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Имя файлаPast Continuous.docx

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в фоpму Past Continuous.

  • While I was coping the exercise, my friends were describing a picture.

  • When we came in, the children were cleaning their desks.

  • We met her at the bus stop. She was waiting for the bus.

  • Some of the children were skiing while other children were skating. Everybody was having a lot of fun.

  • When we came the family was getting everything ready for Christmas. Bob and Helen were decorating the Christmas tree.

  • The girls were feeding the birds in the garden while the boys were making a bird-house.

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте текст, переведите. Подчеркните глаголы в форме Past Continuous. Ответьте на вопрос:

Who broke the window ?

По телевизору начался матч в 7 часов, поэтому папа ещё смотрел его в 7:30. Мама сидела на кухне. Она тихо читала женский журнал. Рози примеряла мамину одежду в своей комнате. Двоюродные братья Ника слушали рок-музыку. Музыка была очень громкой. В 7:30 собаки лежали у камина и спали. Ник ушел в сад поиграть со своим другом в футбол. В 7:30 он был еще там.

Больше всего интересует ответ на вопрос: Кто же разбил окно?

Past Continuous: was watching, was sitting, was reading, was trying, were listening, were lying, were sleeping

Упражнение 3. Допишите предложения по содержанию текста предыдущего упражнения, используя глаголы в Past Continuous.

1. When someone broke the window Dad was watching TV

2. When Mum heard the crash she was sitting in the kitchen, quietly

reading a woman’s magazine.

3. The cousins didn’t hear the noise because they were listening to rock music.

4. The dogs were lying in front of the fire when the noise woke them up.

5. At 7.30 Nick was playing football with his friend in the garden.

Упражнение 4. Дайте краткие и полные ответы на вопросы в Past Continuous.

Were you going to the cinema at 7 o’clock?

—Yes, I was. I was going to the cinema.

— No, I wasn’t. I wasn’t going to the cinema.

  • Were you having dinner at 2 o’clock? Yes, I was. I was having dinner at 2 o’clock.

  • Was your friend sitting in the yard when you saw him? Yes, he was. My friend was sitting in the yard when I saw him.

  • Was your mother cooking when you came home? No, she wasn't. My Mum wasn't cooking when I came home.

  • Was your sister reading when you called her? No, she wasn't. My sister wasn't reading when I called her.

  • Were the children sitting at their desks when you entered the classroom? Yes, they were. They were sitting at their desks when I entered the classroom.

  • Were the little children running along the corridor when the lesson began? No, they weren't. The little children weren't running along the corridor when the lesson began.

  • Were you doing your homework at 7 o’clock last night? Yes, I was. I was doing my homework at 7 o’clock last night.

  • Was your father working in the garden when you asked him to dinner? Yes, he was. He was working in the garden when I asked him to dinner.

Упражнение 5. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, используя слова и фразы в скобках. Ответьте на вопросы.

After the lesson Victor was explaining the new rule, (to you)

— Was Victor explaining the new rule to you?

— Yes, he was. He was explaining the new rule to me.

The children were decorating their classroom. (when)

— When were they decorating the classroom?

— They were decorating it after the lessons.

1. What did the boys played? The played football.

2. How was Bob shouting? He was shouting loudly.

3. Where was Victor running? He was running somewhere.

4. How long was the sun shining? It was shining all day.

5. Why was Nick watching? Because he wanted.

6. What thing they packed? They packed everything.

7. With whom they were cooking? Wth their friend.

8. Where were you waiting? In the park.

9. What for he was looking? He was looking for Mary.

10. Why were they laughing? Because he told a joke.

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