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1 Виноградов В. В. Цит. соч., с. 78 (сноска).

1 1 New York Times Magazine, July 15, 1958. 15

1 See "Subliminal Words are Never Finalized", New York Times Magazine, July, 15, 1958

1 The New York Times Book Review, Nov, 17, 1963.

1 New Statesman, 22 Feb., 1863.

1 See "Meaning from a Stylistic Point of View". (p. 57)

2 New Statesman and Nation, Feb. 8, 1963.

1 Greenough and Kitteridge. Words and their Ways in English Speech. N. Y., 1929, p. 55.

2 Partridge, Eric. Slang Today and Yesterday. Ldn, 1935, p. 36.

3 See: Гальперин И. P. О термине «слэнг», ВЯ, 1956, № 6.

1 See: Виноградов В. В. О культуре речи и неправильном словоупотреблении. «Литературная газета», 1951, 11 декабря, № 146.

1 Partridge, Eric. Op. cit., p. 5.

1 See also Prof. R. W. Burchfield's remark on the system of labelling in his Introduction to “A Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary”. Oxford, 1972, p. XVI.

1 ken = a house which harbours thieves

2 spellken = a play-house or theatre

3 to queer a flat = to puzzle a silly fellow

4 to flash the muzzle (gun) on the high toby-spice = to rob on horse back

5 a lark = fun or sport of any kind

6 a blowing = a girl

7 swell = gentlemanly

8 nutty = pleasing (to be nuts on = to be infatuated with)

1 McKnight, G. H. Modern English in the Making. N. Y., 1956, p. 552.

2 Baugh, Albert C. History of the English Language, p. 385.

1 McKnight, G. H. Modern English in the Making. Ldn, 1930, p. 556.

1 Aug. 19, 1966.

1 Wyld, Cecil. Op. cit., pp. 13-14.

1 Wyld, H. С. Op. cit., p. 16.

1 New York Times Magazine, Nov. 10, 1963.

1 The New York Times Book Review, Sept. 17, 1961.

2 Evans, Bergan. Op. cit.

1 Bloomfield, L. Language. N.Y., 1961, p. 27.

2 Fonagy, Ivan. Communication in Poetry. – "Word", vol. 17, No. 2, 1961, p. 212.

3 Пастернак Б. Люди и положения. – «Новый мир», 1967, М., № I, с. 219.

4 Hymes, Dell H. Some of English Sonnets. – In: "Style in Language", ed. Th. Sebeok, 1960, p. 112.

1 De Groot, A. W. The Description of a Poem. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists. Mouton L. C., 1964, p. 298.

1 Ibid., p. 300.

2 See: Жирмунский В. М. Введение в метрику. Л., 1925, с. 40.

3 Ibid., p. 44.

1 Murry, J. Middleton. The Problem of Style. Ldn, 1961, p. 86.

2 Пастернак Б. «Литературная Москва», 1956, с. 798.

3 Владимир Маяковский. Полное собрание сочинений в 13 томах, 1959, т. 12, c. 100 и 102.

4 Натт, V. М. Metre and Meaning. PMLA, 1954, No. 4, p. 700.

5 Hamm, V. M. Op. cit., p. 706.

6 Ibid., p. 709-710.

7 For the kinds of metre and the deviations from it see the chapter on Language of Poetry, p. 252.

1 Jakobson, R. Linguistics and Poetics. – In: "Style in Language", p. 364.

2 Cf. J. A. Richard's statement that "The ear ... grows tired of strict regularity, but delights in recognizing behind the variations the standard that still governs them" (Practical Criticism, p. 227).

3 Jakobson R. Op. cit., p. 360.

4 See a very interesting article by V. M. Zirmunsky on rhythmic prose, in "To Honor R. Jakobson", Mouton, 1967.

1 Jakobson, R. Op. cit., p. 365.

1 Op. cit., p. 83.

2 Виноградов В. В. Стиль Пушкина. М., 1945, с. 89.

1 Preface to Critical Reading. N. Y., 1956, p. 270.

1 See: Galperin I.R. An Essay in Stylistic Analysis. M., 1968, p. 25.

1 We shall here disregard the difference between polysemy and homonymy, it being irrelevant, more or less, for stylistic purposes.

1 См. также Балла Ш. Французская стилистика. М., 1961, с. 17.

2 Томашевский Б. Язык писателя. «Литературная газета», №69, 2 июня 1951.

1 Бабайцева В. В. О выражении в языке взаимодействия между чувственной и абстрактной ступенями познания действительности. – «Язык и мышление», М., 1967, с 57.

1 See the analysis of the sonnet, pp. 259 – 260.

2 It is interesting to note here that out of the four interjections used by Shakespeare in his sonnets (0, Ah, alack (alas), ay) the interjection 0 is used forty-eight times, Ah five times, alack – twice, and ay – twice.

1 The last two are somewhat archaic and used mostly in poetical language. Egad is also archaic.

1 Akhmanova O. S. Lexical and Syntactical Collocations in Contemporary English. "Zeitschrift fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik", M., 1958, Heft I, p. 19.

1 Виноградов В. В. Русский язык. М., 1938, т. 1, с. 121 – 122.

1 The New York Times Book Review, Nov. 13, 1966.

1 See: Ярцева В. Н. Развитие национального литературного английского языка. М., 1969, с. 89.

1 Preface to Critical Reading. N. Y., 1956, p. 91.

2 Белинский В. Г. Собр. соч. в трех томах. Госиздат, 1948, т. II, с. 407.

1 The New. York Times Book Review, Nov. 23, 1958.

1 New Statesman and Nation, June 15, 1957.

1 Baugh, Albert С Op. cit., p. 375.

2 New York Times, Nov. 6, 1964.

3 Ibid.

4 Quirk, Randolph. The Use of English. Longmans, 1962, p. 118.

5 «Литературная газета», 1965, 22/VI.

1 McKnight, G. H. Modern English in the Making. Ldn, 1930, p. 543.

1 Потебня А. А. Из записок по теории словесности. Харьков, 1905, с. 355.

2 See «Вопросы языкознания», 1953, № 1, с. 16.

1 August 31, 1958.

2 Ibid.

1 Altick, R. D. Preface to Critical Reading. Holt, N. Y., 1956, p. 100.

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.

4 Ibid.

1 the archaic form of glitters

1 Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

1 Cf. Chafe, W. Meaning and the Structure of Language. Chicago, 1970, p. 173.

2 A quotation from Byron's "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers" will be apt as a comment here: "With just enough of learning to misquote."

1 Daily Worker, Feb. 1, 1962.

1 See: Винокур Г. О. Маяковский – новатор языка. М., 1943, с. 15 – 16.

1 Lyons, John. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge, 1971, pp. 155 – 56.

1 Thome, J. P. Generative Grammar and Stylistic Analysis. – In: "New Horizons in Linguistics", Ldn, 1971, p. 189.

2 See Lyons, John. Introduction. – In: "New Horizons in Linguistics", Ldn, 1971, p. 24; Bolinger, D. The Atomization of Meaning. – "Language", 1965, vol. 41, 4, p. 555.

3 See: Гальперин И. P. О понятии «текст». ВЯ. 1974, № 6.

1 Пешковский А. М. Интонация и грамматика. – «Известия русского языка и словесности». Л., 1928, т. I. кн. 2, с. 463.

1 Jespersen, 0. Essentials of English Grammar. Ldn, 1943, p. 99.

1 See: Ярцева В. Н. Основной характер словосочетаний в английском языке. – «Изв. АН СССР, ОЛЯ», 1947, вып. 6.

1 See Peshkovsky's remark on p. 202.

1 Random House Dictionary of the English Language. N. Y., 1967.

1 Вандриес Ж. Язык. М., 1937, с. 147.

1 New York Times. London Literary Letter.

1 Hill, Archibald G. Some Points in the Analysis of Keats' "Ode on a Grecian Urn" in Essays in Literary Analysis. Austin, Texas, 1966.

2 H. A. Wootton and С W. R. Hooker. A Text Book on Chemistry.

1 The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. N. Y., 1967, p. 1941

1 Whitehall, H. Structural Essentials of English. N. Y., 1956, p. 64.

1 АДД – автореферат докторской диссертации.
АКД – автореферат кандидатской диссертации.
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