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Упр. 143. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Он придет через час. 2. Подождите пожалуйста, я вернусь через несколько минут. 3. Мы окончим школу через несколько лет. 4. Через два или три года все изменится. 5. В прошлое воскресенье мы встали на рассвете и к семи часам были готовы идти. В десять минут восьмого мы отправились. Мы пошли на автобусную остановку. На остановке было мало народу: в воскресенье люди не любят вставать на рассвете. Автобус подошел к остановке через десять минут. Мы поехали на вокзал. Через полчаса мы были на вокзале. На платформе мы встретили своих друзей. Через час мы были уже за городом. Мы пошли в лес. Было жарко, но когда мы вошли в лес, стало прохладно. Мы провели за городом весь день и вернулись в город на закате. 6. Я не был в Эстонии с 1997 года. Будущим летом я поеду туда. Я проведу там все лето и вернусь в Санкт-Петербург к первому сентября.

Предлоги, передающие падежные отношения

Обратите внимание на соответствие некоторых предложных оборотов русским падежным формам:

of — родительный

the leg of the table — ножка стола

to — дательный

explaintome -- объясните мне

Упр. 144. Вставьте предлоги to или of.

1. Неbought a book___English poems and gave it___his sister. 2. I wrote___him asking to send me a box___chocolates. 3. The roof___the house is very old. 4. There is a monument___Pushkin in the Square___Arts. 5. One wheel___my car must be changed. 6. He was standing outside the door___his house and explaining___the mechanic what was wrong with his car. 7. He gave her a big bunch___flowers. 8. I sent a letter___my friend. 9. The streets___St. Petersburg are straight. 10. Many pages___this book are torn. 11. The young scientist was trying to prove___the professor the necessity___the experiment. 12. London is the capital___Great Britain. 13. The embankments___the Neva are faced with granite. 14. It is clear___me that you don't know your lesson. 15. He was devoted___his friend. 16. I explained___the teacher that by the end___the lesson I had not finished the translation___the text and that's why I had not handed it___him. The surprise___the teacher was great. My explanation seemed strange___the teacher.

Сочетания существительных с предлогами with и by соответствуют русскому творительному падежу.

Не путайте употребление этих предлогов:

with обозначает орудие (чем произведено действие)

by обозначает деятеля (кто совершил действие)

with a knife -- ножом by my brother -- братом

Упр. 145. Вставьте предлоги with или by.

1. The boy cut his finger___a knife. 2. The boat was carried___the waves into the open sea. 3. The teacher was pleased___our work. 4. America was discovered___Columbus. 5. «Hamlet» was written

Shakeреаге. 6. We eat soup___a spoon. 7. He was killed___a knife. 8. He was killed___the robbers. 9. He was knocked down___a big stick. 10. He was knocked down___a car. 11. He was taken to hospital___an ambulance. 12. He was treated___very effective drugs. 13. He was cured___a very skilful doctor. 14. He wrote his letter___a pencil. 15. He was scolded___his mother.

Запомните употребление предлогов со следующими глаголами и выражениями:

They listenedto me— Они слушали меня Theylookedat me-- Они смотрели на меня Theywaitedfor me— Они ждали меня Theyspoketo me— Они говорили со мной Theylaughedat me— Они смеялись надо

мнойThey complained of me — Они жаловались

на меня They were afraid of me — Они боялись меня

They answered my question — Они

ответили на мой вопрос

They enteredS_ theroom — Они вошли в


They turned the corner — Они повернули

за угол

Упр. 146. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.

1. My mother is afraid___rats. 2. «What do you complain___?» asked the doctor. 3. Don't enter___the room. 4. What are you laughing___? 5. They did not want to listen___me. 6. Wait___me. I'll beback___a few minutes. 7. Yesterday the teacher spoke___us about the architecture___St. Petersburg. 8. My grandmother often complains___headache. 9. I am sorry, Гcannot speak___you now, the professor is waiting___me. I must go___the institute and explain___him some details___our work. Come___the evening, I shall listen___you very attentively and answer___all your questions. 10. ___nine o'clock the lecturer entered___the hall, walked up___the table, put his bag___it, looked. ___everybody and began his lecture. The lecture, as all the lectures___this professor, was very interesting, and the students listened___him with great attention. 11. Turn___the corner___the house and look___the flowers grown___my mother: aren't they beautiful? 12. He was an excellent pupil, and the teachers never complained___him. 13. She complained___feeling bad and could not answer___the questions___the teacher. 14. We tried to speak___him, but he did not want to listen___us. He did not even look___us and did not answer___our questions. 15. Your brother complains___you. He says you always laugh___him, never speak___him and never answer___his questions. 16. When I entered___the room, everybody looked___me with surprise: they had not waited___me. 17. At the end___the street she turned___the corner, walked___the bus-stop and began waiting___the bus.

Обратите внимание на способы перевода русского предлога «через»:

через час — in an hour

через дорогу - - across the road

через поле — across the field

через лес — through the wood

через реку (вброд, вплавь, на лодке) -

across the riverчерез реку (по мосту, по воздуху) -- over

the river через забор— over the fence

Обратите внимание на способы перевода русского предлога «по»:

по улице — along (down) the street

по реке — down (up) the river

по морю — across the sea

по городу - - about the town

по комнате - - about the room

по коридору - - along the corridor

по стране-- about the country
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