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ред. Evidentiary law in russian and angloamerican criminal proceedings

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М.А. Полякова

(Омская академия МВД России)

Научный руководитель - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Е.М. Щеглова



В работе поднимается проблема доказывания в уголовном процессе разных стран, которая является одной из наиболее дискуссионных в юридической науке. Особое внимание уделено фактам и методам, которые могут выступать в роли доказательства в каждом из процессов. Под доказательством, в контексте нашей работы, понимаются факты и сведения, на основе которых может быть вынесено решение о наличии или отсутствии обстоятельств, подлежащих доказыванию в уголовном деле, а также при наличии спорного факта. Отмечаются отдельные аспекты процесса доказывания в правовых системах России, Англии и США.

One of the current problems of our time in the global criminal process is the problem of evidence and evidence law. Evidence consists of collecting, checking and evaluating the materials in order to establish the events that occurred, which are necessary for the legal and fair resolution of the case. Evidence, as information about an event that has occurred, is formed based on the property of any phenomenon or object to change or retain fingerprints when another object is exposed to it.

Thus, in the Russian Federation, evidence means any information on the basis of which a court, prosecutor, investigator, inquirer, in accordance with the procedure defined by this Code, establishes the presence or absence of circumstances subject to proof in criminal proceedings, as well as other circumstances relevant to the criminal case1. [see p.1 Art 74 (c of cr.p.c)]. According to the definition, evidence is the basis of any case and no criminal process will be possible without it, the speed of disclosure of the case also depends on them, which affects the disclosure in general. Evidence is formed from information about the facts that are collected, legally verified and then receive a procedural form, while confirming or refuting the circumstances of the criminal case. Admissible evidence is: testimony of the suspect’s, testimony of the victim conclusion and the testimony of an expert2 [see p.2 Art 74 (c of cr.p.c)]. Each evidence has to meet to the admissibility, relevance, unity of content and form, that is, to be obtained legally, by the subject entitled to collect evidence, the requirements of the law should be observed while recording investigative activity of the results of investigation. Information obtained from unknown or anonymous sources, as well as from persons who cannot name the source, cannot be considered as evidence.

The basis for the classification of evidence is their most significant features:

1. Method of transmission and preservation of evidentiary information

a) Personal evidence

b) Physical evidence

2. Relations to the subject of proof

a) Direct

b) Indirect

3. Attitude to the accusation

a) Accusatory

b) Exculpatory

As far as evidence law is concerned, it is the right to prove in the legal forms established by the State. The subject of which is judicial evidence in criminal, civil, administrative and arbitration cases. Method of legal regulation is imperative-dispositive. And the analysis of the norms of evidentiary law shows that the norms of proof in court have a certain structure and constituent elements. At the same time, evidence law should not be identified with procedural norms, because procedural norms regulate exclusively the form of judicial activity, while evidence law is much broader and covers the very content of the activities of all participants in the court session.

In Anglo-Saxon law, evidence is understood as facts, documents and testimony, as well as other legal means that can be used to establish a disputed fact. The main types of evidence in court are the testimony that the court takes into account to clarify the main disputed circumstances in the case. In English law, the basis of the evidence base is the criterion of "absence of reasonable doubt" or the accusations, which bears the burden of proof, while the defense party must provide such evidence that the court will not have doubts about the fairness and correctness of this information.

In both criminal and civil proceedings, evidentiary law has several purposes. Evidentiary law regulates the evidentiary process. The rule of civil and criminal evidence, in combination with the rules of procedure, establish the basis for the evidentiary process and the trial, so that the lawyer advises his client or prepares the case for trial, or presents it to the court or tribunal, will know what issues his client must prove in order to succeed.

In the Anglo-Saxon system of law, there are no stages of initiation of a criminal case and preliminary investigation. The pretrial materials are collected by the police, and therefore this production is called a police investigation.

The judicial proceedings consist of the following stages: preliminary examination by the magistrate's court of the evidence collected during the police investigation; trial of the criminal case at the first instance; appeal proceedings

  1. Facts that may be considered in court, this evidence that one should adduce before the court to support his allegation3.

  • There are facts in issue

  • Facts related to the facts in issue

2. Methods of securing consideration of these facts

  • By proof

i. Real evidence (e.g. documentary, physical)

ii. Oral evidence

  • Certain facts, which need not proof

i. Judicial notification - facts so notorious as to be facts in public knowledge, capable of being verified by authoritative texts

ii. Judicial admission (facts admitted in pleadings, at open court, in examination of parties, in testimony etc.)

Evidentiary law also has an immoral purpose, establishing and regulating rules relating to the process of proof in courts and tribunals. Although this moral aspect is important in civil proceedings, it is of particular importance in criminal cases, reflecting a strong public interest in bringing the criminal to justice, while allowing the innocent to go free. In some cases, evidentiary rights may actually prevent the truth from being discovered in the broader public interest.

Comparing evidentiary law and evidence in Russian and Anglo-Saxon law, we note significant differences:

  1. In Anglo-Saxon law, evidence can be collected and presented by the parties, while in Russia this is done exclusively by the police, investigators and courts

  2. The main source is the judicial precedent, which for the most part was developed by the judges themselves, while in Russia laws are at the heart, that is, normative legal acts that do not include decisions by analogy.

  3. In Anglo-Saxon justice, juries take part to establish the facts of the case on the basis of evidence

Список использованных источников:

  1. Уголовно-процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации от 18 декабря 2001 г. № 174-ФЗ. Доступ из справочно-правовой системы «Консультант».

  2. Виды доказательств в уголовном судопроизводстве: эволюция, регламентация, соотношение [Текст] : монография / П. В. Козловский. - Москва : Юрлитинформ, 2014. - 196 с.

  3. Курс уголовного процесса / Под ред. д.ю.н., проф. Л.В. Головко. – 2-е изд., испр. – М.: Статут, 2017. – 1280 с.

  4. Law of evidence Teaching Material. Kahsay Debesu, Andualem Eshetu, 2009 – 211 с.

Материал не содержит сведений ограниченного распространения, вычитан, цифры, факты, цитаты сверены с первоисточником.

Научный руководитель: доцент кафедры иностранных языков Омской академии МВД России Е.М.Щеглова

___________________________ ___. ___ .2022


Автор: курсант 1 курса факультета подготовки сотрудников полиции Омской академии МВД России М.А. Полякова

___________________________ ___ . ___ .2022


Контактные телефоны:

М.А. Полякова 89137750337

Е.М. Щеглова 89139712166

1 Уголовно-процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации от 18 декабря 2001 г. № 174-ФЗ. Доступ из справочно-правовой системы «Консультант»

2 Там же

3 Law of evidence Teaching Material. Kahsay Debesu, Andualem Eshetu, 2009 – 3 с.

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