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ПИЗА ДАЙЫНДЫ0 ТАПСЫРМАЛАРЫ ОҚУ САУАТТЫЛЫҚ. Гендіктрыданзгеріскешырааннімдер

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Task 26. Structural framework of material world

Specify the correct sequence (from smallest to largest) in the structural hierarchy of the microcosm:

  1. elementary particles;

  2. atoms;

C atomic nuclei;

D. molecules

  • А–В–С– D

  • С–А–В– D

  • D –В–С–А

  • А–С–В– D


Task 27. Structural framework of material world

Specify the correct sequence in the structural hierarchy of biological levels of organization of matter (from lower to higher):

A biosphere;

  1. cell;

  2. biogeocoenosis;

  3. population

  • D –А–В–С

  • В– D –С–А

  • С– D –А–В

  • А–С–В– D


Task 28. Eyes

The eye lens is a biconvex lens. What image gives a biconvex lens on the screen?

  1. Factual and direct.

  2. Imaginary and inverted.

  3. Factual and inverted.

Answer: Question 2: What image of the objects obtained in the eye’s retina? "

Circle "Yes" or "No" for each statement.

  1. Factual. Yes/No.

  2. Inverted. Yes/No.

  3. The alleged. Yes/No.

  4. Direct. Yes/No.

Task 29. The continents and oceans

Continents and continents - is the very large areas of land, surrounded by water (pic 9.). They are six continents in the world: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica and Australia. All the continents are fairly well insulated from each other.

Question 1: On Earth, there is a remarkable continent. Ride on the ship along its coast from west to east, the traveler will cross three oceans; north and south on this continent instantly "change" in some places. And finally, the people in these places are not always able to distinguish the sea from the land.

What is the continent? Which three of the ocean can be crossed? Why is the north and south to instantly change places? Why in these places is difficult to distinguish the sea from the land?

Question 2: Besides dividing the land to mainland, in the cultural and historical development mainlands are also dividing to: Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Antarctica, Greenland, Australia. Which of the following parts of the world out of place?

  1. Antarctica

  2. Africa

  3. Greenland

  4. Australia

Question 3.

Determine in turn-based which of the following groups of continents, islands, peninsulas, seas, bays and oceans crosses the equator from west to east.

  1. Atlantic Ocean - Africa - Indian Ocean - Greater Sunda Islands - Pacific Ocean - South America,

  2. the Greenland Sea - Norwegian Sea - United Kingdom - Mediterranean Sea -

Africa - Atlantic

  1. the Atlantic Ocean - Africa - O in Madagascar - Indian Ocean - Australia - Pacific Ocean - South America,

  2. Atlantic Ocean - Africa - Red Sea - Arabian Peninsula - Arabian Sea - Peninsula Hindustan - the Bay of Bengal - Indochina Peninsula - Pacific Ocean - North America.

Question 4.

At various times, the Nile was considered as a Good Lord and was worshiped by the ancient Egyptians, in the other side the Euphrates and Tigris was considered as an Evil God why?

Question 5 pic 20 shows the region of the Ring of Fire along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean. In this area earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur frequently.

Which of the following statements explains the causes of these phenomena?

  1. This area is located on the border of the lithospheric plates.

  2. This area is located on the border of deep and shallow water areas of the ocean.

  3. This area is located where the main flow facing the ocean.

  4. This area is located on the ground, where the ocean temperature is the highest.

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