be used in the search line
| 0
| Duplicated by “Find pages that you are free to use yourself” field in advance search menu.
| 1
| Duplicated by “Find pages in the format that you prefer” field in advance search men
| 1
| Filetype:
| 0
| Type of file:
| 0
| Fileextension:
| 0
| Search for:
Вопрос №93
| You can upload any file to your Google Drive.
| 1
| Any file from your local computer
| 1
| True
| 0
| False
| 0
| Only text files
| 0
| Only text, graphic and spreadsheet files
Вопрос №94
| Correct setting of the parameters of the search engine operator to search for information only on a specific site:
| 0
| Site only:kz.kaznu
| 1
| Site:kaznu.kz
| 0
| Site: kaznu.kz
| 0
| Search in: kaznu.kz
| 0
| Site only:kaznu.kz
| 1
| Site:www.kaznu.kz
| 0
| Site: kaznu.kz –searh only
| 0
| Site include: kaznu.kz
Вопрос №95
| Modern cloud technologies provide users with the opportunity to ____ .
| 1
| Share email
| 0
| Access files on a peers local computer
| 1
| Use a number of programs without having to install them on a local computer
| 0
| Work without access to the Internet
| 0
| Create IoT devices
Вопрос №96
| What is “cloud computing”?
| 0
| A new environmentally friendly way of computing
| 1
| Technology of online computations and storing data
| 0
| Apple's latest computer operating system
| 0
| High level of computations
| 0
| New user-friendly “Inernet of things” technology
| 1
| A technology that allows users to store data on remote servers and work with single data (file) together in a real time mode
Вопрос №97
| To perform the same type of operations with many files at the same time on your Google disk (for example, moving them to a specific folder) you need to
| 1
| Select files with ctrl key pressed
| 0
| Select files with alt key pressed
| 0
| It is possible to work with only one file at a time
| 0
| Select files with the end key pressed
| 1
| Apply same actions as in local PC file system (select with ctrl button pressed)
| 0
| Apply same actions as in local PC file system (select with alt button pressed)
| 0
| Apply same actions as in local PC file system (select with alt+a button pressed)
Вопрос №98
| The shortest way to display all available operations on Google disk files is
| 0
| Mouse double-clicking on the file shortcut
| 1
| Mouse right click on file shortcut
| 0
| Selecting a file and pressing enter
| 0
| Selecting a file and pressing F3
| 1
| Apply same actions as in local PC file system (right click on file)
| 0
| Apply same actions as in local PC file system (select file with ctrl button pressed)
Вопрос №99
| When collaborating on a document, instead of emailing the document back and forth, Google Docs gives you the ability to:
| 1
| Have everyone working on the same document at the same time
| 0
| Manage the emailing back and forth easily
| 0
| Store your file online for others to download
| 0
| Download files from your colleague computer
| 0
| Protect your document from any third-party access
| 1
| Share access to single file for all users in a real-time mode
Вопрос №100
| To start working with a new Google document, users need to
| 1
| Log in into google drive and click on “New/create@ button
| 0
| Create a file on the local device and upload it to the gmail.com service
| 0
| Download google drive app
| 1
| Create a document on Google drive
| 0
| Get permission to create a document on Google drive
Уровень 3
Вопрос №1
| What does a storage unit provide?
| 1
| A place to permanently store user data
| 0
| The connector that allows you to attach the device to a computer
| 0
| A place to store currently worked on information
| 1
| A place to store information
| 0
| Connection to data servers
| 0
| A place to erase information
| 1
| Hardware to save user data