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  • Exercise 2. Use a proper modal verb/ Используйте нужный модальный глагол .

  • Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with proper modal verbs /

  • Exercise 5. Replace the Russian words in the brackets by little, a little, few, a few

  • Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with proper indefinite pronouns/ Заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями . А . some, any, no

  • some

  • англ unit 4. Exercise Translate the sentences and analyse the use of modal verbs Переведите предложения и проанализируйте употребление модальных глаголов

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    НазваниеExercise Translate the sentences and analyse the use of modal verbs Переведите предложения и проанализируйте употребление модальных глаголов
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    Exercise 1. Translate the sentences and analyse the use of modal verbs/ Переведите предложения и проанализируйте употребление модальных глаголов.

    1. Anybody can learn to cook.

    2. You really should phone your friend.

    3. You need not read this text once more.

    4. He must stop smoking.

    5. He may come today.

    6. You must be here by 6 o’clock.

    7. You ought to go and see Mary.

    8. People should drive carefully.

    9. You may not agree with me.

    10. He can lift me up with one hand.

    11. Everybody was able to take it.

    12. You are to be here by 3 o’clock.

    13. You are not allowed to take pictures in the museum.

    14. We had to leave at 11 o’clock last night because the last bus went at 11.30.
    1. Кто угодно может научиться готовить.

    2. Тебе действительно стоит позвонить другу.

    3. Вам не нужно перечитывать этот текст еще раз.

    4. Он должен бросить курить.

    5. Он может прийти сегодня.

    6. Вы должны быть здесь к 6 часам.

    7. Тебе следует пойти навестить Мэри.

    8. Люди должны водить осторожно.

    9. Вы можете не согласиться со мной.

    10. Он может поднять меня одной рукой.

    11. Все смогли взять.

    12. Вы должны быть здесь к 3 часам.

    13. В музее нельзя фотографировать.

    14. Нам пришлось уехать вчера в 11 часов, потому что последний автобус ушел в 11.30.

    can — мочь, уметь

    must — должен, нужно, надо

    have to — быть вынужденным, быть должным, приходится, надо

    may — стоит, следует

    might — должен, следует, стоит

    should — мочь, мог бы

    ought to — мочь, мог бы

    Exercise 2. Use a proper modal verb/ Используйте нужный модальный глагол.

    1. I speak (могу, умею) English. / . I can speak English

    2. He had (пришлось) to go there. / He had to go there.

    3. I (должен) know English well. / I must know English well.

    4. I (не могу, не разрешено) take this thing. / I allowed take this thing.

    5. I (смог) to do the work on time. / I can to do the work on time.

    6. You (не нужно) read this text. / You needn’t read this text.

    7. I (могу) jump high. / I can jump high.

    8. He (не смог) to do the work well. / He couldn't  to do the work well.

    9. He (должен) work hard. / He must work hard.

    10. You (не разрешено) to smoke in here./ You allowed to smoke in here./

    Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with proper modal verbs/ Заполните пропуски соответствующими модальными глаголами.
    a) can/can’t/could/couldn't

    1. Leonardo da Vinci was a student in Florence. He did draw, design buildings and write music.

    2. You can see the Mona Lisa in the Louvre in Paris.

    3. I lost my keys yesterday and I couldn’t get into my flat.

    4. I do not go out because I have a lot of homework.

    5. She ssed to speak English when when she was ten.

    b) must/ mustn’t/have to

    1. I must water the plants.

    2. I'm very tired, I have to go to bed.

    3. You are a small boy, you must go to bed early.

    4. Dad is working, you have be quiet.

    5. You mustn’t come in unless you wipe your feet.

    6. Oh, you mustn’t worry, Mum. My feet are clean.

    7. You have park your car here. There is a sign.

    8. I must do my homework every day.

    9. He have do the shopping yesterday.

    c) must / mustn’t/ needn't

    1. You mustn’t fight.

    2. She must wash the dishes.

    3. You mustn’t tell anyone. It's a secret.

    4. You mustn’t let the dog sleep in your bed.

    5. You needn't feed the cat. It isn't hungry.

    6. They must go out today. They mustn’t stay in bed.

    7. We needn't buy any eggs. We have a lot.

    8. You needn't eat it if you don't like it.

    9. She mustn’t be late for work.

    10. You must tidy your room.
    Exercise 5. Replace the Russian words in the brackets by little, a little, few, a few/ Замените русские слова в скобках на little, a little, few, a few.
    Образец: Не gave me (несколько, довольномного) English books. — Не gave me a few En­glish books.

    I have (оченьмало) friends. — I have few friends.

    1. He has few friends. 2. There is little water in the glass. 3.1 have little interest in sports. 4. A few pupils know the boy. 5. A little people can speak a for­eign language perfectly. 6. We have little bread and cheese — it will be enough for supper. 7. We have a few eggs for breakfast. 8. He has a little facts. 9. He has a few facts.
    Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with proper indefinite pronouns/ Заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями.
    А. some, any, no

    1. Are there any students here from Japan?

    2. There are some students here from China, but there are not ... from India.

    3. Is there any news? - Yes, there are some letters on the desk.

    4. If some difficulties arise, let me know.

    5. They have some really good friends. Have you got any?

    6. - Can any of you help us? - no problem.

    7. Would you like any ice-cream, please? no more, thank you, I've had some.

    8. I take some sugar with my tea, sugar fattens me.

    9. He told us some strange story.

    10. They haven't got no conveniences in their country house but they are going to get some.

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