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Елена Музланова, Елена Кисунько Английский язык Экспрессрепетитор для подготовки к егэ Грамматика и лексика ведение

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НазваниеЕлена Музланова, Елена Кисунько Английский язык Экспрессрепетитор для подготовки к егэ Грамматика и лексика ведение
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Test 2
1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.
Tricks on April Fool’s Day In 1698, a number of Londoners received invitations
to see the lions washed in the Thames. This event ___ (1) in news describe
papers. However, the same trick ___ (2) in 1860, and again a lot of repeat
curious Londoners ___ (3) to enjoy the lions washed. In 1957 BBC come
Television played an even ___ (4) joke on its viewers. It showed hilarious
a film about a spaghetti crop ___ (5) in Southern Switzerland. grow
Agricultural workers ___ (6) long strands of spaghetti from bushes pick
and the presenter of the film ___ (7) on the uniform length of the comment
spaghetti and on the successful cultivation of ‘these vegetables’. After be
the programme there ___ (8) a lot of calls from people who not get
___ (9) the joke and wanted to know where they ___ (10) buy spaghetti bushes. can

2. Read the text. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.
Americans talk with ___ (1) of their government and ___ (2). They proud, institute
seem certain that they have more ___ (3), better laws and free
stronger leaders. But even the most ___ (4) Americans have а few doubts. patriot
___ (5) is one problem area, and so is the law. There are not educate
enough clever teachers, and too many clever ___ (6). But Americans law
feel ___ (7) that they can change things that don’t work. Americans confidence
want to be proud of their President. They like him to be good-looking,
___ (8), and a good family man. They want him to be a good ___ (9). religion, talk
They expect him to keep the prices down at home and to keep the
country looking ___ (10) abroad. power

3. Choose the most suitable word for each space.
Have you ever asked yourself what you are working for? If you have ever had the time to ___ (1) this taboo question, or put it to others in moments of weakness or confidentiality, you ___ (2) well have heard some or all of the ___ (3). It’s the money of course, some say with а smile, as if explaining something to а small child. Or it’s the satisfaction of ___ (4) well done, the sense of achievement behind the clinching of an important ___ (5). I worked as а bus conductor once, and I can’t say I ___ (6) the same as I staggered along the swaying gangway trying to ___ (7) out tickets without falling over into someone’s lap. It’s the company of other people perhaps, but if that is the ___ (8), what about farmers? Is it the conversation in the farmyard that keeps them captivated by the job? Work is power and а sense of status say those ___ (9) have either attained these elusive goals, or feel aggrieved that nobody has yet recognised their leadership ___ (10). Or we can blame it all on someone else, the family or the taxman. I suspect, and I say this under my ___ (11), that most of us work hoping for something to ___ (12) up. We’ll win the pools, and tell the boss what we really think. We’ll scrape together the ___ (13) and open that little shop we always dreamed of, or go ___ (14) the world, or spend more time in the garden. One day we’ll get that ___ (15) we deserve, but until then at least we have something to do. And we are so busy doing it that we won’t have time to wonder why.

1. a) propose b) meditate c) consider d) launch
2. a) might b) can c) will d) should
3. a) below b) rest c) following d) latter
4. a) a work b) а job c) а task d) an effort
5. a) deal b) position c) job d) engagement
6. a) enjoyed b) wished c) hoped d) felt
7. a) make b) turn с) issue d) give
8. a) one b) case с) question d) former
9. a) people b) must c) who d) to
10. a) qualities b) status c) property d) requirements
11. a) oath b) suspicion c) breath d) pressure
12. a) move b) turn с) ease d) end
13. a) resources b) opportunities c) rest d) money
14. a) round b) over c) into d) to
15. a) ambition b) station c) vocation d) promotion

Test 3
1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.
Mountain Biking In the past people ___ (1) watching TV or reading enjoy
in their free time. Nowadays people are more interested in doing ___ (2) activity
which take them out of their homes. That’s why mountain biking
___ (3) a very popular sport in recent years. It is one of the ___ (4) become, reward
ways to explore the countryside. Cyclists must pay attention to the
type of path they ___ (5) on. Some paths ___ (6) for people be, design
who are on foot, so if you cycle along these, you ___ (7) inconvenience cause
to walkers. On any other path, you should still respect walkers.
Another thing which you ___ (8) to do is ___ (9) gates behind you, so ask, close
that farm animals cannot escape. If the weather is fine, you will
enjoy a wonderful day out, especially if you ___ (10) to take not forget
some food and drinks with you.

2. Read the text. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.
When the famous explorer, Columbus claimed Florida for Spain in 1492,
he had never ___ (1) eyes on it. The area’s most important early ___ (2) lay, visit
thus set а pattern that has continued for centuries. There is а
general ___ (3) amongst people, apparently quite ___ (4) with whether believe, connect
or not they’ve been there themselves, that Florida is а good place
to go. In fact, it is almost ___ (5) not to enjoy yourself in Florida possible
today, given the wonderful ___ (6) of facilities available to tourists. select
Some of the world’s most popular tourist ___ (7) are located in the attract
state whose ___ (8) beaches welcome 40 million people each year. sand
These days it seems ___ (9) to describe Florida’s geography and point
climate. After all, few people would have ___ (10) in finding it on difficult
а map and most would know what weather to expect there.

3. Choose the most suitable word for each space.
After more than fifty years of television, it might seem only obvious to conclude that it is here to ___ (1). There have been many objections to it during this time and ___ (2) а variety of grounds. Did it cause eye-strain? Was the ___ (3) bombarding us with radioactivity? Did the advertisements ___ (4) subliminal messages, persuading us to buy more? Did children turn to violence through watching it, either because so ___ (5) programmes taught them how to shoot, rob, and kill, or because they had to do something to counteract the hours they had ___ (6) glued to the tiny screen? Or did it simply create а vast passive ___ (7), drugged by glamorous serials and inane situation ___ (8)? On the other hand, did it increase anxiety by sensationalising the news (or the news which was ___ (9) by suitable pictures) and filling our living rooms with war and political unrest? ___ (10) in аll, television proved to be the all-purpose scapegoat for the second half of the century, ___ (11) for everything, but above all, eagerly watched. For no ___ (12) how much we despised it, were bored by it, or felt that it took us away from the old paradise of family conversation and hobbies ___ (13) as collecting stamps, we never turned it off. We ___ (14) staring at the screen, aware that our own tiny ___ (15) was in it if we looked carefully.

1. a) long b) stay c) exist d) be
2. a) with b) over c) by d) on
3. a) screen b) danger c) machine d) reason
4. a) contain b) of c) take d) having
5. a) that b) far c) many d) what
6. a) almost b) spent c) quite d) madly
7. a) programme b) personality c) audience d) tense
8. a) comedies b) programmes c) perhaps d) consequently
9. a) taken b) presented c) capable d) accompanied
10. a) Taken b) All c) Somewhat d) Thus
11. a) broadcasting b) looking c) blamed d) ready
12. a) one b) matter c) difference d) reason
13. a) known b) even c) described d) such
14. a) refused b) received c) turned d) kept
15. a) fault b) reflection c) situation d) consciousness

Test 4
1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.
The American People Black, white, rich, poor – you can find them all in the USА, one of big
the ___ (1) countries in the world. The great American idea ___ (2) that all these people always be
should become something new. They should leave their old ___ (3) behind and become life
American. In some ways, the idea ___ (4). work
Many people ___ (5) where their grandparents came from. forget
They share the ideas, experiences, and feelings that make up the American culture. now ask
But new questions ___ (6). Some people wonder if too much ___ (7). lose
They are becoming more interested in the countries their families leave
once ___ (8). They are not sure if new immigrants should try ___ (9) their own forget
languages and cultures so completely. Americans talk а great deal about
how wonderful it is to be American. The reason may be because they need to
keep ___ (10) themselves that that is what they are. remind

2. Read the text. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I read your ___ (1) in International Business advertise
magazine and I am writing for more information concerning entry ___ (2) require
for the course in English Language. Could you tell me what language ___ (3) qualify
are required? I do not possess the First Certificate and would like to know
if ___ (4) on the course depends on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an accept
___ (5) for an international company I would be interested in a course account
which focuses on language ___ (6) for both social and develop
___ (7) purposes. I would also like to know the ___ (8) from the busy, distant
college to London and if ___ (9) at all classes is obligatory, attend
or whether an occasional ___ (10) for purposes of travel be acceptable. absent
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Nelson Fernandez

3. Choose the most suitable word for each space.
Nobody knows for certain what the origin of music was. Music is certainly older than poetry and painting but as early man had no way of ___ (1) it, we can only ___ (2) what it sounded like. Watching а child ___ (3) on а drum with its hands or а ___ (4) of wood, it is easy to see that this is the simplest of instruments. It does not ___ (5) much effort to produce а rhythm on it. Wall paintings show what some of the first instruments ___ (6) like. Early civilisations had already discovered the three basic ___ (7) of producing music: blowing into а tube, striking an object, and scraping а string. We know that western music comes from the ___ (8) Greeks. The musical scales we use now are ___ (9) on certain sequences of notes which the Greeks used to create а particular ___ (10). Until the 16th century, most players of instruments were ___ (11) performers, but as music became more ___ (12), orchestras and musical groups began to ___ (13). This ___ (14) about the writing of music to be played by several musicians at one time. This can certainly be ___ (15) the birth of modern music.

1. a) recording b) playing c) producing d) performing
2. a) think b) reckon c) guess d)realise
3. a) hitting b) knocking c) crashing d) banging
4. a) slice b) point c) piece d) shape
5. a) make b) call c) take d) do
6. a) looked b) appeared c) felt d) sounded
7. a) forms b) manners c) systems d) ways
8. a) ancient b) old c) aged d) antique
9. a) raised b) based c) established d) supported
10. a) spirit b) temper c) mood d) humour
11. a) separate b) lonely c) unique d) single
12. a) widespread b) enlarged c) expanded d) extended
13. a) turn b) appear c) spring d) be
14. a) produced b) affected c) caused d) brought
15. a) appointed b) called c) decided d) named

Test 5
1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.
One morning Mr Sherlock Holmes was sitting in his room in Baker Street.
His friend Dr Watson was standing near the window ___ (1) at a walking stick. look
This stick ___ (2) by a strange visitor the day before. The words forget
‘To Dr Mortimer’ ___ (3) on it. Dr Watson had already been examining write
it for half an hour but ___ (4) say anything about it. Suddenly not can
Sherlock Holmes ___ (5), ‘The owner of this stick has a dog which is say
___ (6) than a terrier. I have noticed the marks of a dog’s ___ (7) large, tooth
on the stick. Probably the dog often ___ (8) the stick behind the carry
master.’ ‘I wonder why this man wanted to visit us,’ asked Dr Watson.
‘Well, we soon ___ (9),’ answered Sherlock Holmes. ‘I can hear know
the bell ___ (10).’ ring

2. Read the text. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.
School Then and Now Parents and teachers are always making ___ (1) compare
between the time when they were ___ (2) and the child
present ___ (3). They say everything was better than it generate
is today, especially in ___ (4). For example, they say they educate
used to work much ___ (5) in school, and that nowadays, we hard
aren’t very interested. I ___ (6), because we spend hours agree
every day doing homework after our lessons or ___ (7) for revise
___ (8). I wonder if our parents really had to study so much examine
after school every day. In my opinion, it is no ___ (9) to exaggerate
say we have forgotten how to play. I think one reason why kids behave
___ (10) in class is because they need to get rid of stress.

3. Choose the most suitable word for each space.
According to а group called The Voices Foundation, everyone has а singing voice as well as а speaking voice somewhere inside them. This, they say, should be encouraged from an early ___ (1) because it provides the best, and the cheapest, ___ (2) on which to build an understanding of music. ___ (3) the Foundation’s ideas, lies the teaching of the Hungarian composer Zoltan Kodaly. He observed that song can ___ (4) а key part of the relationship between mother and child almost from birth. This is especially ___ (5) of more traditional societies, like those of West Africa, where some small children are ___ (6) to sing literally hundreds of songs, all of which have been learnt by ___ (7). But many modern children first ___ (8) to an understanding of music when they learn to play an instrument, and ___ (9) some teaching of the theory of music is usually а part of this, their relationship with the music on the ___ (10) is often а mechanical one. The ___ (11) of the Voices Foundation is that а natural ___ (12) for rhythm, harmony and musical structure, the very ___ (13) we appreciate in the greatest musicians, can only be achieved through the exploration of music with the voice from the start. The Foundation has, therefore, ___ (14) itself the task of developing а singing-centred musical education programme that could ___ (15) junior pupils all over the world.

1. a) start b) life c) time d) age
2. a) ground b) basis c) root d) plot
3. a) Behind b) Beneath c) Besides d) Between
4. a) grow b) do c) form d) make
5. a) fact b) true c) real d) actual
d) fit 6. a) able b) expert c) skilled
7. a) repeat b) heart c) memory d) mind
8. a) come b) reach c) go d) arrive
9. a) however b) despite c) although d) whether
10. a) lines b) notes c) book d) page
11. a) rule c) trust d) belief b) certainty
12. a) awareness b) touch c) grasp d) feeling
13. a) degrees b) qualities c) measures d) practices
14. a) let b) set c) put d) cut
15. a) benefit b) favour c) gain d) profit

Test 6
1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.
A Practical Joke Mr and Mrs Parker were having a quiet day at home. Their
18-year-old daughter was away in Wales ___ (1) with a friend. Suddenly stay
the phone ___ (2). A hoarse voice told Mr Parker that his daughter ring
___ (3) and that he had to pay a ransom of $2,000. He was also warned that kidnap
if he ___ (4), he would never see his daughter again. The voice then not pay
gave him instructions about where and when to hand over the money. one
Mr Parker took the ___ (5) train to Wales. He went to the hotel and gave
the briefcase with the money to a woman in a scarf and a raincoat. At 11 p.m.
the same evening, to his great relief, his daughter came back home. She happy
looked ___ (6) than ever and could hardly stop herself from ___ (7) laugh
when she handed him his briefcase with $2,000. It turned out that she decide
and her friend ___ (8) to play a practical joke. The joke ___ (9) but, work
strangely enough, Mr and Mrs Parker ___ (10) it as much as their not enjoy
daughter did!

2. Read the text. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.
How to Learn Vocabulary Students are under enormous pressure to learn
huge amounts of vocabulary but they are rarely given ___ (1) as to how to guide
go about it. They have a ___ (2) to try and learn long lists by tend
heart, but this is hardly the most ___ (3) approach to the problem. efficiency
The golden rule is to do lots of ___ (4) at regular intervals. Secondly, revise
students should concentrate on words with the highest ___ (5), particularly frequent
everyday words which also improve the students’ spoken ___ (6). fluent
They should also take every opportunity to use the words in communication –
there is considerable ___ (7) evidence that learners who like psychology
using the foreign language improve their oral ___ (8) and their perform
overall ___ (9) of the language much more rapidly than acquire
1   ...   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16

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