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Упр. 245. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.

1. You always (to spend) summer at the sea side? — Yes, as a rule. Last summer I (to go) t-> the mountains, but I (not to find) the rest there a.^ pleasant as near the sea. 2. When they returned, they (to tell) us many interesting things which the (to see) during their journey. 3. When I (to leave   home, it (to rain). 4. By the end of the year he

read) about two hundred pages. 5. We were happy when the sun (to rise), for the night (to be) very cold. 6. Where you (to put) my dictionary? I cannot find it anywhere. 7. I (not yet to fall) asleep when the telephone (to ring). 8. What you (to do) from six till nine yesterday? 9. The children (to play) here at eleven o'clock, but now they (to go) home. 10. Go to see your old grandfather as soon as you (to arrive) in Novgorod. 11. At last the librarian (to give) me the book which I (to wait) for during two months. I was very glad. I (to go) home and (to begin) reading it at once. 12. Don't speak to him: he (to be) very busy, he (to do) some very urgent work, 13. I did not want him to go there: I (to be) afraid that something (to happen). 14. I did not notice that my watch (to stop), and when I (to arrive) at the station, my train (to leave) and I (to have) to ask when the next train (to come). 15. He (to wait) for fifteen minutes when at last he (to see) her at the end of the platform.

Упр. 246. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.

1. What you (to do) here? — I (to prepare) for my report. — How long you (to prepare) for it? — Oh, I (to work) since morning. 2. He (to teach) at school for five years when the war (to break) out. 3. She (to study) English since last year. 4. What you (to read)? — I (to read) a magazine. — How long you (to read) it? — I (to read) it for half an hour. 5. She (to live) in Moscow for ten years when her sister (to come) to live with her. 6. Our teacher (to come). Now he (to speak) with our monitor. 7. They (to speak) when I (to look) at them. 8. I (to walk) about an hour when I (to see) a little house not far from the river. 9. When he (to read) thenewspaper, he (to give) it to his brother. 10. Ho (to leave) for Rostov in 1990 and since then he (to live) there. 11. At this time tomorrow we (to discuss) your report. 12. Now she (to read) the book which I (to give) her yesterday. 13. You ever (to be) to London? — Yes, I (to be) there last summer. 14. What your friend (to do) now? — She (to have) dinner. She usually (to have) dinner at this time. 15. I (to buy) a new dress. I (to show) it to you tomorrow when you (to come) to my place. 16. So you begin working tomorrow! And who (to take) care of your children when you (to go) to work? 17. Hello, Peter! Where you (to go)? — I (to go) to the library.

Упр. 247. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.

1. On entering the drawing-room he (to find) that his two friends (to get) up and (to wait) for him. 2. The sportsmen (to train) since early morning; now they (to go) over the high jump, as they (not to be) satisfied with their results. 3. Five minutes (not to pass) when the train for which we (to wait) (to appear) in the distance. 4. Tomorrow father (to come) late. We (to do) all our homework and (to drink) tea when he (to come). 5. When Mrs. Smith (to come) home yesterday, she (to see) that her daughter (to cook) supper and (to wait) for her with the table laid. 6. Where is Nick? — He (not to be) at home, he (to go) to the cinema. Wait for him, he (to come) in half an hour. 7. It was very late. I (to go) to bed and (to fall) asleep when my father (to return) home. 8. I'll join you when I (to drink) my tea. 9. When I (to come), he (to live) in the same old house where I first (to meet) him. He (to tell) me he (to wait) for me for already some time. 10. The pupils (to do) a lot of exercises before they (to learn) to write dictations well. 11. I could not hear a sound: they (to stop) talking.

Упр. 248. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.

1. When we (to come) to the station, the train already (to arrive). The passengers (to hurry) to occupy their seats in the carriages. 2. The concert (to be) a greater success than we (to expect). We were very glad. 3. He (to tell) me that if no one (to Icome) to meet me at the station, I (can) leave the suit-cases in the cloak-room and go to the hotel where he (to reserve) a room for me. 4. He (to be) here five minutes ago, but you (to be) out. He (to ask) me to tell you that he (to come) again tonight. 5. Lanny (to return) home after seven years of absence. During these seven years he (to study) in Cape Town where his people (to send) him. Lanny was glad at the thought that he (to do) what they (to hope) he (to do) and that soon he (to be) among his people again. 6. You (to read) «The Murder of Roger Ack-royd» by Agatha Christie? — No, I (not yet to read) it. But I (to hear) that it (to be) a very interesting book. I (to read) it as soon as I (to get) it.
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