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ПИЗА ДАЙЫНДЫ0 ТАПСЫРМАЛАРЫ ОҚУ САУАТТЫЛЫҚ. Гендіктрыданзгеріскешырааннімдер

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Task 19.

Circus clown with his left hand picks up a huge dumbbell, on which is written 500 kg. (Figure 17) In fact, the mass of the weight is a hundred times less. The volume of the dumbbell is 0.2 m3.

Question: Calculate the density of the circus dumbbell?


Task 20. Birch Leaves

Leaf’s weight, which was fell from a birch - 0.1 g, and the weight of the cat Yashka, dreaming about birds and fell from the same birch, 10 kg.

Question: How many times the force of gravity acting on the falling leaf, less than the force of gravity acting on the falling cat?


Task 21.

Shuttle Bus use 60 kg gasoline per day. How many cubic meters is gassing in the city, polluting the environment? The density of the gas at a temperature of 0 ° C is 0,002 kg / m3. What methods of protection of atmospheric air from pollution by emissions from motor vehicles can you name?


Task 22. Snow skiing piste

To make a turn on your skis need to make fairly complex body movements. For example, when you schuss, in the normal position of the body skis goes straight. The movement of the body rotates forward or backward.

Question: Explain why? What are the forces caused by this turn?

Task 23. Snow skiing piste

If you put the ski sideways (outer edge of the skis raised, so that they form an angle to the surface), the shifting off the body weight forward or backward also rotates, but in an opposite direction which rotated when the skis in the normal position.

Task 24. Squid

Squid is the largest invertebrate inhabitants of the ocean depths. He moves on the principle of jet propulsion, absorbing water and then with great force pushing it through a special hole - "funnel", and at high speed (about 70 km \ h) moves in jerks back. At the same time, all ten tentacles squid collected in over your head node and it gets streamlined.

The engineers have created an engine similar to the engine squid. It is called water jet. There the water is swallowing up into the camera. And then it is ejected from the nozzle; the ship is moving in the opposite direction of the jet ejection. The water is swallowing by a conventional gasoline or diesel motor.

Question: Try to explane?


Task 25.Fish

Experienced anglers know that the sound of oars, knock on board boats deters many fish, but a loud conversation on the banks of the Angara River don’t worried them.

Question: Why?


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