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Historical and chronological analysis of the manuscripts өзгерге. Historical and chronological analysis of the manuscripts

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According to these informations, Abu Nasr Al-Farabi's treatise "Risala Fi-s Siyasa", as well as other written heritage of the scientist, has spread to many countries, and his manuscripts are stored in various archival funds. We also found that the title of the work is also found in several names. At the same time, it is very important to clarify the original name of "Risala Fi-Siyasa", which is taken as the object of research.

We have already mentioned that the scientist's work is recognized in science under the name "Risala Fi-Siyasa". However, it is necessary to prove that it is the name that the author himself chose. Because the treatise has other names. Some of the manuscripts have been preserved, some have only seen versions of the publication. Such as:

  • "Kalam Abi Nasr Al-Farabi Fi Wasaya..."(The word of covenant of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi…);

  • "Risala Fi-s Siyasa" (The treatise on Politics);

  • "Al-Mawisa" (Sermon);

  • "Al-Maqala Fi-s Siyasa"(An article on politics);

However, it is impossible for any author to give his work different names. The title of the work may be changed by the copyists or the full version of the work may not fall into the hands of the copying person. Otherwise, the cover of the work with the author's signature may disappear, or the inscriptions may remain invisible. In connection with these circumstances, the copier or researcher can name the work with a title that corresponds to its content, copy, edit, and publish it. Therefore, it is very important to clarify the title of the work written by the author. To determine it, it can be followed several principles, such as the following:

  • Appeal to the title in the oldest version of the manuscript;

  • be guided by the title in the most complete version of the work;

  • give priority to the title, which is widely recognized by science;

  • Give importance to the content of the title of the work.

According to the first principle, the title in the oldest version of the treatise of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi "Risala Fi-s Siyasa" is the “Zhawidan khard" version which written in the X-XI centuries. There it preserved under the name “Kalam Abi Nasr al-Farabi fi Wasaia iaummu nafuha zhamig man iastamiluha min tabakati-n nas”. Versions of "Zhawidan khard " are more common. The oldest one is kept in the library "Dar-ul Kutub Al-misriya" in Cairo, under the number 4419 in the section "Adab Talgat" (literature). This is the copied version in Hijri 692/1291 (7/13 centuries). The name of the copier is not specified. The introduction, which describes the purpose of writing the work, is also not found. The book is finished with conclusion.

According to the second principle, the title of the work in the most complete version is "Risala Fi-s Siyasa" (The treatise on politics). A version that was written around the 8/14 century H.C. The most complete version of the manuscripts, in which both the introduction and the conclusion are preserved. Number of sheets – 13 pages. Another difference of the manuscript from other versions is that even after the word conclusion, one paragraph of conclusion is given here.

As for the well-known scientific title of the treatise on the third principle, it is also "Risala Fi-s Siyasa". The work was first introduced into scientific circulation under this name (1901). The treatise was edited and printed on the basis of versions found in the " Eastern library" and the Vatican Apostolic archive in Beirut by Luis Sheiho.

The title of the book corresponds to the content as it's said in the fourth principle. The word "as-siyasa" (politics), which has not been changed in most manuscript: "Risala Fi-s Siyasa" (Treatise on politics), "Al-maqala Fi-s Siyasa" (An article on politics), "Zhawamiu as-Siasa" (Aspects of politics). The author uses the word "policy" to show that each person should correct one's behavior in life, to govern oneself, to establish relations with seniors, family, friends, and enemies, and must have own policy in order to find one's place in society and be able to adhere to.

And in the oldest version of the treatise "Kalam Abi Nasr al-Farabi fi Wasaya...", the word "wasaya" is a plural form of the word “covenant” in Arabic, and the word "mawiyza" in "Al-Mawiyza" is derived from the verb "to preach, to say a will" and gives the concepts of "sermon", "testament, covenant". If so, we can say that none of the handwritten titles of the work contradict the content of the book. After all, the main elements in the title of the work are the words "politics", "sermon", "testament, covenant", which complement each other in meaning and give the main ideas about the genre of the author's work.

In conclusion, Abu Nasr Al-Farabi's treatise "Risala Fi-s Siyasa" is a work written in the context of propaganda, preaching, and Commandment, which explains that the life of a person should always be based on the principles of politics.


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 Steinschneider, Moritz. Al-Farabi (Alpharabus) des arabischen Philosophen Leben und Schriften. S.Petersbourg: Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, 1869, ss. 30-35.


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 Dunlop Mortin. The Fusul al-Madani of al-Farabi. London: Cambridge University Press, 1961, ss. 7-8.


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 Huseyin Ali Mahfuz. Al farabi fi murahzagati-l arabya. Bagdad, 1975. s.32.


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 Mishauayih Ibn Yaqub. Zhauidan [zhaudan] khard. Ed: Abdu ar-Rahman Badaui. Сairo: Maktabatu-l misrya, 1952, ss. 289-300.


 Mishauayih Ibn Yaqub. Zhauidan [zhaudan] khard. Ed: Abdu ar-Rahman Badaui. Сairo: Maktabatu-l misrya, 1952, s. 267.


 Mishauayih Ibn Yaqub. Zhauidan [zhaudan] khard. Ed: Abdu ar-Rahman Badaui. Сairo: Maktabatu-l misrya, 1952, s. 268.


 Mishauayih Ibn Yaqub. Zhauidan [zhaudan] khard. Ed: Abdu ar-Rahman Badaui. Сairo: Maktabatu-l misrya, 1952, s. 310.


 Mishauayih Ibn Yaqub. Zhauidan [zhaudan] khard. Ed: Abdu ar-Rahman Badaui. Сairo: Maktabatu-l misrya, 1952, s.398.


 Mishauayih Ibn Yaqub. Zhauidan [zhaudan] khard. Ed: Abdu ar-Rahman Badaui. Сairo: Maktabatu-l misrya, 1952, s.411.


 Talaat manuscript No. 4419 Talaat literature.


 Al Usqulany. Ad-Durar al-qaminafi agyan al-miya ua samyna.. Dayr al-Magaryf al-Usmanya. Publisher: Ottoman Encyclopedia – Hyderabad, 1349, 335.


 Leiden manuscript No.381.


 Leiden manuscript No.381.


 Paris Manuscript. No. 3954.


 Mahdi, Muhsin. Al-Farabi‘s Kitabu-l Beirut milla ua nusus uhra. Beirut: Daru-l mashryq, 1991, ss. 35-36.


 The Ayasofya manuscript No. 4855.


 The Beirut manuscript (Eastern library)


 The Beirut manuscript (Eastern library)


 The Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Kütüphanesi Ahmed III manuscript (3195/5)


 The Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Kütüphanesi Ahmed III manuscript (3195/5)


 The Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Kütüphanesi Ahmed III manuscript (3195/5)


 The Institute of Arabic Manuscripts munscript (385)


 The Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Kütüphanesi Ahmed III manuscript (3185/4)

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