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Гарайшина Алеся 385мс hypertension The Past Continuous Tense

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Гарайшина Алеся 385МС

Hypertension/ The Past Continuous Tense

Level A

Match the words in list A with the words in list B

To advise - советовать

To increase - увеличивать

To cover - содержать в себе

To relieve - облегчать

To damage - повреждать

To hemorrhage - кровоточить

To distinguish - различать

To result - проистекать

To measure - измерять

To cure - лечить

To prescribe - прописывать

To experience - испытывать

To consider - рассматривать

To lower - снижать

Fill in the gaps using the words / Заполните пропуски следующими словами:

Experience, a self – help program, systolic, hemorrhage, lower, diseases, unknown, condition, increases, diastolic.

1. Obesity is a risk factor of the heart diseases

2. High blood pressure is a symptomless condition

3. The cause of this disease is unknown

4. Hypertensive patients often experience headaches, nosebleeds, nausea etc.

5.Blood vessels may hemorrhage

6. Hypertension increases a risk of stroke, heart attack, kidney damage.

7. systolic pressure is blood pressure in arteries at the moment of contraction.

8. The bottom number is diastolic pressure.

9. Hypertensive patients are often advised to follow a self-help program

10. Patient with high blood pressure are often prescribe medicines to lower B. P.

Make as many sentences as possible with these words and word combinations / Составьте как можно больше предложений, используя следующие слова и словосочетания:

1.hypertension 2.hypertensive patients 3. cause 4. experience 5. develop 6. advise 7. risk

1 .hypertension is usually a disease of the old people

2. hypertension patients are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases

3. the cause of a heart attack may be hypertension

4. hypertensive patients often experience headaches, nosebleeds, nausea

5. hypertension can develop as a result of an incorrect lifestyle

6. people with high blood pressure are advised to lead an active lifestyle

7. Hypertension increases a risk of stroke and death

Level B

Say it in English:

бессимптомное состояние - symptomless condition

опасность инсульта - a risk of stroke

можно различить - can be distinguished

первичная артериальная гипертензия - primary hypertension

вторичная артериальная гипертензия - Secondary hypertension

причина неизвестна - the cause is unknown

наиболее распространённый - most common

содействующие факторы - contributing factors

наследственные факторы - hereditary factors

Ожирение - obesity

Расстройство - disorders

воздействовать на - affect the

гормональные нарушения - hormonal disorders

лечение основного заболевания - treating the underlying disease

известна как - know as a

без проявления каких-либо симптомов - without any symptoms

жизненно важный орган - vital organ

Повреждать - to damage

Кровоточить - to hemorrhage

систолическое давление - systolic pressure

считается высоким - considered high

не может быть вылечена - cannot be cured

предотвратить осложнения - to prevent complication

высокий уровень холестерина в крови - high blood cholestero

следить за уровнем артериального давления - to monitor blood pressur

следовать рекомендациям врача - to follow the doctor`s recommendation

программа самопомощи - self-help program

понижать артериальное давление - to lower blood pressure

назначать мочегонные препараты - prescribe diuretics

Answer the questions:

1. What is hypertension? Hypertension is a high blood pressure

2. What conditions is hypertension a risk factor for? Hypertension increases a risk of stroke, heart attack, heart failure, aneurysm and kidney damage.

3. How many types of hypertension can one distinguish? Essential (primary) hypertension and secondary hypertension

4. What form of hypertension is the most common? The most common form of hypertension is essential (primary) hypertension

5. What are the contributing factors for the essential hypertension development? Essential (primary) hypertension is usually caused by several contributing factors: family history of hypertension (hereditary factors), obesity, high salt intake, smoking and emotional or physical stress.

6. What does secondary hypertension result from? Secondary hypertension results from specific diseases, disorders or other conditions.

7. What symptoms do hydaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, flushed face and tiredness.

8. What organs can be damaged due to hypertension? Hypertension puts an excess work load on the heart and the left ventricle in particular

9. What is systolic pressure? Systolic pressure is a blood pressure at the moment of heart’s contraction

10. What is diastolic pressure? Blood pressure at the moment of heart’s relaxation is a diastolic pressure.

11. When is blood pressure considered to be high? It is considered high if it is over 140 most of the time.

12. What is а self- help program? Self-program is when you monitor your blood pressure at home in order to follow the doctor`s recommendations regarding treatment in a better way.

13. What are diuretics used for? Diuretics dilate the arteries to lower blood pressure.

Fill in the gaps using the preposition from the list below:

from, with, to (3), over, before, in, of, below, about, by, without.

1. Hypertension may be present for many years without any symptoms manifestation

2. One can distinguish two types of hypertension: essential or primary hypertension and secondary hypertension.

3. Primary hypertension covers about 90 percent of cases.

4. Essential (primary) hypertension is usually caused by several contributing factors.

5. Essential hypertension cannot be cured, but it can be treated from prevent complications.

6. Secondary hypertension results to specific diseases, disorders or other conditions.

7. B.P. readings are measured in millimeters in mercury.

8. Systolic pressure is considered high if it is over 140 most of the time.

9. Diastolic pressure is considered normal if it is below 80 most of the time.

10. Alternative measures of treatment are usually used before medication prescription.

11. Overweight people with high blood pressure are advised to keep to a diet, to do sports moderately.

12. Diuretics and medicines which dilate the arteries are used to lower blood pressure.


Complete the sentences in column A with those given in column B

1. Hypertension is high blood presure

2. Blood vessels are damaged due to develop high blood pressure.

3. Hypertensive patients often experience a headaches, nosebleeds, nausea, vomiting and fatigue.

4. Hypertension tells on blood vessels negatively

5. Risk factors are: obesity, smoking, low physical activity, heredity factors etc.

6. Hypertensive patients should monitor their blood pressure regularly.

7. Hypertension puts an excess work load blood vessels all over the body

8. Blood pressure may be present for many years without any symptoms manifestations.

9. Hypertension damages on the heart and the left ventricle in particular

10. Renal hypertension affects the entire systemic circulation.

11.Hypertension increases a risk of stroke and blood vessels hemorrhage.

12. Blood pressure is considered high if it is over 140 most of the time.

13. Hypertensive patients should have monitor their blood pressure regularly.

14. Overweight people can easily thorough medical examination of the heart, kidneys and blood vessels

15. Hypertensive patients are usually to keep to a diet, to do sports moderately, give up smoking and to fulfill other points of а self-help program.

16. A physician usually prescribes diuretics and medicines which dilate the arteries to lower blood pressure.

Complete sentences by translating parts in brackets

1. Hypertension is considered (распространенным заболеванием) a common disease

2. One can distinguish two types of hypertension (Существуют два типа гипертонии:) primary hypertension and secondary hypertension.

3. Essential or primary hypertension (приходится 90% случаев заболеваний). covers about 90 percent of cases/

4. The causes of primary hypertension (неизвестны) are unknown

5. Risk factors are: (курение, ожирение, низкая физическая нагрузка, злоупотребление солью, наследственность) : family history of hypertension (hereditary factors), obesity, high salt intake, smoking and emotional or physical stress.

6. patients with high blood pressure often experience (Пациенты с высоким артериальным давлением часто испытывают) headaches, vomiting, dizziness.

7. Patients with high blood pressure may have flushed face and shortness of breath.

8. The causes of secondary hypertension can be some specific diseases, disorders or other conditions.

9. Hypertension (заставляет работать сердце с дополнительной нагрузкой) puts an excess work load on the heart and the left ventricle in particular

10. High blood pressure (повреждает сосуды, делая их слабыми) damages blood vessels and makes them weakened

11. Hypertension may develop (без проявления симптомов) without any symptoms manifestation

12. It is rather a dangerous condition as (повреждаются жизненно важные органы).

13. Essential or primary hypertension (нельзя вылечить) cannot be cured, but it must be treated (чтобы предотвратить осложнения). b to prevent complications

14. Hypertensive patients (часто назначают мочегонны препараты). often prescribe diuretic

Translate the following sentences into English

1.Гипертензия – это высокое артериальное давление. Hypertension is high blood pressure.

2. Вредные привычки являются факторами риска в развитии гипертензии. Bad habits are risk factors for hypertension.

3. Высокое артериальное давление способствует дополнительной нагрузке на сердце. High blood pressure contributes to additional stress on the heart.

4. Пациенты с высоким артериальным давлением часто испытывают головную боль, тошноту, усталость, слабость. Patients with high blood pressure often experience headaches, nausea, fatigue, and weakness

5. Гипертензия оказывает негативное влияние на кровеносные сосуды. Hypertension has a negative effect on blood vessels.

6. Пациенты с высоким артериальным давлением часто имеют слабые сосуды. Patients with high blood pressure often have weak blood vessels./

8. Гипертензия может быть причиной разрыва кровеносных сосудов. Hypertension can be cause blood vessels to rupture.

9. Кровотечение сосудов мозга и почек может быть смертельным. Bleeding of the brain and kidney vessels can be fatal.

10. Лишний вес часто является спусковым механизмом в развитии гипертензии. overweight is often a trigger in the development of hypertension.

11. Факторы риска развития гипертензии: ожирение, курение, большое содержание соли в пище, низкая физическая активность, стресс, наследственные факторы. Risk factors for hypertension: obesity, Smoking, high salt content in food, low physical activity, stress, hereditary factors.

12. Артериальное давление в момент сердечного сокращения называется систолическим давлением. Blood pressure at the time of heart contraction is called systolic pressure.

13. Пациентам с высоким артериальным давлением рекомендуется пройти тщательное обследование почек, сердца, кровеносных сосудов. Patients with high blood pressure are recommended to undergo a thorough examination of the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels.

14. Кардиологи советуют таким пациентам ежедневно измерять уровень артериального давления. Cardiologists advise such patients to measure their blood pressure daily

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